This trencher has a 28\" chain with an 8' max digging depth. 2007 Vermeer T855 Commander 3 Crawler Trencher w/350 HP CAT Engine Hour Meter Reads: 1,899 Hours , S/N: 1VR2210Z471000109
Its something thats old i found it and i dont want it it some horse thing that they used. Its something that is super old and i want you to have it cause i defintitly dont want it anymore
The truck is available to be shown M-F 8am-5pm We're asking only $15,000 for everything! Make me an Offer! Don't hesitate to Call Ben Kaplan. 1998 Kenworth W900 White Truck w/ 1985 Transcraft 3-Axel Flat Bed Trailer & Tank! Great Price! Call Now! Located...
That means we've just done inventory and have lots of parts for sale. Moving Sale, Thermo King parts, Carrier Parts, Cab A/C, condensors, engines, ... For questions about pricing, part availability, and shipping rates, please call
These are just like new condition never contaminated and cleaned after every use cost of freight and packaging will be the responcibity of the purchaser unless they desire to pickup on location.
It will run a wole hous and then some, we paid $3,000.00 we want to sell it quickly for $1,900.00 The only real time it has had on it is Sitting time. Make an offer we may take you up on it, because I am sick of it sitting in our Garage.
That means we've just done inventory and have lots of parts for sale. Huge Selection of parts for Thermo King and Carrier Reefer units, too much to list, please call For questions about pricing, part availability, and shipping rates, please call
Late 1800's early 1900's benicia iron wrks disc plow , is all fully functional , looks way different, only one of three in the us that i can find anywhere . This is a really neat peice of equiptment , i have looked for one on the internet and can only...
It holds 30,000 pheasant eggs aproxamentally 15'feet long 8'feet high and 8' wide the guy that ran it before me had 80% out come of pheasants needs minor maitenence. Robbins incubator/hatcher have no room for it at my place wish i did but don't must sell.
Please let me know Please let me know. Great Condition! I need to sell it so I can make you a really good deal. I have a 98 Thermo King SB3 SSR With 13,687 hrs on it.
WisCon propane engnine with only 277 hours. Like new! Works great. Our irrigation company put in a presurized line so didnt need pump past the first season. It has been in under covered pump house since it was put in.
Located close to Utah - Idaho border close to Logan and Preston. More information and photos at webpage. Berkeley centrifugal pump. In excellent condition & stored in building.
3-phase 15-hp TEFC motor. It also comes with a complete starter switch set up. Horizontal 6\" intake with a 6\" outflow and a 9\" impeller. Will pump between 900 gp The motor is an 1,800 rpm 230 Volt 15-hp TEFC (totally enclosed fan cooled)...
Make dinner for $10 or less. They are located in Salt Lake City. UT - 2 2001 Gradalls 534D-9 -45 2800 Hrs - vin# 0644513 and 644712. Feeling the pinch at the grocery store? Sincerely, Martin Blythe IVT LTD
$3,200.00 plus shipping. Fully restored Allis Chalmers Model B approx 1938-39 all excellent condition has been kept in garage after restoration this last summer I accept paypal. This is a 1938-39 fully restored beautiful Allis Chalmers Model B it all...
This is a Cream Of Weber milk Van Rear length 14' Width 6'6" Door Width 3' Swing door 190 HP Diesel Engine 3-speed Automatic 6-cyclinder Turbo This Van has 69,000 miles on it and is in Excellent condition.
2year old used circulation fans I gave 125.00 each make me an offer i'll ship 3 for sale! nice too in face liquidating all my poultry equipment brooder stoves. Wall fans, feed troughs, feed buckets, even feed lines.
We put these in our hen brooder used as an exhaust fan they were excellent. Hired hand and the funnel flow design were state of the art back when we purchased them. With shutters used for two years they are in excellent shape!
The Forklift is located in Hurricane, Utah and is able to be shown M-F from 7am-5pm. 1999 Terex SS842C Telescopic Forklift 8,000Lbs 42' Reach! 3,042 Hours! Priced to Sell - Excellent Condition!
Located in utah. Attachment lift hydraulic dry weight 1,290 lbs. Side discharge mower designed with an easy access tilt-up deck. Engine kubota indirect injection vertical, 3-cylinder, diesel transmission type hydrostatic displacement 68.6 cu.
It is an awesome saddle i just dont queen anymore and it is to big of a seat for me to run barrels. A 14.5 inch rockin r barrel saddle with qh bars i also have the back cinch to email for pictures
Comes with Front end Bucket, Drag Box, Front Forklift, and a 72in Rear Finish Mower PERFECT CONDITION Comes with Front end Bucket, Drag Box, Front Forklift, and a 72in Rear Finish Mower