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Natural Pest Management Grow Media Supplies For Sale In Louisville Jefferson County

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1 lb. Sluggo
Prices start at : 8.29 USD / each

This repellant protects your vegetable gardens from snails and slugs, and remains effective after rain. It is organic and eventually breaks down into fertilizer. Sluggo contains iron phosphate and is safe for use around pets and wildlife.
  •  0.5 - 1 lb. treats up to 1,000 sq. ft.
  •  Can be used in vegetable gardens up until the day of harvest
  •  Organic
  •  Long-lasting formula can be applied in cool weather and is effective even after rain
  • Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
  • Product Width (in.): 7 in
Louisville/Jefferson County
10.5 lbs. Diatomaceous Earth Food Grade 100% with 31.5 lbs. Powder Duster Applicator (3-Pack)
Prices start at : 59.00 USD / package

Use to protect your garden plants. Use in animal feed, and multiple other uses. It is OMRI listed with the Organic Minerals Research Institute and meets organic use standards. Harris Ground Fresh 100% Diatomaceous Earth is a natural product.
  •  3 professional powder dusters included for easy application
  •  Safe for Edibles
  •  Use in animal feed and multiple other uses
  •  10.5 lbs. 3-pack (31.5 lbs.) value size for multiple treatments
  • Returnable: 90-Day
  • Indoor/Outdoor: Indoor,Outdoor
Louisville/Jefferson County
B.T. (Bacillus Thuringiensis) Pint Concentrate Outdoor Organic Insecticide
Prices start at : 13.57 USD / each

It is for use on fruits, vegetables, ornamentals and shade trees. It can be used on edible plants up to the day of harvest. Monterey B.T. Insecticide kills caterpillar type insects, but has no effect on birds, earthworms, or beneficial insects such as...
  • Application Type: Sprayer Application
  • Returnable: 90-Day
  • Will not harm predator insects: Yes
  • Product Depth (in.): 2 in
  • Pest Common Name: Worms
  • Product Height (in.): 9 in
Louisville/Jefferson County
10.5 lbs. Diatomaceous Earth Food Grade with Powder Duster Applicator
Prices start at : 22.77 USD / each

Use to protect your garden plants. Use in animal feed, and multiple other uses. It is OMRI listed with the Organic Minerals Research Institute and meets organic use standards. Harris Ground Fresh 100% Diatomaceous Earth is a natural product.
  •  OMRI listed with the organic minerals research institute
  •  Safe for Edibles
  • Concentrated or Ready to Use: Ready to use
  • Product Height (in.): 19 in
  • Plant Type: Acer (Maple, Box Elder),Angelonias,Apple,Ash Tree,Asparagus,Astilbes,Avocados,Bamboo,Beans,Begonias,Blackberries,Blueberries,Boston Ivy,Bougainvillea,Brambles (Blackberries, Raspberries),Burning Bush,Butterfly Bush,Buxus (Boxwood),Cactus,Camellia,Cherries,Cilantro,Citrus,Clematis,Coleus,Coreopsis,Corn,Crabapple,Crape Myrtle,Crimson Pygmy Barberry,Cucurbits (melons, cucumbers, squash, zucchini),Cypress Family (Arborvitae),Daylilies,Dianthuess,Dusty Miller,Echinacea,Euonymus,Ferns,Ficus,Fig,Garden Mums,Gardenia,Gazanias,Geraniums,Gerber Daisy,Grapes,Grass,Greek Oregano,Guara,Hedera (Ivy),Hedera (Ivy),Hibiscus,Holly,Honeysuckle,Hostas,Hydrangea,Impatiens,Jasmine,Juniper,Lantana,Lettuce,Ligustrum (Privet),Lilac,Lily-of-the-Valley,Magnolia,Mandevilla,Mandevilla,Mangos,Maple Tree,Marigolds,Narcissus (Daffodil, Jonquil),New Guinea Impatiens,Oak,Okra,Onion Family (Including Garlic),Orchids,Osteospermum,Palm,Pansies,Parsley,Peaches and Nectarines,Pears,Pecan,Peonies (Tree and Herbaceous),Peppers,Phlox,Pine,Plums,Potatoes,Raspberries,Rhododendron (Azalea),Rhubarb,Rose,Rosemary,Rubber Plant,Sage,Saintpaulia (African Violet),Salvias,Scabiosas,Snapdragons,Spathiphyllum,Spathiphyllum (Peace lily),Spirea,Spruce,Star of Bethlehem,Strawberries,Sweet Basil,Sweet Basil,Sweet Marjoram,Taxus (Yew),Thyme,Tomatoes,Tulip,Verbena,Vinca,Vincas,Yarrows,Yucca,Zinnias
  • Product Width (in.): 11 in
Louisville/Jefferson County
1 lb. Ready to Use Garden Insect Killer Dust
Prices start at : 6.28 USD / each

