Call with any questions. Capable of handling 2" material. Land Pride FM4188 88" flail mower with brush rake teeth. Very heavy duty machine in excellent condition. 972-782-8201 Additional Information Additional Information
Finish mower, 4 ft, manufacturer Woods, 3 pt, low useage, new belt, no longer needed and need to move Finish mower, 4 ft, manufacturer Woods, 3pt, low useage, new belt, no longer needed and need to move from premisis
New 17' folding finish mower WDFM1017RTMFM new 12' folding finish mower WDFM1012RTMFM Bought for ranch project that fell through this year. $8,500.00 Longview, Tx. 12 ft. $10,000.00 Longview,Tx. 17 ft.
I sold my landscaping business minus the mower and trailer. 30\" cutting width, with a zero degree turning radius. I am in college, school was taking too much of my time, so I sold my clients and now I need to sell the equipment.