Also, attaching the roof or one of the side walls so that it can be lifted or moved to provide access to the interior will come in handy for cleaning the box.Height, attachment or concealment, these attributes may influence who or if the box is used.
Bird's nest orchid wildflowers () are very rare, interesting, rather odd-looking plants. Bird's nest orchid wildflowers grow across most of Europe and parts of Asia, including Ireland, Finland, Spain, Algeria, Turkey, Iran and even Siberia.
Dwarf Norway spruce branches are produced in horizontal layers, which grow thickly on the shrub. The plant is also known as bird's nest spruce. If you wish to keep the plant in a diminutive habit, trimming bird's nest spruce is best done in late winter...
So where do all these birds go when they migrate? Do they all migrate? The scope of information is far too great for this article, but we'll talk about some of the more well-known of our feathered friends.
This is a brief introduction to some of the North American rodents one might find in one's yard. This is one of the primary vectors of the deadly Hanta VirusVole photo from Wikipedia (looks like a mouse to me)are more of concern than mice in terms of...
The next thing to do is to make a list of what you want to do you want to entertain, have play areas, screen a busy street, or attract butterflies and hummingbirds? Gardeners of any skill level should find it useful, but the beginner and...
The dabbling duck also made an incredible recovery from critically low numbers in the early 20th century. Match the box's size, openings or hole dimensions and habitat to the wildlife of interest.
Some trees which would be large in another location tend to be bent or even broken by wind. Sea birds are without surprise very common here with petrels and albatross. There are two companies who run ships for that purpose, I booked tickets for us all...
One of them, the bird's nest fungus, is also a master of mimicry. Bird's nest fungi in gardens look just like the avian habitats for which they are named. The tiny fungi aren't dangerous to plants and help break down organic matter.
Planting a garden full of vegetation that hummingbirds enjoy will lure the friendly flyers to your yard. The western species of Rufous hummingbirds are rather aggressive and will alert you if you are too close to their nest by dive bombing your head.Always...
Some homeowner associations dislike the idea of front yard vegetable gardens. Once the veggies have finished bearing, clean them up – time for the. Again, no one wants to look at thesquash plants that have succumbed to powdery mildew.
I am still perplexed and would love to learn what bird makes such a solid, earthy home. If you find a fallen nest, use this opportunity to get to know your feathered friends a little better.
Branches thicker than a pencil may require a pruning saw.Cut off branches identified with disease, pruning back to the nearest living lateral branch or to the main stem of the bird's nest spruce.
Easy to pull up, thoughI don't know if any of these plants would qualify as really that economically or ecologically damaging, so no one would likely consider them serious invasive species.But someone's invasive weedy succulent is always someone else's...
This article is an introduction to this weird 'bug'. If there was no such thing as the Praying Mantis, coming up with the idea of one would test the limits of most people's imagination.These are truly bizarre and wonderful creatures that are not only...
Now that a few years have passed since I started, I have six of these bird nesting material holders in our yard. Lure more pest-eating birds to your garden by creating this attractive dispenser for bird-nest building materials.
Finding an egg inside an egg is very rare. Early into her new chicken-keeping hobby, Knight found a giant rubber egg in the nest box, double the size of the eggs she'd been collecting each day.
Usually, a bumblebee box is 6 in. One brilliant idea I came across was using an old tea pot – the spout provides a tunnel/entrance hole and ceramic tea pot lids usually have vent holes.You can also create a bumblebee house from two terra cotta pots.
These carts are great for transporting loads of material that you'll want to dump, such as manure , but require more effort on your part because you'll be lifting one end of the cart and supporting part of the load.
Shorter shrubs should have at least a 3-foot clearance between them and the house for optimum air circulation. The right foundation plant can add to the value of your home, whereas the wrong one can take away from it.
Some people are beginning to use either pea gravel or recycled tumbled glass. Not to mention your children will spend hours hunting through your lawn for the elusive four leaf clover..
They also reportedly like feasting on eggs and baby birds which can't be good for the native bird populations.I do not know what impact they have on the economy, however.This is a species we love to hate...
The baby greens add a lot of crunch to salads and the mature leaves and stalks are terrific sauteed and in stir-fries. Both red and green yard long beans are stringless and sweet and can be used just like traditional green beans.
Read on to learn more.A great many gardeners are cursed with clay soil, but if your garden has clay soil, this is no reason to give up on gardening or suffer with plants that never reach their full potential.
Keep reading to learn more about the proper grass selection.Grass seed that grows slowly, thickens easily, and discourages weeds or other pests is important for a healthy lawn. Consider using easy-care ground covers that don't require any mowing or trimming.
“Large predators, especially airborne ones, will avoid getting tangled up in a mess of thorns,” Bloom says. Aside from producing many pounds of food for humans, fruit trees provide both shelter and forage for chickens.