Sevin Ready-to-Use 5% Dust is designed to kill over 65 types of insects, including Japanese beetles, Armyworms, Leafhoppers, Webworms, Fleas, Spiders, and Earwigs. Garden dust is recommended to care for outdoor areas on lawns, vegetables, fruit and ornamentals.
  • Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
  • Pest Common Name: Aphids,Beetles,Caterpillars,Earwigs,Fleas,Spiders,Ticks,Worms
  • Concentrated or Ready to Use: Ready to use
  • Product Height (in.): 9 in
  • Helps kill over 65 types of insects including Japanese beetles, ticks, worms and ants: Yes
  • Plant Type: Beans,Blackberries,Blueberries,Cucurbits (melons, cucumbers, squash, zucchini),Lettuce,Peppers,Potatoes,Raspberries,Strawberries,Tomatoes
Louisville/Jefferson County
32 oz. Ready-to-Spray 3-in-1 Insect, Disease and Mite Control
Prices start at : 18.97 USD / each

This product kills aphids, caterpillars, spider mites, thrips, whiteflies and more along with curing diseases like black spot, powdery mildew and rust. Growing beautiful trees, shrubs, roses and flowers has never been easier.
  •  Organic
  •  Safe for Pets
  • Returnable: 90-Day
  • Plant Type: Begonias,Boston Ivy,Bougainvillea,Camellia,Coleus,Crape Myrtle,Daylilies,Ficus,Garden Mums,Gardenia,Geraniums,Gerber Daisy,Hibiscus,Holly,Hostas,Hydrangea,Impatiens,Irises,Lantana,Lilies,Mandevilla,Maple Tree,Marigolds,Petunias,Rhododendron (Azalea),Rose,Snapdragons,Tulip,Zinnias
  • Product Height (in.): 11.25 in
  • Ready to spray- no mixing or measuring: Yes
Louisville/Jefferson County
32 oz. 8 Insect Control Vegetable/Fruit/Flower Concentrate
Prices start at : 20.99 USD / each

Use on lawns, trees, shrubs, flowers, fruits, vegetables, ornamentals and more. Keeps working for up to 4-weeks. BONIDE 8 brand insect control kills more than 100 different types of troublesome garden insect pests.
  •  Keeps working for up to 4-weeks
  •  Kills over 100 listed insect pests
  •  Ants, aphids, fleas, ticks, beetles, mites and more
  • Plant Type: Begonias,Juniper,Lilies,Marigolds,Orchids,Pansies,Petunias,Pothos,Rose,Snapdragons,Verbena,Zinnias
  • Concentrated or Ready to Use: Concentrated
  • Product Depth (in.): 2.25 in
Louisville/Jefferson County
10.5 lbs. Diatomaceous Earth Food Grade 100% with 52.5 lbs. Powder Duster Applicator (5-Pack )
Prices start at : 97.00 USD / package

