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Natural Pest Management Hydroponic Gardening For Sale In Columbus

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4 lbs. (64 oz.) Diatomaceous Earth Food Grade 100%
Prices start at : 11.97 USD / each

Use to protect your garden plants. It is OMRI listed with the Organic Minerals Research Institute and meets organic use standards. Use in animal feed and multiple other uses. Harris Ground Fresh 100% Diatomaceous Earth is a natural product.
  •  OMRI listed with the organic minerals research institute
  •  Organic
  •  Natural product for organic use
  • Concentrated or Ready to Use: Ready to use
  • Application Type: Dust
  • Product Depth (in.): 6.5 in
4 lbs. Systemic Insect Control Granules
Prices start at : 22.98 USD / each

Bonide Systemic Insect Control granules protect plants from chewing insects from the inside out. Use on roses, flowers, containerized trees, shrubs, and ornamentals. Provides long-lasting protection that won't wash off.
  •  Kills birch leaf miners, beetles, root weevils and more
  •  Absorbed through the roots for complete plant protection
  •  Does not contain neonicotinoids
  • Concentrated or Ready to Use: Ready to use
  • Application Type: Granular
  • Safe for Pets: No
Insect Killer 24 oz. Rose and Flower Ready-to-Use
Prices start at : 6.97 USD / each

Kill insects on your roses and flowers with Ortho Insect Killer Rose & Flower Ready-to-Use. The formula will keep killing insects for up to 4-months and you can use it both indoors and outdoors to control listed pests.
  •  Easy to use, no-mix formula
  •  Controls ants, aphids, crickets, fleas, gnats, Japanese beetles, whiteflies and other listed pests
  •  Kills ants, aphids, crickets, fleas, gnats, and Japanese beetles
  • Application Type: Spray Bottle
  • Plant Type: Begonias,Camellia,Daylilies,Dianthuess,Gardenia,Geraniums,Hostas,Lantana,Marigolds,Pansies,Rose
  • Product Depth (in.): 2.3
8 lb. Slug and Snail Killer
Prices start at : 24.98 USD / each

DIY pest control for use on turf, ornamentals, vegetables, and fruit. Corry's Slug and Snail killer attracts and kills slugs and snails. People and pets can enter the area immediately after product is applied.
  •  For use on turf, ornamentals, vegetables, and fruit
  •  Covers 40,000 sq. ft.
  •  Safe for Pets
  • Plant Type: Acer (Maple, Box Elder),Angelonias,Apple,Ash Tree,Asparagus,Astilbes,Avocados,Bamboo,Beans,Begonias,Blackberries,Blueberries,Boston Ivy,Bougainvillea,Brambles (Blackberries, Raspberries),Burning Bush,Butterfly Bush,Buxus (Boxwood),Cactus,Camellia,Cherries,Cilantro,Citrus,Clematis,Coleus,Coreopsis,Corn,Crabapple,Crape Myrtle,Crimson Pygmy Barberry,Cucurbits (melons, cucumbers, squash, zucchini),Cypress Family (Arborvitae),Daylilies,Dianthuess,Dusty Miller,Echinacea,Euonymus,Ferns,Ficus,Fig,Garden Mums,Gardenia,Gazanias,Geraniums,Gerber Daisy,Grapes,Greek Oregano,Guara,Hedera (Ivy),Heucheras,Hibiscus,Holly,Honeysuckle,Hostas,Hydrangea,Impatiens,Irises,Jasmine,Juniper,Lantana,Lettuce,Ligustrum (Privet),Lilac,Lilies,Lily-of-the-Valley,Magnolia,Mandevilla,Mangos,Maple Tree,Marigolds,Narcissus (Daffodil, Jonquil),New Guinea Impatiens,Oak,Okra,Onion Family (Including Garlic),Orchids,Osteospermum,Palm,Pansies,Parsley,Peaches and Nectarines,Pears,Pecan,Pentas,Peonies (Tree and Herbaceous),Peppers,Petunias,Phlox,Pine,Plums,Potatoes,Pothos,Raspberries,Rhododendron (Azalea),Rhubarb,Rose,Rosemary,Rubber Plant,Rudbeckias,Sage,Saintpaulia (African Violet),Salvias,Scabiosas,Schlumbergera (Christmas Cactus),Sedum,Snake Plant,Snapdragons,Spathiphyllum,Spathiphyllum (Peace lily),Spirea,Spruce,Star of Bethlehem,Strawberries,Sun Coleus,Sweet Basil,Sweet Marjoram,Taxus (Yew),Thyme,Tomatoes,Tulip,Verbena,Vinca,Vincas,Yarrows,Yucca,Zinnias
  • Product Width (in.): 12 in
  • Product Height (in.): 15 in
32 oz. Ready-to-Use Tomato and Vegetable Insect and Disease Control
Prices start at : 10.47 USD / each

