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Native Shrubs Shrubs For Wet Locations For Sale In Utah

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Black Lace Elderberry
Prices start at : 39.95 USD / 3 GAL

For example a one gallon pot would be watered until you count to 5 a three gallon pot would be 15 and so on. This is not to be rushed. A very large shrub in the ground will take 2 – 3 cups spread around the drip line of the branches (not next to the...
United States
Tri-colored Dappled Willow
Prices start at : 47.95 USD / 3 Gal.

Minor elements that are not included in the three numbers listing on the front of fertilizer bags are very important considerations when choosing your plant fertilizer. Many times, Tri-colored dappled willow that have not been pruned in a few years will...
United States
Azalea Pink and Sweet
Prices start at : 34.95 USD / 2 GAL

In the South, a late May application and another in Late July would be about right. This deciduous shrub is known for its brilliant summer display of cheery pink blooms, in early to mid summer.
United States
Let\'s Dance Rhythmic Blue Hydrangea
Prices start at : 47.95 USD / 3 GAL

The choice of fertilzer will also affect the color change. When fertilizing hydrangeas in pots, be careful to apply a fertilizer that will not burn the roots (such as a slow release or a liquid fertilizer).
United States
Cityline Paris Hydrangea
Prices start at : 47.95 USD / 3 GAL

Plants that are deficient in Nitrogen are usually not growing vigorously, and sometimes exhibit pale colored foliage. You can then rake the mulch back around the base of the Cityline Rio Hydrangea.
United States
Clethra Ruby Spice
Prices start at : 47.95 USD / 3 GAL

Its general purpose is to maintain or restore vigor to the plant. Removing the dead and dying limbs will minimize the possibility of diseases such as “dieback” and will also allow the plant to re-concentrate its energies.
United States
Munchkin Oakleaf Hydrangea
Prices start at : 38.95 USD / 3 GAL

In choosing the basic type of fertilizer to suit your Oakleaf Hydrangea, it is important to determine what you need your Hydrangea to do. Screenings and hedges of hydrangeas would need to be pruned for their specific purpose within the landscape.
United States
Tiny Tuff Stuff Hydrangea
Prices start at : 44.95 USD / 3 GAL

A deficiency of Phosphorus may affect the energy transfer in the plant, and result in stunted growth as well. Pruning large Hydrangea's that are well established will enable the plant to have continued vigor, and lead to many more years of supplying beauty...
United States
Little Lime Hydrangea
Prices start at : 19.95 USD / 1 GAL

Mulching helps to keep weeds away which will compete with your new investment for water and nutrients. Although these hydrangeas may have been lovingly cared for by the previous owner, it may be necessary to severely prune these plants to restore vigor...
United States
Hamamelis Vernalis
Prices start at : 59.95 USD / 3 GAL

Espoma products are easy to use, just sprinkle around the base of the plant and water it in. Either chemical fertilizers or organic matter can be used successfully. At the recommended rate this will give the plant a boost of nitrogen that will be needed...
United States
Lynwood Gold Forsythia
Prices start at : 24.95 USD / 1 GAL

After back filling and lightly compacting the 50/50 mix of existing soil and compost give the Lynwood Gold Forsythia a good deep watering. It is also important to understand the specific growing characteristic of a certain Forsythia when pruning that...
United States
Standing Ovation Serviceberry
Prices start at : 47.95 USD / 3 GAL

Adding compost or topsoil will help the young feeder roots of Standing Ovation Serviceberry to spread through the loose, nutrient rich soil, much easier than if you used solely the existing soil which more times than not will be hard and compacted.
United States
Sweet Summer Hydrangea
Prices start at : 24.95 USD / 1 GAL

A deficiency of Phosphorus may affect the energy transfer in the plant, and result in stunted growth as well. Can be used to help aid in this process and also provide plants with a good soaking due to the slow release of the water into the root-zone of...
United States
Kalmia latifolia Olympic Fire
Prices start at : 29.95 USD / 1 GAL

Also, plants with insufficient amounts of Phosphorus may have poorer root systems. Try to cure the problem before adding fertilizer. When pruning established Kalmia latifolias where no labeling is present on a variety to identify it, you need to look...
United States
Itea Henry\'s Garnet
Prices start at : 22.95 USD / 1 Gal.

