For sale - 2006 john deere 4x4 diesel gator - $2900 - fast sale - $2900 - $2900 - $2900 It is 4 wheel drive with locking differential. It has spot lights mounted on top and a locking tool box on the bed.
990' of transmission pipe. Irrigation pipe. Also 8\" berkley pto driven pump. All the pipe is 10\" and 30' long. All pipe is 10\". There is approx. The gates are on 20\" spacing and there is approx.
Patz 4205 Stationary Mixer---Like NEW!!Used 5 years. Can buy with or without Hay processor. Patz 4205 Stationary Mixer--need to sell, because we have purchased a portable one for our new freestale barn.
Attachment Type: 3 pt. The JR60 performs with lower HP requirement featuring standard upper and lower extension augers, creating tall, well-formed windrows for optimum heat generation and composting results.
• Commercial Model • 32-40 GPM high flow • Detachable top/bottom extension augers • Dual auger with pulverizing paddles for proper composting & heat generation • 6 to 12 inch maximum litter depth for best performance to pulverize & compost litter...
Attachment Type: 3 pt. Giving you excellent windrowing and composting performance. Tilt cyl may be purchased separately to mount on the tractor. Machine Weight: 1,520 lbs. The Deluxe B series is an economically designed litter processor, with the original...
Complete with attached hydraulic hoses and couplers including required case drain line • 6" diameter discharge with air speeds up to 200 mph and 4200 rpm • Remote auto-adjust for ease of operation • Providing you labor-saving power and performance...
Put this at the end of your alley and you are in business. A very nice set up. Green in color, very minor wear to it. A very solid, well made and Buff-Tuff! Very nice Powder River Bison Squeeze Chute with RH exit.
• Extend the life and value of your litter by conditioning and pulverizing the cakes • Drier litter equals less ammonia • Improves paw quality • Oil bath drive • Heat tempered free swinging blades • Heavy-duty adjustable rear gate Attachment...
Control panel,x-ray optics,the arm that holds/moves the x-ray part;also both of the tracks for the arm to travel on(one on the floor,one on the wall).The table for lay downs,the panel for stand-ups,both of those have the tray setup for the film plate...
1992 15\\" Phil Harris show saddle. The saddle has only been used at SHOWS only.. This is a 1992 Harris saddle in GOOD condition. Pictures are available. Approximately 6 shows per year for only 8 years of the total age of the saddle.
This mulcher is set up for a Takeuchi TL12 High Flow but can be adjust to fit most any other high flow machines. This unit has the two speed motor, dual cutting chamber, and one year factory warranty.