This product kills insects, disease and mites. It is excellent for berries and flowers too. It protects vegetables and vine plants such as tomatoes, potatoes, beans, melons and squash.
  •  Kills aphids, mites, scale caterpillars and many other insects throughout the growing season
  •  Safe for Edibles
  • Application Type: Spray Bottle
  • Organic: No
  • Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
  • Product Width (in.): 4.75 in
1 Gal. 3-in-1 Insect, Mite and Disease Control
Prices start at : 21.97 USD / each

Use Ortho Insect, Mite and Disease 3-in-1 Ready-to-Use to control fungal diseases and pests. Simply apply directly from the bottle as indicated in the instruction booklet, and spray your plants to control insect damage, fungal disease and mites.
  •  Controls fungal diseases, including blackspot, powdery mildew, rust, scab, blight, brown rot and leaf spot
  •  Use when insect damage or fungal disease first appears
  • Product Width (in.): 8.95
  • Pest Type: Aphids,Caterpillars,Japanese Beetles,Spider Mites,Whiteflies
  • Plant Type: Blueberries,Boston Ivy,Lily-of-the-Valley,Rose,Scabiosas,Tomatoes
  • Product Depth (in.): 4.875
10.5 lbs. Diatomaceous Earth Food Grade 100% with 52.5 lbs. Powder Duster Applicator (5-Pack )
Prices start at : 97.00 USD / package

Professional Powder Duster included for easy application. It is OMRI listed with the Organic Minerals Research Institute and meets organic use standards. Harris Ground Fresh 100% Diatomaceous Earth is a natural product.
  •  Natural product for organic use
  •  Use to protect your garden plants
  •  Safe for Pets
  •  Safe for Edibles
  •  10.5 lbs. 5-pack (52.5 lbs.) value size for multiple treatments
  • Application Type: Dust
16 oz. goGnats Liquid Poison-Free Pest Control Concentrate
Prices start at : 26.41 USD / each

For hydroponics, it is recommended to add directly to reservoirs on a regular basis as part of a plant maintenance program. This liquid may be used as a plant and area spray, added to nutrient reservoirs or used as a soil drench.
  •  A minimum risk pesticide exempt from EPA registration
  •  Safe for Pets
  •  Infestations: 2 oz. per gallon, run for 1 full day (cycle)
  • Application Type: Liquid
  • Concentrated or Ready to Use: Concentrated
  • Pest Common Name: Aphids
1 lb. Sluggo Plus
Prices start at : 13.82 USD / each

It is National Organic Program (NOP) compliant. Sluggo Plus contains iron phosphate and spinosad. The Monterey 1 lb. This product effectively controls and kills slugs, snails, earwigs, sow bugs, pill bugs and cutworms.
  •  0.5 - 1 lb. covers up to 1,000 sq. ft.
  •  Organic
  •  Small, green pellets are ready to use and can be applied in cooler weather

3 in

    • Product Width (in.): 3 in
    • Product Depth (in.): 3 in
    • Returnable: 90-Day
    Beneficial Nematode Fungus Gnat Control for Indoor Plants
    Prices start at : 12.6 USD / each

    One Pot Popper contains product to treat 8 - 8 in. Now in non-refrigerated format. Simply add to the soil and water in. Nema Globe Pot Popper Nematodes Kills Gnats in Potted Plants.
    •  Safe for Pets
    •  Organic
    •  Slowly releases nematodes into soil for longer lasting control
    •  Contains new patent pending infusion bio-pouch technology
    • Application Type: Gel
    • Returnable: 90-Day
    10 lb. Sluggo Snail and Slug Control
    Prices start at : 64.97 USD / each

    Sluggo contains iron phosphate and can be used around pets and wildlife. An alternative to traditional slug and snail bait (meta). This product is labeled for use in vegetable gardens up until the day of harvest and remains effective after rain.
    •  Breaks down into organic fertilizer
    •  Works better than meta in cooler weather; kills more slugs and snail than meta
    •  Last up to 4 weeks
    • Product Height (in.): 12 in
    • Product Width (in.): 8 in
    2 lb. Ready-to-Use Slug and Snail Bait
    Prices start at : 10.66 USD / each

    Simply sprinkle around plants frequented by snails and slugs to protect your garden. Ready-to-Use Slug and Snail Bait kills destructive slugs and snails that damage vegetable plants, flowers and trees.

