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How to Identify My Bromeliad
Bromeliads are also easy to care for and make great indoor plants that are sure to brighten any home with their lush, colorful leaves. The foliage is often multi-colored, banded or mottled.The leaves of the Cryptanthus genera often grow low to the earth...
Santa Monica
Plant tissue culture, Bioreactors
Developed fertilizer formulation development for cut flower, ornamental and non-traditional fruit crop industries. March 1987 - July 1988 Research Associate - Bogotá, Colombia. Horticulture, Department of Horticulture, Louisiana State University.
United States
Manager, Researcher or Production position
Application of lean manufacturing concept in designs Willowbend Nursery - Propagation Manager, Woody ornamental crops. References available upon request. Additionally, I set and maintain high work standard, for me, and those who are under my area of responsibility,...
United States
Manager, Researcher or Production position
Application of lean manufacturing concept in designs Willowbend Nursery - Propagation Manager, Woody ornamental crops. References available upon request. Additionally, I set and maintain high work standard, for me, and those who are under my area of responsibility,...
United States
Making a Terrarium Pendant
Be creative.A small bottle (preferably less than 2 inches tall)1 spoonful gravel (the kind that goes in fish tanks is about the right size)1 small plant (cactus, succulent, decorative moss, or anything else small enough to fit in the bottle - choose something...
El Segundo
Introduction to Bromeliads
(right) Bromeliads on display in cactus and succulent show.(left) Bromeliads in the landscape of a botanical garden. They vary in size from huge (over 5 feet tall--15 feet or more if you include the flower) to really tiny (less than 2 inches tall), and...
El Segundo