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Natural Pest Management Hydroponic Gardening For Sale In Dallas

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10 lb. Sluggo Plus
Prices start at : 78.29 USD / each

This product is National Organic Program (NOP) compliant. It is ideal for protecting your ornamentals, vegetables, fruit trees, berries, turf and non-commercial greenhouses from insect pests.
  •  Small, green pellets are ready to use and can be applied in cooler weather
  •  Lasts up to 4 weeks and breaks down into an organic fertilizer
  •  0.5 - 1 lb. covers up to 1,000 sq. ft.
  • Product Depth (in.): 7 in
  • Concentrated or Ready to Use: Ready to use
  • Product Width (in.): 8 in
Bug-Geta 2 lb. Snail and Slug Killer
Prices start at : 9.68 USD / each

And, you can use Ortho Bug-Geta Snail & Slug Killer around pets and wildlife. Remains effective even after rainfall. Kill snails and slugs with the easy-to-use Ortho Bug-Geta Snail & Slug Killer.
  •  No mixing or spraying required
  •  For use in greenhouses and around vegetables, fruit trees, citrus, berries, ornamentals, shrubs, flowers, trees and gardens
  •  Safe for Pets
  • Pest Type: Ants,Armyworms,Crickets,Earwigs,Millipedes,Snails and Slugs,Sowbugs and Pillbugs
  • Pest Common Name: Ants,Earwigs,Worms
  • Plant Type: Apple,Avocados,Beans,Blackberries,Blueberries,Buxus (Boxwood),Camellia,Corn,Cucurbits (melons, cucumbers, squash, zucchini),Cypress Family (Arborvitae),Ferns,Grass,Hostas,Maple Tree,Peppers,Strawberries,Tomatoes
16 oz. Fruit Tree Spray Concentrate
Prices start at : 19.99 USD / each

Follow instructions for a routine spray schedule to control and prevent pest problems. Economical concentrate with various mix rates. BONIDE Fruit Tree Spray controls common insects and diseases found on fruit trees.
  •  2-in-1, insect and disease protection for fruit trees
  •  Safe for Edibles
  •  Controls both insects and diseases on fruit trees, flowers, evergreens and strawberries
  •  Controls apple maggots, coddling moths and apple scab
  • Organic: No
  • Product Height (in.): 6.75 in
10.5 lbs. Diatomaceous Earth Food Grade with Powder Duster Applicator
Prices start at : 22.77 USD / each

Harris Ground Fresh 100% Diatomaceous Earth is a natural product. It is OMRI listed with the Organic Minerals Research Institute and meets organic use standards. Use in animal feed, and multiple other uses.
  •  Professional powder duster included for easy application
  •  OMRI listed with the organic minerals research institute
  •  Use in animal feed and multiple other uses
  • Product Depth (in.): 7 in
  • Pest Type: Ants,Aphids,Bed Bugs,Crickets,Earwigs,Millipedes,Snails and Slugs
  • Pest Common Name: Ants,Aphids,Bed Bugs,Earwigs
B.T. (Bacillus Thuringiensis) Pint Concentrate Outdoor Organic Insecticide
Prices start at : 13.57 USD / each

It is for use on fruits, vegetables, ornamentals and shade trees. It can be used on edible plants up to the day of harvest. Monterey B.T. Insecticide kills caterpillar type insects, but has no effect on birds, earthworms, or beneficial insects such as...
  •  Safe for Pets
  •  Organic
  •  Biological insecticide
  • Concentrated or Ready to Use: Concentrated
  • Product Width (in.): 4 in
  • Pest Type: Bagworms,Cabbage Loopers,Cankerworms,Gypsy Moths,Tomato Hornworms and Tobacco Hornworms
32 oz. Slug and Snail Liquid Killer
Prices start at : 8.97 USD / each

The formula can be used around lawns, ground cover, fruits, vegetables, flowers and ornamental plants. It contains Snare, an attractant that encourages slugs and snails to consume more product, resulting in faster control and less damage to your plants.
  •  Contains snare, a proprietary attractant found only in Deadline products that encourages slugs and snails to consume more product, resulting in faster control and less damage to your plants
  •  Covers up to 6,160 sq. ft.
  •  Keeps working even after it rains
  •  Use slug and snail killer on lawns, fruits, vegetables and more
  •  Covers 6,160 sq. ft.
  • Safe for Pets: No
Bug-Geta 3.5 lb. Snail and Slug Killer
Prices start at : 13.97 USD / each