    Snails and Slugs

      •  Common soil element and fertilizer ingredient is safe to use in vegetable gardens and around pets and wildlife
      •  Safe for Pets
      • Safe for Edibles: No
      • Pest Type: Snails and Slugs
      • Application Type: Bait
      • Pest Common Name: Snails and Slugs
      32 oz. Concentrate 3-in-1 Insect, Disease and Mite Control
      Prices start at : 16.77 USD / each

      Bayer Advanced 3-in-1 Insect, Disease and Mite Control Concentrate's exclusive formula provides control against insects, diseases and mites in one easy step. Growing trees, shrubs, roses and flowers has never been easier.
      •  Organic
      •  Safe for Pets
      •  Cures black spot, powdery mildew and rust
      •  Highly effective against mites
      • Product Height (in.): 11.25 in
      • Plant Type: Begonias,Crape Myrtle,Garden Mums,Gardenia,Geraniums,Gerber Daisy,Hydrangea,Impatiens,Irises,Lilies,Magnolia,Maple Tree,Marigolds,Petunias,Rhododendron (Azalea),Rose
      32 oz. Slug and Snail Liquid Killer
      Prices start at : 8.97 USD / each

      It contains Snare, an attractant that encourages slugs and snails to consume more product, resulting in faster control and less damage to your plants. Ready-to-Use Slug and Snail Killer is an extremely effective liquid slug and snail bait.
      •  Convenient ready-to-use formula for your DIY pest control needs
      •  Use slug and snail killer on lawns, fruits, vegetables and more
      • Product Width (in.): 4.6 in
      • Application Type: Sprayer Application
      • Safe for Edibles: No
      • Returnable: 90-Day
      1.75 lbs. Slug and Snail Killer
      Prices start at : 7.97 USD / each

      The Corrys brand has been a trusted name for over 70 years, protecting the hard work and investment of gardeners from destructive slugs and snails. DIY pest control for use on turf, ornamentals, vegetables and fruit.
      •  For use on turf, ornamentals, vegetables and fruit
      •  Cover up to 8,750 sq. ft. for 2 weeks of plant protection
      •  Remains effective after rain or sprinkling
      • Pest Type: Snails and Slugs
      • Returnable: 90-Day
      • Application Type: Granular
      24 fl. oz. Ready-to-Use Insecticidal Soap
      Prices start at : 5.97 USD / each

      This product kills many common, damaging insects and is effective on the adult, larval and nymph stages of most insects. The Garden Safe Brand 24 fl. Ready-to-Use Insecticidal Soap provides a pest-control solution for people who are concerned about using...
      • Product Depth (in.): 2.48 in
      • Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
      • Pest Common Name: Aphids,Caterpillars,Earwigs,Flies
      • Use indoors and outdoors on flowers, vegetables, fruits and more: Yes
      • Safe for Pets: No
      • Returnable: 90-Day
      2.5 lb. Sluggo Snail and Slug Control
      Prices start at : 15.07 USD / each

      The slug control remains effective after rain and works well in cool weather. Snail and Slug Control helps to eliminate snails and slugs. The Sluggo 2.5 lb. This slug control contains iron phosphate and remains effective up to 4 weeks.
      •  Breaks down into organic fertilizer
      •  Works well in cool weather for versatility
      •  Long-lasting formula remains effective up to 4 weeks, even after rain
      • Product Depth (in.): 4 in
      • Returnable: 90-Day
      • Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
      16 oz. Fruit Tree Spray Concentrate
      Prices start at : 19.99 USD / each

      BONIDE Fruit Tree Spray controls common insects and diseases found on fruit trees. Economical concentrate with various mix rates. Follow instructions for a routine spray schedule to control and prevent pest problems.
      •  Economical concentrate
      •  Concentrate pint (16 oz.) various mix rates
      • Plant Type: Apple,Cherries,Grapes,Peaches and Nectarines,Rose,Strawberries
      • Returnable: 90-Day
      • Product Depth (in.): 2.13 in
      • Safe for Pets: No
      4 lbs. Ready-to-Use Tree and Shrub Protect and Feed Granules
      Prices start at : 26.22 USD / each

