Lever Tilting Mechanism for Easy Unloads 2\" Bulldog Coupler 5,200lb Single Axle ~~Financing Available for Qualified Buyers~~ Overall Length : 26 feet, 6 inches. New 3-Bale Hay Hauler.
1998/1999/2000, Air/spring ride, Translucent and aluminum roofs, Logistic post, Swing doors, Sheet and Post, Low pro tires, DOT brakes/tires, De-identified Trailmobile and Lufkin dry vans.
Weight: 14,500 lbs. Measurements: 12'6\" Dia. This silo was utilized for the storage of Pastuerized Cream, and maintained temperature of 38 degrees F. Tank is CIPable, vented, and is provided with mfg.
Group of (25) 1980-1985 Various 28--53x102 Trailers - Aluminum Roof - Swing Doors - Sheet & Post - Wood Floors - Wood Scuff - 36 King Pin 136 Perfect Trailers to Use as Billboards - Mobile moveable Highway Advertising Move around...
214-426-0660 All sizes available Model: (25) DOCK HEIGHT 53X102 STORAGE VANS Group of (25)1995-2000 53'x102" Various Storage Dry Vans - Swing Doors - Perfect for Job Site Trailers - Farm Feed Ranch Needs - Dock Storage - Wind and Water Tight - Great for...
These trailers are 13'6 tall and have the capability to be delivered to your job site. We have multiple storage units on the Phoenix Yard and in El Paso. If you don't want to lease or rent these units, they are also for sale.
214-426-0660 All sizes available Group of (20)1995 45'-48'x102" Various Heavy Duty Dry Vans - Swing Doors - Perfect for Job Site Trailers - Farm Feed Ranch Needs - Dock Storage - Wind and Water Tight - Rodent Proof - Great For Advertising Let the sides...
Perfect Storage Trailer. STORAGE TRAILER - 45 ' storage trailer with Roll Up Door, New 4'1" Curbside Door, Aluminum Roof, and Dry Interior. Rear opening 87"W X 102"H.