Sow seeds under cover in the early spring with a heated germination pad set to 65 degrees F. They require light soil, such as sandy loam, and do not do well in dry, stone-filled soils or.
If it outgrows its boundaries, pulling wayward plants by hand is the best means of control. The plant will rebound hale and hearty in spring. If you've got a sunlight-challenged patch where grass refuses to grow no matter what you do, a deadnettle ground...
Most of the species get 12 to 18 inches wide at maturity, so plant them at this distance apart.One secret on how to grow a liriope lawn more quickly is to plant in fall or winter. Till the soil to a depth of at least 6 inches.
Explain the many benefits of planting a meadow lawn. They can also advise you how to plant and maintain your meadow. A meadow lawn alternative is an option for homeowners who are tired of the labor involved in maintaining a traditional lawn, or for those...
Created and began testing what they named the Habiturf lawn.This alternative to the traditional non-native lawn was made from a mixture of grasses native to the South and Midwestern United States.
Some of them are clumping acrocarops or spreading pleuocarps.The best way to install moss as lawns is to choose mosses that are native to your region. In hot dry periods, give them 2 inches of water daily in the morning or evening, especially for the...
Many gardeners are choosing to replace water thirsty turf with plants that are drought resistant. How do you use thyme as lawn substitute and why is thyme a terrific alternative to grass?
As a result, many gardeners are giving up traditional, resource-robbing lawns for low-maintenance, eco-friendly alternatives such as herniaria, also known as green carpet.It's hard to find fault with herniaria ground cover as lawn substitute.
Wild ginger grows about 6 inches tall and needs supplemental water in dry climates.) -The 1-foot tall, pine-like foliage of Angelita daisy plants looks great year round, and the bloom season lasts a long time.
Add someand a few pieces of driftwood. Other plants that are tolerant of this type of mulching include:freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });in your front yard by applying a layer of pebbles and mixing in some...
A great option is to create a patio. This ground cover can tolerate drought and flooding and works well in warm temperate regions, plus it is hearty enough for the wear and tear of child's play.Eco-Lawn, developed by Oregon State University, is a good...
If conditions are just right, blue star creeper will produce tiny blue blooms throughout spring and summer.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });Blue star creeper sounds like a perfect plant and it definitely...
If they depended on human maintenance, they wouldn't bloom wild in nature to begin with.Flowering lawns built of wildflowers also have the advantage of establishing nicely where a turf lawn would be difficult.
Whether it comes in the form of a huge plot or several small beds, a vegetable garden not only replaces areas of lawn but also produces mouth-watering food. Ground covers can also add appealing texture, with some varieties having seasonal blooms and colorful...
Blue star creeper isn't the perfect solution for every situation because this rambunctious plant can be invasive.(Speedwell) “Waterperry blue,” suitable for zones 4 through 9, is a stepable plant with deep green leaves that take on copper and burgundy...
If you live in an area that requires you to restrict your water usage or an area that has frequent ozone alerts, a lawn substitute may be your best option.You should not feel pressured into going with the typical grass lawn.
There are available blends for your region which will give you the varieties of plants recommended for no mow lawn ideas in your zone.Sustainable turf plants such as fescue provide reliable solutions for energy conservation and reduced need for resources...
There arethat can help, however. Rocky soil is difficult to use as garden or lawn space if your landscape plans change later on.. No one enjoys having to manage lawns when it's hot and sticky.
Below is a description and treatment of the three most common lawn fungus problems.. You can try adding a fungicide as well, but it will not help without dethatching regularly. You can eliminate lawn fungus once you know what kind of fungus you have.
The extra length allows extra surface area forto occur, thus providing a little extra energy for the growing grass. A height of three inches is recommended for fescue and one inch above the norm for St. Augustine.
Wet each piece thoroughly before adding the next.If your sod is of poor quality and full of thatch, sprinkle some nitrogen rich fertilizer or cotton seed meal between the layers. In the spot you want your garden to be, lay the sod grass down and cover...
Read on to find out about feeding lawns so yours will always look its best.All lawns need fertilizer in early spring when the grass begins to green up. With a drop spreader, you have to make two trips over the lawn at right angles.
You should do some research before you use a machine as incorrect use can injure the lawn. These cut and grab the thatch to pull it out of the layer of sod. A little thatch is not harmful but anything over one inch is damaging to the sod.
As a general rule of thumb, remove no more than one-third the height at each mowing. A good soaking should help dilute the saline concentration, but you may have to. The first step to brown lawn care is figuring out why it happens in most cases.So can...
In the south and southwest, many trees are accustomed to hot, arid conditions and will not be harmed by this. Before installing artificial grass near trees, you should do your homework and make sure you are getting artificial turf that allows for adequate...
This is most common in light, sandy or acidic soil that is leached by rainfall or irrigation. Let's consider first what Epsom salt has been used for in the commercial farming industry.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1");...
If you find that your lawn does need some fertilizer, be careful to only apply the amount indicated by your test.Although brown spots in the lawn can be caused by many different problems, most will resolve themselves once you're properly caring for your...