      Having beautiful trees and shrubs has never been easier. Bayer Advanced Tree and Shrub Protect and Feed Granules provides 12-month long-lasting systemic protection against damaging insects including Adelgids, Aphids, Borers, Japanese Beetles, Leaf miners,...
      •  12 months systemic insect protection
      •  Provides 12-month insect protection
      •  Kills adelgids, aphids, Japanese beetles, borers and more
      • Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
      • Pest Common Name: Aphids,Beetles,Caterpillars,Flies
      • Application Type: Granular
      32 oz. All Natural Snail and Slug Spray
      Prices start at : 16.29 USD / each

      This ready-to-use formula controls slugs and snails by repelling and contact activity and is meant for outdoor use on fruit, vegetable, citrus and ornamental plants. All Natural Snail and Slug Spray is made with 100% naturally occurring materials.
      •  Non-phytotoxic
      •  Ready-to-use formula in a 32 oz. trigger spray bottle
      •  Kills on contact when material is wet and repels for up to 2 weeks
      • Returnable: 90-Day
      • Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
      • Product Height (in.): 11 in
      32oz Concentrate Outdoor Insect Killer
      Prices start at : 13.97 USD / each

      Use throughout the growing season to kill insects with short pre-harvest intervals for edibles. Simply mix with water as directed and apply with a sprayer (not included) to protect plants and controls nuisance pests such as ants, fleas, ticks, spiders,...
      •  Safe for Edibles
      •  Protects over 250 fruits and vegetables
      • Product Height (in.): 10.35
      • Pest Common Name: Ants,Aphids,Bees,Beetles,Caterpillars,Deer,Earwigs,Flies,Moles,Rats,Roaches,Spiders,Ticks,Worms
      • Returnable: 90-Day
      • Organic: No
      B.T. (Bacillus Thuringiensis) Pint Concentrate Outdoor Organic Insecticide
      Prices start at : 13.57 USD / each

      Monterey B.T. Insecticide kills caterpillar type insects, but has no effect on birds, earthworms, or beneficial insects such as honeybees and ladybugs, when used as directed. It can be used on edible plants up to the day of harvest.
      •  OMRI listed for organic gardening
      •  Will not harm predator insects
      •  Organic
      • Product Depth (in.): 2 in
      • Product Width (in.): 4 in
      • Pest Type: Bagworms,Cabbage Loopers,Cankerworms,Gypsy Moths,Tomato Hornworms and Tobacco Hornworms
      10.5 lbs. Diatomaceous Earth Food Grade 100% with 31.5 lbs. Powder Duster Applicator (3-Pack)
      Prices start at : 59.00 USD / package

      Professional Powder Duster included for easy application. It is OMRI listed with the Organic Minerals Research Institute and meets organic use standards. Harris Ground Fresh 100% Diatomaceous Earth is a natural product.
      •  Safe for Pets
      •  Use in animal feed and multiple other uses
      • Plant Type: Acer (Maple, Box Elder),Angelonias,Apple,Ash Tree,Asparagus,Astilbes,Avocados,Bamboo,Beans,Begonias,Blackberries,Blueberries,Boston Ivy,Bougainvillea,Brambles (Blackberries, Raspberries),Burning Bush,Butterfly Bush,Buxus (Boxwood),Cactus,Camellia,Cherries,Cilantro,Citrus,Clematis,Coleus,Coreopsis,Corn,Crabapple,Crape Myrtle,Crape Myrtle,Crimson Pygmy Barberry,Crimson Pygmy Barberry,Cucurbits (melons, cucumbers, squash, zucchini),Cypress Family (Arborvitae),Daylilies,Dianthuess,Dusty Miller,Echinacea,Euonymus,Ferns,Ficus,Fig,Garden Mums,Gardenia,Gazanias,Geraniums,Gerber Daisy,Grapes,Grass,Greek Oregano,Guara,Hedera (Ivy),Heucheras,Hibiscus,Holly,Honeysuckle,Hostas,Hydrangea,Impatiens,Irises,Jasmine,Juniper,Lantana,Lettuce,Ligustrum (Privet),Ligustrum (Privet),Lilac,Lilies,Lily-of-the-Valley,Magnolia,Mandevilla,Mangos,Maple Tree,Marigolds,Narcissus (Daffodil, Jonquil),New Guinea Impatiens,Oak,Okra,Onion Family (Including Garlic),Orchids,Osteospermum,Palm,Pansies,Parsley,Peaches and Nectarines,Pears,Pecan,Pentas,Peonies (Tree and Herbaceous),Peppers,Petunias,Phlox,Pine,Plums,Potatoes,Pothos,Raspberries,Rhododendron (Azalea),Rhubarb,Rose,Rose,Rosemary,Rubber Plant,Rudbeckias,Sage,Saintpaulia (African Violet),Salvias,Scabiosas,Schlumbergera (Christmas Cactus),Sedum,Snake Plant,Snapdragons,Spathiphyllum (Peace lily),Spirea,Spruce,Star of Bethlehem,Strawberries,Sun Coleus,Sweet Basil,Sweet Marjoram,Taxus (Yew),Thyme,Tomatoes,Tulip,Verbena,Vinca,Vincas,Yarrows,Yucca,Zinnias
      • Application Type: Dust
      • Indoor/Outdoor: Indoor,Outdoor
      • Pest Common Name: Ants,Aphids,Bed Bugs,Earwigs
      Garden Insect Spray with Spinosad
      Prices start at : 34.27 USD / each

