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Adding a Nest Box in Your Backyard to Attract Birds
These predators will help reduce rodent populations, but don't forget to keep the cat indoors or they, too, could become prey.So depending on what species you want to attract to your yard, there is a nest box to match.
El Segundo
What Is Bird\'s Nest Orchid – Where Does Bird\'s Nest Orchid Grow
This makes the plant attractive – maybe not to humans, but to a variety of flies that pollinate the plant.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });So where does this unique orchid grow?
Bird\'s Nest Spruce Care: How To Grow Bird\'s Nest Spruce Shrubs
It produces a perfect small mounding form that compliments any bed,, container or pathway edge. The shrub is extremely slow growing, however, and trimming bird's nest spruce is not generally required.Container plants need to be re-potted every two to...
The Amazing Details of Bird Migration
The scope of information is far too great for this article, but we'll talk about some of the more well-known of our feathered friends. Raptors, vultures, waterfowl, shorebirds, thrushes, warblers, orioles, tanagers, and the above-mentioned hummingbirds...
El Segundo
Building Nest Boxes
Building nest boxes and installing them on your farm is one of the most popular wildlife management practices. Pay attention to animal behavior; many species will be territorial, but some, like the Purple Martin, are communal.
A Charming Rat\'s Nest
So much the better as I already booked bikes for every one of us, helmets are mandatory and will also protect you again a rather scorching sun. I hope you also took along a bathing suit and towel, there are some 63 recorded beaches, way enough to please...
El Segundo
Bird\'s Nest Fungus In Gardens: Tips For Getting Rid Of Bird\'s Nest Fungus
The cup shape is actually the fruiting body of the fungus and holds the lentil-shaped peridioles that contain the spores which are the basis of the saprophyte's reproduction.Bird's nest fungi in gardens are common in moist, cool locations primarily in...
How to Find a Hummingbird Nest
Tall trees and hardy shrubs around the perimeter of your yard make for a lovely place to build a secure nest for home-seeking hummingbirds. Hummingbirds have also been known to build on the thick electrical wires for mounted security cameras and holiday...
Santa Monica
What To Do With A Fallen Nest
Birds can rebuild again with those already-gathered materials. Do not try to feed or give water to a bird. Nest No.1 The nest pictured above fell from an oak tree. If you suspect there are injuries, contact your local wildlife rehabilitator .
How to Prune a Bird\'s Nest Spruce
Its new foliage emerges lime green in spring. You can prune dead branches throughout the year as long as the weather is dry. Otherwise, remove them in late May or early June when you do the rest of your pruning.
Santa Monica
Colourful Ireland, Part 2
One theory is that Ireland not being a very wealthy country they had no money for signs and neon lighting so instead they painted them in bright colour so when you walk down the street you cannot miss your goal.Whatever the reason it gives a very special...
El Segundo
Parts of a Sunflower
The male,, are both present in disk flowers. Roots are also responsible for absorbing water and minerals, which are sent up through the stalk to the rest of the plant. The stigma houses the style, which receives the pollen and allows it to travel down...
Santa Monica
Ticked Off - Part 1
Mom says ticks are part of living in the country. Fall is one of the times they're really active. Please don't become a near-statistic like our dad! « More Mondays with Martok » Tags Martok , Sue Weaver , ticks
Chainsaw Safety, Part I
You should be able to lift it slightly. When you engage it, can you still rotate the chain? I usually start by checking fuel level, chain lubricant level and the air filter. Of course before starting the engine, I put on hearing protectors to retain what...
Christmas Traditions - Part 1
And then you can incorporate them into your Christmas traditions! Try julebukking or putting out shoes for Sinterklaas. Christmas is coming, and Uzzi and I are excited! We wonder what we'll get for Christmas this year.
Garden Photography ~ part 1
Enjoy these inspiring garden photographs from amazing amateurs, and after that...grab your camera and start taking pictures! It's amazing to see such a huge variety of beautiful photos and to enjoy the talent that is represented by our members," says...
El Segundo
Vital Signs - Part 2
Look at the color inside the lower eyelid, keeping the eye open for a very short time. It's easy! Here's how. Then multiply by four. The easiest place to examine mucous membranes is inside the eyelid.
Economical Horsekeeping - Part 1
Such a horse is called an easy keeper. Trainers' fees rarely fit an economical horse-keeper's budget. With an older, well-trained horse you know what you're getting. And, Mom says, don't be afraid to buy a sound, healthy, well-trained older horse in his...
Christmas Traditions - Part 2
Nowadays “postal elves” sort the letters and single out requests expressing genuine need. Bake cookies! Set aside a family cookie-baking day and let everyone help cut out and decorate cookies.
Hutch\'s Arrival (Part 2)
Hutch couldn't eat by himself. They hauled home a bunch of hay and feed and filled all the tanks and buckets they could find with water. He put a towel in the bottom, next a heating pad set on low, then another towel, and then Hutch.
Garden Photography ~ part 2
"I notice a big difference and love my newer camera," she says.Camera equipment varies greatly and becomes a personal choice for consumers, based on needs andbudget. Afton Villa Gardens, copyright © 2008 Ian Adams.
El Segundo
Acacias: Part 3: Propagation
They are nevertheless very easy to germinate and all these beautiful shrubs grow easily from seed. The adultfor the Snowy River Wattle are shown next to the seedling and it is among thesethat the flowers in the next picture will eventually appear.Seeds...
El Segundo
Farm Biodiversity, Part 3
Burly golden and black bumblebees buzzed the butterfly bush. A trip to the eye doctor netted me a new pair within a few weeks, and the next morning I put on my glasses and wandered outside to find the world in beautifully clear focus.
Vital Signs - Part 1
If you thought your livestock friend was sick, would you know how to assess his vital signs ? That's all! Next week, I'll show you how to use them. « More Mondays with Martok » Tags animal vital signs , livestock , Martok , respiration rate , rumen...
Staying Cool, Part 2
Mom puts big ice cubes in our drinking water so that we drink enough, but she drinks lots of liquid too: 16 to 32 ounces an hour through the heat of the day, especially while doing the chores.
4 Uses For A Hay Wagon (Besides Moving Hay)
Throw a few bales on for seats, invite your family and friends to join in, and fire up the tractor for a simple excursion around your fields. Aside from moving hay, transporting debris is definitely the most frequent use for my hay wagons.
A Stock Trailer Buyer\'s Guide
These trailers can be used for long hauls to sales or short hauls to the veterinarian. Aluminum frames have one main downside, according to Ron Gill, associate department head for Extension Animal Science at Texas A&M AgriLife Extension: the instability...