During the growing season, it needs to be kept moist. If you water the rubber tree plant too much, the leaves will turn yellow and brown and fall off.During the dormant season, it may only need watered once or twice a month.
During the fall and winter, allow the upper inch of growing medium to dry out between waterings.Rubber plants require good drainage but are otherwise easy-to-grow, attractive foliage plants.
Cover the cutting with either a jar or clear plastic, but make sure that the intact leaves do not touch the glass or plastic. Keep reading to learn how to propagate a rubber tree so that you can give your friends a free rubber tree plant.Rubber tree plants...
(-1 C.).Rubber plant information suggests plants require deep watering and then allow the soil to dry out almost completely. Outdoor rubber tree plants () may grow in Zone 9 if winter protection is offered.
The best rule of thumb is to water when the first few inches of soil are dry. Nothing disrupts a plant's aesthetics more than the presence of unsightly. This is why it is important to be consistent in your.
If you, a mild solution is best. Allow the soil to dry slightly between watering, then water deeply, using room temperature water, until water leaks through the drainage hole. Repotting in fresh soil may be necessary.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1");...
As such, they are adapted to plentiful water. Ficus plants are commonly sold as houseplants. A good sign that you are overwatering is yellow leaves. However, in the home interior this may be difficult to achieve unless you are vigilant or use a.
For many years, this area was mulched with standard wood chips.Well, after awhile the wood mulch started to break down, as it should. The question still remains about leaching, however.
I did have a problem with a bed of yellow jackets that took up residence in a hole near my front door, and the little guinea wasps that make paper nests on the bottom of the aspidistra leaves sometimes take me by surprise.
This is shown in the thumbnail, the very first photo on the top right. All three forms of water (solid, liquid and gas) are present simultaneously at normal temperatures on earth. A gram is defined as the mass or weight of one cubic centimeter of water.
To the Cherokee, April was “flower moon;” to the Apache of the Southern Plains, “moon of the big leaves;” and to Comanche, “new spring moon.” For the Abenaki, it was the “sugar maker moon;” the Arapaho, “ice breaking in the river;”...
By making small changes to the equations that produced this rose, different flower shapes can be generated and discovered in the image output.I won't close here without giving you a look at something from "way out there".
I'm guessing more than a foot in the valley there (see picture at right). The air is brisk, yet invigorating. It's an overcast day, but still plenty of light to enjoy the view (see thumbnail picture at right).
Along the way I'll provide you with a peek at what might be out there in the vastness of space as well! I promise that you will experience a memorable and unique voyage!Meanwhile, if you want to try your hand at iterating your own fractal images, you...
Here was food that you didn't have to pay for. Out west here, I like yerba santa leaves, miners lettuce, and wild rose hips after they start to shrivel a little. Birdsong is the classic outdoor nature sound.
I don't do that myself, so if I wanted to start I would definitely need to punch my zip code into the Dave's Gardenand find out the probability of a late frost. Yes, you remember summer! I am normally fairly oblivious to such things, but even I noticed...
No problem, just look at the image to right. As I've described and illustrated the fractal nature inherent in natural shapes, such as plants and mountains, I want to share some images that I've discovered while exploring fractals that, on the surface,...
Notice the black line on the hind wings, not present on the monarch.The monarch's yearly migration from north to south and back again is legendary, not just because of the astonishing number of miles this small insect travels, but also because the trip...
Just like its two bigger sisters it is of volcanic origin, sprouting from the very bottom of the ocean some 1.6 to 1.8 million years ago but while Reunion tops at 3069 meters high with the Piton des Neiges, Rodrigue will not go higher than 393 meters...
The wind has started to come up and my eyes tear with the cold. I'm going in the opposite direction down to the evergreens above the little creek. The snows began in November and with the exception of two thaws in December have continued steadily into...
The French people took hold of Madagascar and then the Comoros in 1841 when it became a French colony. The Comoros archipelago lies about 1500km from Reunion and 8000km from Paris and is not a well-known area of the world.
I took these next two shots when gathering photos of interest for the local community newspaper. For many folks, this gladdens the heart even though it is cold outside.We tend to hibernate like bears in the winter, don't we?It's comforting to snuggle...
We ate, we visited, and we planted 1500 crocus bulbs! There are certainly a lot of ways to organize this sort of effort, but I'm hoping the way I went about it will give you some useful ideas for installing a crocus lawn of your own.With several people...
My son seems to love being outside even MORE than I do! There is a whole world of gardening I am going to love sharing with him and I shall cherish every moment. Every day I try to direct his energy and he responds accordingly.
Watch the way the snow, if you are lucky enough to have snow, plays in your yard and consider how new plantings or hardscape will change it. Having been planted so closely, there are no longer any living limbs under 10 feet.
This fantastic mass made a natural dam behind which water started to fill until it represented a potential danger for St-Joseph; if it suddenly broke the city would be swept by a gigantic wave.
Any deciduous forest will experience a change in color as it experiences the withdrawal of chlorophyll from the leaves prior to leaf drop. We can appreciate the beauty nature provides for us, whether that means Virginia creeper and poison oak in the back...