      Controls a wide range of insects. The newest agricultural active to be introduced into the homeowner market. Monterey Garden insect spray.
      •  Also controls caterpillars, codling moths, gypsy moths, thrips, borers and others
      •  Also can be used to control fire ants in the lawn and other outdoor areas
      •  Only product that works on citrus leaf miner
      •  Safe for Edibles
      • Pest Common Name: Ants,Aphids,Beetles,Flies,Worms
      • Product Depth (in.): 2.5
      8 oz. Diatomaceous Earth Food Grade (3-Pack)
      Prices start at : 13.47 USD / each

      It is OMRI listed with the Organic Minerals Research Institute and meets organic use standards. Use value 3-pack for multiple treatments. Use in animal feed, and multiple other uses.
      •  Use in animal feed and multiple other uses
      •  OMRI listed with the Organic Minerals Research Institute
      • Plant Type: Acer (Maple, Box Elder),Angelonias,Apple,Ash Tree,Asparagus,Astilbes,Avocados,Bamboo,Beans,Begonias,Blackberries,Blueberries,Boston Ivy,Bougainvillea,Brambles (Blackberries, Raspberries),Burning Bush,Butterfly Bush,Buxus (Boxwood),Cactus,Camellia,Cherries,Cilantro,Citrus,Clematis,Coleus,Coreopsis,Corn,Crabapple,Crape Myrtle,Crimson Pygmy Barberry,Cucurbits (melons, cucumbers, squash, zucchini),Cypress Family (Arborvitae),Daylilies,Daylilies,Dianthuess,Dusty Miller,Echinacea,Euonymus,Ferns,Ficus,Fig,Garden Mums,Gardenia,Gazanias,Geraniums,Gerber Daisy,Grapes,Grass,Greek Oregano,Guara,Hedera (Ivy),Hedera (Ivy),Hedera (Ivy),Hibiscus,Holly,Honeysuckle,Hostas,Hydrangea,Impatiens,Irises,Jasmine,Juniper,Lantana,Lettuce,Ligustrum (Privet),Lilac,Lilies,Lily-of-the-Valley,Magnolia,Mandevilla,Mangos,Maple Tree,Marigolds,Narcissus (Daffodil, Jonquil),New Guinea Impatiens,Oak,Okra,Onion Family (Including Garlic),Orchids,Osteospermum,Palm,Pansies,Parsley,Peaches and Nectarines,Pears,Pecan,Pentas,Peonies (Tree and Herbaceous),Peppers,Petunias,Raspberries,Rhododendron (Azalea),Rhubarb,Rose,Rosemary,Schlumbergera (Christmas Cactus),Spirea,Spruce,Star of Bethlehem,Strawberries,Sun Coleus,Sweet Basil,Sweet Marjoram,Taxus (Yew),Thyme,Tomatoes,Tulip,Verbena,Vinca,Yarrows,Yucca,Zinnias
      • Product Height (in.): 10.25 in
      • Safe for Pets: No
      • Pest Type: Ants,Aphids,Earwigs,Millipedes,Snails and Slugs
      16 oz. Neem Oil Fungicide, Miticide and Insecticide Concentrate
      Prices start at : 20.35 USD / each

      Bonide Neem Oil (3-in-1), insecticide, fungicide, miticide for organic gardening. Use on roses, flowers, fruits, vegetables and more. Controls plant disease, mites and all stages of insect life cycles.
      •  Controls insects, diseases and mites
      •  Safe for Edibles
      • Product Width (in.): 4.00 in
      • Application Type: Liquid
      • Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
      • Plant Type: Apple,Rose,Tomatoes
      Nylon Maggot Barriers
      Prices start at : 14.95 USD / 144 count: Heavy weave

      No additional information available Overall Rating:. Apply barrier when fruitlet is smaller than 1 inch in diameter and they will expand with the growth of the fruit, creating a physical barrier to insect infestations.