6 Solid Custom stall doors with tracks and rolllers. $550 for all 6. $100 each with tracks and rollers. Treated Lumber, can be used as inside doors or outside. Hand Crafted, well made, cross pattern on front, solid on back to prevent chewing.
We also new grain dryers. Call anytime and will deliver anywhere. All dryer are in good condition and will be ready for this years harvest. Will deliver anywhere. Used MC 980,1080, 1180,1175,1195,2675,3175.
Turf tires are matched sets for 4- wheel drive John Deere or New Holland, pulling or combine tires are on rims 2-21-L24 Firestone; 2- new Firestone 44-18x20; 4- Galaxy 12LLx16 R3; 4-Galaxy 22.5LLx16.1; 2-30.5-32 Firestone
630 tiger cat skidder, 240b tiger cat loader, 511 hydro ax shear call jimmy lout Going out of business, need to sell all equiment, call me and i will make u a deal to day best time to catch me is 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm
New and used grain dryers. New and used grain dryers for sale. All types, will deliver anywhere. Garranteed satisfaction. Specializing in reconditioned g.t. reciculating dryers.
New 2017 Cyclone 5' ditcherdepth of cut is 0-6" , tilt and angle of cut controlled hydraulically from tractor, plumb level, spring loaded 20" coulter for trashy condtions, delivers dirt to the left or right hydraulically...200 plus hp required..
NEW 2015 13 shank disk chisel...22" hyd adjustable disk blades, 15" spacing on shanks, walking tandems, single point depth, point choices, rear chopper reel3 yr warranty..set-up & ready! INVENTORY REDUCTION SALE!!!