It is 100% immaculate. Air ride suspension, spread axle, 102" wide LIKE NEW Fruehauf 53' step deck trailer, This trailer has been in storage since it was built brand new in 2000. Less than 1000 miles on trailer.
48' steel step deck trailer, 2500 gal fuel tank, 4 60gal oil tanks, fold down walk ways, mesh floor, had rails, perfect job site trailer, super single flotation tires, overall good gondition
Used 48 53 East, MAC Fontaine aluminum flats 07-16 models; 2) 08 MAC 51 spread axle drop decks; $27,900 each, 2) 2014 MAC 52 sliding axle drop decks with container locks $35,900 each, call for more specs and details
We have used for cattle and horse shows. Inside- wood floor is solid, except for small spot in back corner, heavy duty rubber floor mats and a hinged gate inside. Pull Behind Trailer Outside- has lots of minor surface rust, dual-axle, tires have about...
Pulls great and easy to maneuver. Horse area is a step-in, straight load, good floor, good wiring, good tires including spare. Has large dressing room with outlet, bed, new vinyl floor, bed, padded storage chest.
Excellent Condition, Tires are fairly new, Last maintenance was May 2006. 1999 GREAT DANE 53' x 102\" x 13'6 , Air Ride Suspension, 22.5LP Tires, All Aluminum Wheels, Sliding Tandem Axle, Swing Door, Aluminum Floor, Frame, Carrier,
53' x 102\" , Air Ride Suspension, Aluminum Composition, 22.5LP Tires, Swing Door, Thermo King, 53X102 Air Ride, Thermo King unit, 11,500 53' x 102\" , Air Ride Suspension, reeefer unit, unit in excellent condition, road ready
(7) 2007 Utility VS2RA with Carrier XTC unit 53'x102\"x13'.6\" All good working condition. Must ask $48,000 each. 53'X102\"x13'.6\" Good Condition. I have seven 2007 Utility VS2RA with a Carrier XTC unit for Sale.
Stainless front and rear stainless frame cover. 2002 thermo king unit is a wisper edition sb-iii with 6,500 hours the tires are at 50% and brakes at 75%. 48-102 spread on air thin wall.
CM is white, has drop down window on head side and sliders on but side. Front and rear tack rooms. 1 - 2001 Sunlite Sundowner 8 horse slant trailer (clean) 1- 2003 CM 8 horse slant trailer (low milage)
(3) 2019 MAC 53 x 102 A/R spread, axle set 54 forward, outside alum wheels, LR 22.5 tires, Hendrickson aa 250 suspension, 60K beams,285/75R24.5RM185
2017 MAC 34 alum Frame type w/man door, third axle lift, 3 way gate w/coal door, air ride, 1 w/Aero tarp; $67,900 FET incl, 1 at factory, no tarp; $65,990 FET incl
New MAC 34 frame type tri-axle air ride dump with aluminum frame and aero roll tarp; $68,900 another same spec with no tarp at the factory for $66,500 Model: 34' FRAME TYPE DUMP TRAILER