And, you can use Ortho Bug-Geta Snail & Slug Killer around pets and wildlife. Remains effective even after rainfall. Kill snails and slugs with the easy-to-use Ortho Bug-Geta Snail & Slug Killer.
  •  Organic
  •  Safe for Edibles
  • Product Width (in.): 7.5 in
  • Concentrated or Ready to Use: Ready to use
  • Pest Common Name: Ants,Earwigs,Worms
  • Can be used around pets and wildlife: Yes
Horticultural Insecticidal Oil Pints
Prices start at : 12.99 USD / each

Odorless and non-staining. Can be used as a Dormant Spray. Our Insecticidal Oil is for insect control in Citrus, Tree and Vine Crops, Ornamentals and Vegetable Crops.
  •  Organic
  •  Listed for mites control
  • Plant Type: Acer (Maple, Box Elder),Apple,Ash Tree,Astilbes,Avocados,Beans,Begonias,Begonias,Blackberries,Blueberries,Boston Ivy,Bougainvillea,Brambles (Blackberries, Raspberries),Burning Bush,Butterfly Bush,Buxus (Boxwood),Camellia,Cherries,Cilantro,Citrus,Clematis,Coreopsis,Corn,Crabapple,Crape Myrtle,Crimson Pygmy Barberry,Cucurbits (melons, cucumbers, squash, zucchini),Daylilies,Dianthuess,Echinacea,Euonymus,Ficus,Fig,Gardenia,Gazanias,Geraniums,Gerber Daisy,Grapes,Greek Oregano,Guara,Hedera (Ivy),Heucheras,Hibiscus,Holly,Honeysuckle,Hostas,Hydrangea,Impatiens,Irises,Jasmine,Lantana,Lettuce,Ligustrum (Privet),Lilac,Lilies,Magnolia,Mandevilla,Maple Tree,Marigolds,New Guinea Impatiens,Osteospermum,Pansies,Parsley,Peaches and Nectarines,Pears,Pentas,Peonies (Tree and Herbaceous),Peppers,Petunias,Phlox,Plums,Rhododendron (Azalea),Rhododendron (Azalea),Rose,Rosemary,Rudbeckias,Sage,Salvias,Scabiosas,Snapdragons,Spathiphyllum,Spirea,Sun Coleus,Sweet Basil,Sweet Marjoram,Thyme,Tomatoes,Verbena,Vinca,Vincas,Yarrows,Zinnias
  • Returnable: 90-Day
  • Pest Type: Aphids,Leaf Miners and Tip Moths,Leafhoppers,Mites,Psylla (Psyllids),Sawflies,Scale Insects,Thrips,Whiteflies
  • Application Type: Pump Spray
5 lb. Sluggo Plus
Prices start at : 37.52 USD / each

It is ideal for protecting your ornamentals, vegetables, fruit trees, berries, turf and non-commercial greenhouses from insect pests. This product effectively controls and kills slugs, snails, earwigs, sow bugs, pill bugs and cutworms.
  •  NOP compliant
  •  Organic
  •  0.5 - 1 lb. covers up to 1,000 sq. ft.
  •  Lasts up to 4 weeks and breaks down into an organic fertilizer
  • Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
  • Returnable: 90-Day
Bug-Geta 6 lb. Snail and Slug Killer
Prices start at : 16.97 USD / each

And, you can use Ortho Bug-Geta Snail & Slug Killer around pets and wildlife. Remains effective even after rainfall. Kill snails and slugs with the easy-to-use Ortho Bug-Geta Snail & Slug Killer.
  •  Kills snails and slugs
  •  For best results, apply in the evening
  • Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
  • Concentrated or Ready to Use: Ready to use
  • Plant Type: Apple,Ash Tree,Avocados,Bamboo,Begonias,Blueberries,Brambles (Blackberries, Raspberries),Buxus (Boxwood),Camellia,Corn,Crape Myrtle,Daylilies,Dianthuess,Gardenia,Grass,Lantana,Lettuce,Maple Tree,Peaches and Nectarines,Potatoes,Tomatoes
  • Pest Type: Armyworms,Crickets,Cutworms,Earwigs,Millipedes,Snails and Slugs,Sowbugs and Pillbugs
Garden Insect Spray with Spinosad Pts
Prices start at : 15.32 USD / each