Use to protect your garden plants. Use in animal feed, and multiple other uses. It is OMRI listed with the Organic Minerals Research Institute and meets organic use standards. Harris Ground Fresh 100% Diatomaceous Earth is a natural product.
  •  Omri listed with the organic minerals research institute
  •  5 professional powder dusters included for easy application
  •  10.5 lbs. 5-pack (52.5 lbs.) value size for multiple treatments
  • Product Depth (in.): 35 in
  • Pest Type: Ants,Aphids,Bed Bugs,Crickets,Earwigs,Millipedes,Snails and Slugs
  • Returnable: 90-Day
Louisville/Jefferson County
1 Gal. 3-in-1 Insect, Mite and Disease Control
Prices start at : 21.97 USD / each

This convenient, easy-to-use formula requires no mixing. Simply apply directly from the bottle as indicated in the instruction booklet, and spray your plants to control insect damage, fungal disease and mites.
  •  Use when insect damage or fungal disease first appears
  •  Controls aphids, mites, beetles, crickets, weevils, silverfish, caterpillars, whiteflies, and other insect pests
  •  Can be used up to the day before harvest
  • Safe for Pets: No
  • Indoor/Outdoor: Indoor,Outdoor
  • Pest Common Name: Aphids,Beetles,Caterpillars,Flies
Louisville/Jefferson County
Beneficial Nematode Fungus Gnat Control for Indoor Plants
Prices start at : 12.6 USD / each

Now in non-refrigerated format. Nema Globe Pot Popper Nematodes should be used with every bag of indoor potting soil used to help prevent gnat infestation. One Pot Popper contains product to treat 8 - 8 in.
  •  Organic
  •  Each popper globe contains 8 bio-pouches (treats 8 plants)
  •  Safe for Pets
  •  Fast and easy control of pests in potted plants
  • Product Height (in.): 3
  • Application Type: Gel
Louisville/Jefferson County
16 oz. Fruit Tree and Plant Guard Concentrate
Prices start at : 25.44 USD / each

Can be used on Fruit, Nuts, Ornamental Trees, Shrubs and Flowers. Perfect for the novice or master orchardist. Bonide Fruit Tree and Plant Guard is an easy, economical and effective way to control and prevent insects and disease.
  •  Perfect for the novice or master orchardist
  •  Protect apples, cherries, peaches, pears and more
  •  Controls powdery mildew, apple scab, fly speck and more
  • Product Depth (in.): 2.13 in
  • Application Type: Liquid
  • Concentrated or Ready to Use: Concentrated
Louisville/Jefferson County
16 oz. Fruit Tree Spray Concentrate
Prices start at : 19.99 USD / each

Follow instructions for a routine spray schedule to control and prevent pest problems. Economical concentrate with various mix rates. BONIDE Fruit Tree Spray controls common insects and diseases found on fruit trees.
  •  Controls both insects and diseases on fruit trees, flowers, evergreens and strawberries
  •  Safe for Edibles
  •  2-in-1, insect and disease protection for fruit trees
  • Product Depth (in.): 2.13 in
  • Application Type: Liquid
  • Product Height (in.): 6.75 in
Louisville/Jefferson County
Bug-Geta 3.5 lb. Snail and Slug Killer
Prices start at : 13.97 USD / each

And, you can use Ortho Bug-Geta Snail & Slug Killer around pets and wildlife. No mixing or spraying required; simply spread the indicated amount of product around your vegetables, fruit trees, citrus, berries, ornamentals, shrubs, flowers, trees, or gardens,...
  •  Safe for Edibles
  •  Organic
  •  Convenient, easy-to-use formula requires no mixing or spraying
  •  Can be used around pets and wildlife
  •  For best results, apply in the evening
  • Product Height (in.): 10.25 in
Louisville/Jefferson County
2 lb. Ready-to-Use Slug and Snail Bait
Prices start at : 10.66 USD / each

The active ingredient is iron phosphate, a common soil element and ingredient in fertilizers so any bait that's not ingested will degrade and become part of the soil. Unlike other slug and snail killers, it is safe to use around pets and wildlife.
  •  Begins to kill slugs and snails within three to six days
  •  Common soil element and fertilizer ingredient is safe to use in vegetable gardens and around pets and wildlife
  •  Kills a wide variety of slugs and snails to protect vegetable and flower gardens, greenhouses, outdoor ornamentals, fruit trees and bushes
  •  Organic
  • Application Type: Bait
  • Pest Common Name: Snails and Slugs
Louisville/Jefferson County
3.5 lb. Slug and Snail Killer
Prices start at : 13.27 USD / each