The second number in the fertilizer equation is representative of Phosphorus. Its general purpose is to maintain or restore vigor to the plant. The amount of chemical fertilizer used per plant will vary with the size of the plant and it's root system.
United States
Annabelle Hydrangea
Prices start at : 37.95 USD / 3 GAL

Try to cure the problem before adding fertilizer. Annabelle Hydrangea should be pruned in the late winter to encourage new growth. Slow-release fertilizer can help prevent rapid sucker growth that is vulnerable to diseases and insects.
United States
Winter Red Winterberry Holly
Prices start at : 27.95 USD / 1 GAL

In addition to providing attractive green foliage during the growing season, this beloved, low-maintenance shrub produces red berries in late summer that attract birds through the winter months.
United States
Limelight Hydrangea
Prices start at : 27.95 USD / 1 GAL

(Use less fertilizer for hydrangeas in a container.) “Fertilizer burn” can occur when too much fertilizer is applied, resulting in a drying out of the roots and damage or even death of the hydrangea.It is much, much better to err on the side of too...
United States
Let\'s Dance Starlight Hydrangea
Prices start at : 47.95 USD / 3 GAL

Commercial manure or compost can be applied yearly around the base of the hydrangea. Check the plant daily for the first week or so and then every other day there after. Pruning large hydrangeas may be minor or major.
United States
Physocarpus Summer Wine
Prices start at : 47.95 USD / 3 GAL

Excellent results have been reported by visitors to this site after using composted manure. In choosing the basic type of fertilizer to suit your Physocarpus Summer Wine, it is important to determine what you need your Physocarpus to do.
United States
Let\'s Dance Moonlight Hydrangea
Prices start at : 47.95 USD / 3 GAL

They make a great cut flower for bouquets that last for days. Fun Fact: The Let's Dance series of re-blooming hydrangeas including Let's Dance Moonlight Hydrangea were developed in Michigan.
United States
Lemon Candy Physocarpus
Prices start at : 39.95 USD / 3 GAL

Mulching helps to keep weeds away which will compete with your new investment for water and nutrients. Although these plants may have been lovingly cared for by the previous owner, it may be necessary to severely prune these plants to restore vigor or...
United States
Hearts A Bustin Euonymus americanus
Prices start at : 47.95 USD / 3 GAL

Pruning should always be associated with re-invigorating a plant by allowing it to focus its energies on producing more vigorous branches, foliage, and flowers. Another reason for pruning Euonymus such as Hearts A Bustin Euonymus americanus is to re-define...
United States
Pucker Up Red Twig Dogwood
Prices start at : 49.95 USD / 3 GAL

That is why we do not recommend planting in a hole any deeper than the soil line of the plant in the pot. It has compact growth and bright red winter stems that add to this native shrub's year-round appeal.
United States
Rhus Tiger Eyes
Prices start at : 59.95 USD / 3 Gal

This plant looks spectacular when partnered with crape myrtle ebony and ivory, purple leaved loropetalum, or crimson pygmy barberry, or any plant with maroon to midnight foliage. Medium height native shrub chartreuse foliage that turns gold then crimson...
United States
Bright Edge Yucca
Prices start at : 29.95 USD / 1 GAL

Follow this up with a early summer application of Espoma , this will provide the necessary nutrients and raise the nitrogen in the soil which Yucca favor. Can be used to help aid in this process and also provide plants with a good soaking due to the slow...
United States
Endless Summer Bloomstruck Hydrangea
Prices start at : 22.95 USD / 1 GAL

Flowering occurs on both old wood and new growth on this variety, assuring flowers even after a severe winter. They are fast growing shrubs and quickly grow to 5 feet high and just as wide every year.
United States