Controls a wide range of insects. This is the newest agricultural chemistry to be introduced into the homeowner market.
  •  Safe for Edibles
  •  Contains spinosad
  •  Spinosad is a bacterial product produced by fermentation and can be used to control insects in the landscape and garden
  • Safe for Pets: No
  • Product Width (in.): 1.2
  • Application Type: Sprayer Application
64 oz. (4 lbs.) Diatomaceous Earth Food Grade 100% with Powder Duster Applicator (4-Pack)
Prices start at : 45.97 USD / each

Professional Powder Duster included for easy application. Ground Fresh 100% Diatomaceous Earth (4-Pack) is a natural product. Use to protect your garden plants. Use in animal feed and multiple other uses.
  •  Safe for Pets
  •  Professional powder duster included for easy application
  •  Safe for Edibles
  •  OMRI listed with the organic minerals research institute
  • Product Width (in.): 16 in
  • Product Depth (in.): 11 in
1 lb. Sluggo
Prices start at : 8.29 USD / each

The Monterey 1 lb. Sluggo contains iron phosphate and is safe for use around pets and wildlife. It is organic and eventually breaks down into fertilizer. This repellant protects your vegetable gardens from snails and slugs, and remains effective after...
  •  0.5 - 1 lb. treats up to 1,000 sq. ft.
  •  Iron-phosphate formula is safe for use around pets and wildlife
  •  Organic
  • Returnable: 90-Day
  • Concentrated or Ready to Use: Ready to use
  • Product Depth (in.): 4 in
1 lb. Ready to Use Garden Insect Killer Dust
Prices start at : 6.28 USD / each

The Original Garden Dust. The most popular form for gardeners, Sevin Ready-to-Use 5% Dust comes in a convenient shaker bottle for easy application. Garden dust is recommended to care for outdoor areas on lawns, vegetables, fruit and ornamentals.
  •  Safe for Edibles
  •  Use on vegetables, fruits, ornamentals & lawns
  • Product Depth (in.): 3.25 in
  • Pest Common Name: Aphids,Beetles,Caterpillars,Earwigs,Fleas,Spiders,Ticks,Worms
  • Organic: No
  • Concentrated or Ready to Use: Ready to use
32 oz. Systemic Tree and Shrub Insect Drench
Prices start at : 10.5 USD / each

One easy application protects treated plants for 12 months. The insecticide is absorbed through the roots into the plant for protection that won't wash off. Control insects that infest trees and shrubs with Compare-N-Save systemic tree and shrub insect...

3.5 in

    •  Organic
    •  Safe for Pets
    •  Protect up to 12 months with one application
    •  Safe for Edibles
    • Product Depth (in.): 3.5 in
    • Product Width (in.): 3.5 in
    32 oz. Ready-to-Spray Bug Killer
    Prices start at : 14.47 USD / each