Corry's Slug and Snail Killer attracts and kills slugs and snails. DIY pest control for use on turf, ornamentals, vegetables, and fruit. The Corry's brand has been a trusted name for over 70 years, protecting the hard work and investment of gardeners...
  •  Safe for pets to enter area immediately after product is applied
  •  Remains effective after rain or sprinkling
  •  Safe for Pets
  • Application Type: Granular
  • Pest Type: Snails and Slugs
  • Concentrated or Ready to Use: Ready to use
Louisville/Jefferson County
16 oz. goGnats Liquid Poison-Free Pest Control Concentrate
Prices start at : 26.41 USD / each

Can be applied during lawn care as an area spray or added to fertilizers and applied during feeding. This liquid may be used as a plant and area spray, added to nutrient reservoirs or used as a soil drench.
  •  16 oz
  •  For indoor/outdoor plants
  •  Add to reservoirs at every nutrient change
  • Plant Type: Lettuce,Peppers,Strawberries,Tomatoes
  • Pest Common Name: Aphids
  • Indoor/Outdoor: Indoor,Outdoor
Louisville/Jefferson County
16 oz. Insect Killing Soap Concentrate
Prices start at : 11.97 USD / each

Apply every 7-10 days when insects are present or as needed to prevent further damage. Concentrate Insect Killing Soap kills a variety of insect pests including aphids, whiteflies and mealybugs.
  •  Targets and kills aphids, earwigs, grasshoppers, harlequin bugs, leafhoppers, mealy bugs, mites, plant bugs, psyllids, sawfly larvae, soft scales, spider mites, and whiteflies
  •  Organic
  •  16 fl. oz. concentrate- makes up to 6 Gal.
  • Returnable: 30-Day
  • Concentrated or Ready to Use: Concentrated
  • Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
Louisville/Jefferson County
1 lb. Sluggo Plus
Prices start at : 13.82 USD / each

This product effectively controls and kills slugs, snails, earwigs, sow bugs, pill bugs and cutworms. It is ideal for protecting your ornamentals, vegetables, fruit trees, berries, turf and non-commercial greenhouses from insect pests.
  •  0.5 - 1 lb. covers up to 1,000 sq. ft.
  •  Formula contains iron phosphate and spinosad
  •  Lasts up to 4 weeks and breaks down into an organic fertilizer
  • Product Width (in.): 3 in
  • Returnable: 90-Day
  • Concentrated or Ready to Use: Ready to use
Louisville/Jefferson County
24 oz. Ready-to-Use Multipurpose Garden Insect Killer
Prices start at : 8.94 USD / each

It protects your whole garden from damaging insects. The product is fast acting and kills on contact, plus it kills over 50 types of insects as listed. Garden Safe Brand Multi-purpose Garden Insect Killer can be used up to the day of harvest.
  •  Kills on contact
  •  For use both indoors and outdoors
  •  Use up to day of harvest
  •  DIY pest control protects roses, vegetables, houseplants, ornamentals, trees, shrubs and flowers
  • Concentrated or Ready to Use: Ready to use
  • Plant Type: Rose
Louisville/Jefferson County
32 oz. Asian Lady Beetle and Box-Elder Bug Killer
Prices start at : 11.97 USD / each

Effective results begin, after the spray dries. Asian Lady Beetle and Box-Elder Bug Killer can be used both indoors and outdoors to kill Asian lady beetles and box-elder bugs. The Harris 32 oz.