    Attach your garden hose to the spray nozzle to protect plants and controls nuisance pests such as fleas, ticks, spiders, Japanese beetles and outdoor roaches. Use in your lawn care throughout the growing season to kill insects with short pre-harvest intervals...
    • Product Depth (in.): 2.5 in
    • Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
    • Plant Type: Acer (Maple, Box Elder),Angelonias,Apple,Ash Tree,Asparagus,Astilbes,Avocados,Bamboo,Beans,Begonias,Blackberries,Blueberries,Boston Ivy,Bougainvillea,Brambles (Blackberries, Raspberries),Burning Bush,Butterfly Bush,Buxus (Boxwood),Cactus,Camellia,Cherries,Cilantro,Citrus,Clematis,Coleus,Coreopsis,Corn,Crabapple,Crape Myrtle,Crimson Pygmy Barberry,Cucurbits (melons, cucumbers, squash, zucchini),Cypress Family (Arborvitae),Daylilies,Dianthuess,Dusty Miller,Echinacea,Euonymus,Ferns,Ficus,Fig,Garden Mums,Gardenia,Gazanias,Geraniums,Gerber Daisy,Grapes,Greek Oregano,Guara,Hedera (Ivy),Heucheras,Hibiscus,Holly,Honeysuckle,Hostas,Hydrangea,Impatiens,Irises,Jasmine,Juniper,Lantana,Lettuce,Ligustrum (Privet),Lilac,Lilies,Lily-of-the-Valley,Magnolia,Mandevilla,Mangos,Maple Tree,Marigolds,Narcissus (Daffodil, Jonquil),New Guinea Impatiens,Oak,Okra,Onion Family (Including Garlic),Orchids,Osteospermum,Palm,Pansies,Parsley,Peaches and Nectarines,Pears,Pecan,Pentas,Peonies (Tree and Herbaceous),Peppers,Petunias,Phlox,Pine,Plums,Potatoes,Pothos,Raspberries,Rhododendron (Azalea),Rhubarb,Rose,Rosemary,Rubber Plant,Rudbeckias,Sage,Saintpaulia (African Violet),Salvias,Scabiosas,Schlumbergera (Christmas Cactus),Sedum,Snake Plant,Snapdragons,Spathiphyllum,Spathiphyllum (Peace lily),Spirea,Spruce,Star of Bethlehem,Strawberries,Sun Coleus,Sweet Basil,Sweet Marjoram,Taxus (Yew),Thyme,Tomatoes,Tulip,Verbena,Vinca,Vincas,Yarrows,Yucca,Zinnias
    • Pest Type: Ants,Armyworms,Aster Leafhoppers,Cicadas,Colorado Potato Beetles,Cutworms,European Corn Borers,Flea Beetles,Japanese Beetles,Lace Bugs,Leafhoppers,Mexican Bean Beetles,Moths,Scale Insects,Spittlebugs,Squash Bugs,Tent Caterpillars,Thrips,Ticks,Tomato Hornworms and Tobacco Hornworms,Tomato Pinworms
    • Use on vegetables, fruits, and ornamentals: Yes
    • Organic: No
    1 lb. Ready-To-Use 5% Dust Garden Insect Killer Shaker Canister (3-Pack)
    Prices start at : 13.54 USD / each

    This formula is designed to kill over 65 types of insects including Japanese beetles, armyworms, leafhoppers, webworms, fleas, spiders and earwigs. Garden dust is recommended to care for outdoor areas such as lawns, vegetables, fruit and ornamentals throughout...
    •  Kills over 65 types of insects to help keep areas free of pests
    •  Ready-to-use formula kills over 65 insects
    •  Suitable for outdoor residential use only
    • Safe for Pets: No
    • Concentrated or Ready to Use: Ready to use
    • Plant Type: Cherries,Garden Mums
    32oz Concentrate Outdoor Insect Killer
    Prices start at : 13.97 USD / each

    Best of all, it is fast acting and protects for up to 3 months. Use throughout the growing season to kill insects with short pre-harvest intervals for edibles. Sevin Insect Killer Concentrate kills over 500 listed insects on vegetables, fruits, flowers,...
    •  Kills by contact and keeps protecting up to 3 months
    •  Protects over 250 fruits and vegetables
    •  For home fruit and vegetable gardens, flower gardens, lawns and home perimeter
    • Product Depth (in.): 2.1
    • Product Width (in.): 5.07
    • Product Height (in.): 10.35
    8 oz. Diatomaceous Earth Food Grade (3-Pack)
    Prices start at : 13.47 USD / each