    • Use both indoors and outdoors for optimal results: Yes
    • Pest Type: Beetles
    • Product Height (in.): 11.125 in
    • Product Depth (in.): 2.875 in
    • Pest Common Name: Beetles
    • Application Type: Pump Spray
    Louisville/Jefferson County
    32oz Concentrate Outdoor Insect Killer
    Prices start at : 13.97 USD / each

    Best of all, it is fast acting and protects for up to 3 months. Simply mix with water as directed and apply with a sprayer (not included) to protect plants and controls nuisance pests such as ants, fleas, ticks, spiders, Japanese beetles, aphids, cabbage...
    •  Kills over 500 listed pests
    •  Kills by contact and keeps protecting up to 3 months
    • Pest Common Name: Ants,Aphids,Bees,Beetles,Caterpillars,Deer,Earwigs,Flies,Moles,Rats,Roaches,Spiders,Ticks,Worms
    • Product Height (in.): 10.35
    • Product Depth (in.): 2.1
    • Product Width (in.): 5.07
    Louisville/Jefferson County
    64 oz. (4 lbs.) Diatomaceous Earth Food Grade 100% with Powder Duster Applicator (4-Pack)
    Prices start at : 45.97 USD / each

    Professional Powder Duster included for easy application. Use in animal feed and multiple other uses. Ground Fresh 100% Diatomaceous Earth (4-Pack) is a natural product. Use to protect your garden plants.
    •  Value pack size for multiple treatments
    •  Professional powder duster included for easy application
    •  Use in animal feed and multiple other uses
    • Indoor/Outdoor: Indoor,Outdoor
    • Product Height (in.): 17 in
    • Pest Common Name: Ants,Aphids,Bed Bugs,Earwigs
    Louisville/Jefferson County
    32 oz. All Natural Snail and Slug Spray
    Prices start at : 16.29 USD / each

    It kills on contact when material is wet and continues to repel for up to 2 weeks. All Natural Snail and Slug Spray is made with 100% naturally occurring materials. The Monterey 32 oz.
    •  Non-phytotoxic
    •  Ready-to-use formula in a 32 oz. trigger spray bottle
    •  Compliant with the national organic program
    •  Can be used on ornamentals and edible crops up to the day of harvest
    • Product Width (in.): 5 in
    • Concentrated or Ready to Use: Ready to use
    Louisville/Jefferson County
    4 lbs. Systemic Insect Control Granules
    Prices start at : 22.98 USD / each

    Provides long-lasting protection that won't wash off. Use on roses, flowers, containerized trees, shrubs, and ornamentals. Bonide Systemic Insect Control granules protect plants from chewing insects from the inside out.
    •  Absorbed through the roots for complete plant protection
    •  No spraying, no mess, protects for 2-month
    • Concentrated or Ready to Use: Ready to use
    • Plant Type: Rose
    • Pest Type: Aphids,Beetles,Fungus Gnats,Japanese Beetles,Leaf Miners and Tip Moths,Leafhoppers,Mealybugs,Root Weevils,Sawflies,Scale Insects,Thrips,Whiteflies
    • Returnable: 90-Day
    Louisville/Jefferson County
    Triazicide 16 oz. Aerosol Landscapes and Gardens
    Prices start at : 5.37 USD / each

    It is ideal for most vegetables, herbs, fruits, nuts and ornamentals as listed. One 16 oz can treats up to 20 sq ft. Triazicide Insect Killer for Landscapes and Gardens Outdoor Fogger kills over 70 types of insects on contact including fruit flies, stink...
    • Pest Common Name: Ants,Aphids,Caterpillars,Fleas,Flies,Spiders,Stink Bugs,Ticks
    • Kills Japanese beetles and gypsy moth caterpillars: Yes
    • Pest Type: Ants,Aphids,Armyworms,Asparagus Beetles and Spotted Asparagus Beetles,Bagworms,Beetles,Black Widow Spiders,Boxelder Bugs,Brown Dog Ticks,Brown Recluse Spiders,Cabbage Loopers,Cankerworms,Caterpillars,Chinch Bugs,Cicadas,Colorado Potato Beetles,Corn Earworms,Crane Flies,Crickets,Cucumber Beetles,Cutworms,Deer Ticks,Diamondback Moths,Earwigs,Firebrats,Flea Beetles,Fruit Flies,Gypsy Moths,Harlequin Bugs,Japanese Beetles,Lace Bugs,Leaf Miners and Tip Moths,Leafhoppers,Leafrollers,Leafrollers and Leaftiers,Mealybugs,Millipedes,Moths,Pill Bugs,Scale Insects,Silverfish,Sowbugs and Pillbugs,Spider Mites,Spittlebugs,Stinkbugs,Thrips,Tomato Hornworms and Tobacco Hornworms,Weevils,Whiteflies
    • Product Depth (in.): 2.62 in
    • Returnable: 90-Day
    • Concentrated or Ready to Use: Ready to use
    Louisville/Jefferson County
    4 lbs. (64 oz.) Diatomaceous Earth Food Grade 100% and Shaker Applicator Value Pack
    Prices start at : 18.97 USD / each