    Use value 3-pack for multiple treatments. It is OMRI listed with the Organic Minerals Research Institute and meets organic use standards. Use in animal feed, and multiple other uses.
    •  Use value 3-pack for multiple treatments
    •  Safe for Edibles
    • Plant Type: Acer (Maple, Box Elder),Angelonias,Apple,Ash Tree,Asparagus,Astilbes,Avocados,Bamboo,Beans,Begonias,Blackberries,Blueberries,Boston Ivy,Bougainvillea,Brambles (Blackberries, Raspberries),Burning Bush,Butterfly Bush,Buxus (Boxwood),Cactus,Camellia,Cherries,Cilantro,Citrus,Clematis,Coleus,Coreopsis,Corn,Crabapple,Crape Myrtle,Crimson Pygmy Barberry,Cucurbits (melons, cucumbers, squash, zucchini),Cypress Family (Arborvitae),Daylilies,Daylilies,Dianthuess,Dusty Miller,Echinacea,Euonymus,Ferns,Ficus,Fig,Garden Mums,Gardenia,Gazanias,Geraniums,Gerber Daisy,Grapes,Grass,Greek Oregano,Guara,Hedera (Ivy),Hedera (Ivy),Hedera (Ivy),Hibiscus,Holly,Honeysuckle,Hostas,Hydrangea,Impatiens,Irises,Jasmine,Juniper,Lantana,Lettuce,Ligustrum (Privet),Lilac,Lilies,Lily-of-the-Valley,Magnolia,Mandevilla,Mangos,Maple Tree,Marigolds,Narcissus (Daffodil, Jonquil),New Guinea Impatiens,Oak,Okra,Onion Family (Including Garlic),Orchids,Osteospermum,Palm,Pansies,Parsley,Peaches and Nectarines,Pears,Pecan,Pentas,Peonies (Tree and Herbaceous),Peppers,Petunias,Raspberries,Rhododendron (Azalea),Rhubarb,Rose,Rosemary,Schlumbergera (Christmas Cactus),Spirea,Spruce,Star of Bethlehem,Strawberries,Sun Coleus,Sweet Basil,Sweet Marjoram,Taxus (Yew),Thyme,Tomatoes,Tulip,Verbena,Vinca,Yarrows,Yucca,Zinnias
    • Application Type: Dust
    • Concentrated or Ready to Use: Ready to use
    • Product Width (in.): 9 in
    16 oz. Systemic Insect Control Concentrate
    Prices start at : 23.14 USD / each

    Provides long-lasting protection that won't wash off. Use on roses, flowers, trees, shrubs, and ornamentals. Bonide Systemic Insect Control protects plants from chewing insects from the inside out.
    • Product Height (in.): 6.75 in
    • Returnable: 90-Day
    • Concentrated or Ready to Use: Concentrated
    • Kills aphids, bagworms, leaf miners, thrips and many more: Yes
    • Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
    • Pest Type: Aphids,Armyworms,Bagworms,Black Vine Weevils,Budworms,Cankerworms,Cuban Laurel Thrips,Gypsy Moths,Japanese Beetles,Leaf Miners and Tip Moths,Leafhoppers,Leafrollers and Leaftiers,Mealybugs,Pine Tip or Shoot Moths,Psylla (Psyllids),Root Weevils,Rose Midges,Sawflies,Scale Insects,Spittlebugs,Tent Caterpillars,Whiteflies
    10.5 lbs. Diatomaceous Earth Food Grade 100% with 21 lbs. Powder Duster Applicator (2-Pack)
    Prices start at : 36.31 USD / package

    Harris Ground Fresh 100% Diatomaceous Earth is a natural product. It is OMRI listed with the Organic Minerals Research Institute and meets organic use standards. Use in animal feed, and multiple other uses.
    •  Omri listed with the organic minerals research institute
    •  Safe for Pets
    • Product Height (in.): 15 in
    • Pest Common Name: Ants,Aphids,Bed Bugs,Earwigs
    • Returnable: 90-Day
    • Concentrated or Ready to Use: Ready to use
    5 lbs. Granules 2-in-1 Systemic Rose and Flower Care
    Prices start at : 10.47 USD / each

    This product controls aphids, lace-bugs, leaf beetles, leaf-miners and more. Now you can grow beautiful roses, flowers and shrubs in 1 easy step. Bayer Advanced 2-in-1 Systemic Rose and Flower Care protects against listed insects for 6 weeks and feeds...
    • Returnable: 90-Day
    • Application Type: Granular
    • Plant Type: Begonias,Camellia,Crape Myrtle,Gardenia,Geraniums,Hydrangea,Maple Tree,Marigolds,Petunias,Rose
    • Pest Common Name: Aphids
    • Product Width (in.): 4.71 in
    • Protects for up to 6 weeks and feeds: Yes
    32 oz. All Natural Snail and Slug Spray
    Prices start at : 16.29 USD / each

    It kills on contact when material is wet and continues to repel for up to 2 weeks. This ready-to-use formula controls slugs and snails by repelling and contact activity and is meant for outdoor use on fruit, vegetable, citrus and ornamental plants.
    •  Organic
    •  Can be used on ornamentals and edible crops up to the day of harvest
    •  Non-phytotoxic
    • Returnable: 90-Day
    • Product Width (in.): 5 in
    • Product Height (in.): 11 in
    2.5 lb. Sluggo Plus
    Prices start at : 26.67 USD / each

    It is ideal for protecting your ornamentals, vegetables, fruit trees, berries, turf and non-commercial greenhouses from insect pests. This product effectively controls and kills slugs, snails, earwigs, sow bugs, pill bugs and cutworms.
    •  0.5 - 1 lb. covers up to 1,000 sq. ft.
    •  Protects ornamentals, vegetables, fruit trees, berries, turf and non-commercial greenhouses against slugs, snails, earwigs, sow bugs, pill bugs and cutworms
    •  Organic
    • Product Height (in.): 10 in
    • Product Depth (in.): 4 in
    • Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
    32 oz. Ready-To-Spray Outdoor Insect Killer
    Prices start at : 13.97 USD / each

    Best of all, it is fast acting and protects for up to 3 months. Use throughout the growing season to kill insects with short pre-harvest intervals for edibles. Sevin Insect Killer Ready to Spray kills over 500 listed insects on vegetables, fruits, flowers,...
    •  Protects over 250 fruits and vegetables
    •  Kills over 500 listed pests
    • Concentrated or Ready to Use: Ready to use
    • Pest Type: Ants,Aphids,Armyworms,Bagworms,Bark Beetles,Beetles,Black Widow Spiders,Borers,Brown Dog Ticks,Cabbage Loopers,Cankerworms,Carpenter Ants,Carpenter Bees,Caterpillars,Cherry Fruit Flies,Cicadas,Codling Moths,Colorado Potato Beetles,Corn Earworms,Cotton Aphids and Cowpea Aphids,Crane Flies,Crickets,Cucumber Beetles,Cutworms,Daddy Long Legs Spiders,Deer Ticks,Diamondback Moths,Digger Wasps,Earwigs,Fire Ants,Firebrats,Flea Beetles,Fruit Flies,Grape Flea Beetles,Greenhouse Whiteflies,Gypsy Moths,Harlequin Bugs,Hickory Shuckworms,Hornworms,House Spiders,Houseflies,Japanese Beetles,June Beetles,Lace Bugs,Leaf Miners and Tip Moths,Leaf-Feeding Caterpillars,Leafhoppers,Leafrollers,Leafrollers and Leaftiers,Lily Leaf Beetles,Locusts (Grasshoppers),Mealybugs,Mexican Bean Beetles,Millipedes,Mole Crickets,Moths,Onion Maggots,Onion Thrips,Paper Wasps,Pear Psylla,Pecan Weevils,Pine Beetles,Plum Curculios,Potato Beetles,Potato Leafhoppers,Psylla (Psyllids),Roaches,Root Weevil Adults,Sawflies,Scale Insects,Seed Corn Maggots,Silverfish,Spiders,Spirea Aphids,Spittlebugs,Springtails,Squash Bugs,Squash Vine Borers,Stink Bugs,Stinkbugs,Subterranean Termites,Tent Caterpillars,Termites,Thrips,Ticks,Tomato Fruitworms,Tomato Pinworms,Wasps,Waterbugs,Weevils,Whiteflies
    • Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
    • Product Width (in.): 5.5
    4 lbs. Systemic Insect Control Granules
    Prices start at : 22.98 USD / each

    Provides long-lasting protection that won't wash off. Use on roses, flowers, containerized trees, shrubs, and ornamentals. Bonide Systemic Insect Control granules protect plants from chewing insects from the inside out.
    •  Absorbed through the roots for complete plant protection
    •  Does not contain neonicotinoids
    • Safe for Pets: No
    • Product Height (in.): 10.88 in
    • Plant Type: Rose
    • Concentrated or Ready to Use: Ready to use
    16 oz. Neem Oil Fungicide, Miticide and Insecticide Concentrate
    Prices start at : 20.35 USD / each

    Controls plant disease, mites and all stages of insect life cycles. Use on roses, flowers, fruits, vegetables and more. Bonide Neem Oil (3-in-1), insecticide, fungicide, miticide for organic gardening.
    •  Kills insect eggs, larvae and adult
    •  Kills mites, aphids, whiteflies and more
    •  Organic
    • Pest Type: Aphids,Mites,Spider Mites,Whiteflies
    • Pest Common Name: Aphids
    • Product Height (in.): 6.75 in