    Use to protect your garden plants. Use in animal feed, and multiple other uses. Shaker applicator is durable, efficient, and easy to use. It is OMRI listed with the Organic Minerals Research Institute and meets organic use standards.
    •  Safe for Pets
    •  Scoop included for easy refill
    •  Adjustable top is great to apply dusts, powders, and granules
    •  Use in animal feed and multiple other uses
    •  Shaker applicator is durable, efficient, and easy to use
    • Plant Type: Acer (Maple, Box Elder),Angelonias,Apple,Ash Tree,Asparagus,Astilbes,Avocados,Bamboo,Beans,Begonias,Blackberries,Blueberries,Boston Ivy,Bougainvillea,Brambles (Blackberries, Raspberries),Burning Bush,Butterfly Bush,Buxus (Boxwood),Cactus,Camellia,Cherries,Cilantro,Citrus,Clematis,Coleus,Coreopsis,Corn,Crabapple,Crape Myrtle,Crimson Pygmy Barberry,Cucurbits (melons, cucumbers, squash, zucchini),Cypress Family (Arborvitae),Daylilies,Dianthuess,Dusty Miller,Echinacea,Euonymus,Ferns,Ficus,Fig,Garden Mums,Gardenia,Gazanias,Geraniums,Gerber Daisy,Grapes,Grass,Greek Oregano,Guara,Hedera (Ivy),Heucheras,Hibiscus,Holly,Honeysuckle,Hostas,Hydrangea,Impatiens,Irises,Jasmine,Juniper,Lantana,Lettuce,Ligustrum (Privet),Lilac,Lilies,Lily-of-the-Valley,Magnolia,Mandevilla,Mangos,Maple Tree,Marigolds,Narcissus (Daffodil, Jonquil),New Guinea Impatiens,Oak,Okra,Onion Family (Including Garlic),Orchids,Osteospermum,Palm,Pansies,Parsley,Peaches and Nectarines,Pears,Pecan,Pentas,Peonies (Tree and Herbaceous),Peppers,Petunias,Phlox,Pine,Plums,Potatoes,Pothos,Raspberries,Rhododendron (Azalea),Rhubarb,Rose,Rosemary,Rubber Plant,Rudbeckias,Sage,Saintpaulia (African Violet),Salvias,Scabiosas,Schlumbergera (Christmas Cactus),Sedum,Snake Plant,Snapdragons,Spathiphyllum,Spathiphyllum (Peace lily),Spirea,Spruce,Star of Bethlehem,Strawberries,Sun Coleus,Sweet Basil,Sweet Marjoram,Taxus (Yew),Thyme,Tomatoes,Tulip,Verbena,Vinca,Vincas,Yarrows,Yucca,Zinnias
    Louisville/Jefferson County
    15 ft. Slug and Snail Copper Tape
    Prices start at : 6.96 USD / each

    Barrier is easy to use and long lasting pest control. Slug and Snail Copper Tape Barrier repels slugs and snails to help keep them out of your garden and away from your plants. This product contains no pesticides.
    •  Tape barrier acts as a slug and snail repellent from garden areas
    •  Copper tape deters slugs and snails without harm
    •  Works well in areas prone to garden pests
    • Pest Common Name: Snails and Slugs
    • Product Width (in.): 6 in
    • Product Depth (in.): 4.5 in
    Louisville/Jefferson County