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Names Of Bedding Plants

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Begonia ‘Tiger Paw\' (Begonia rhizomatous hybrid)
Prices start at : 12.95 USD / 2.5" Pot Size

We love the mounding form that fits nicely on a windowsill or in a light garden. White flowers appear in winter on tall sprays that rise above the foliage. Begonia ‘Tiger Paw' (Begonia rhizomatous hybrid) Begonia ‘Tiger Paw' is the perfect size compact...
  • Bloom Season: Winter
  • Hardiness Zone: 10
  • Minimum Temperature Indoors: 60
Angel\'s Trumpet ‘Moonlight Glow\' (Brugmansia hybrid)
Prices start at : 24.95 USD / 4" Pot Size

The heavy nighttime fragrance has a hint of jasmine, brugmansia and a fruity, refreshing scent creating an elixir like a fine perfume. ‘Moonlight Glow' was hybridized in the UK by Hurstwood Brugmansias.
  • Plant Type: Fragrant
  • Minimum Temperature Indoors: 40
  • Sun Requirement: Full Sun
  • Hardiness Zone: 8
Pomegranate ‘Big Red\' (Punica granatum)
Prices start at : 19.95 USD / 4" Pot Size

The fruit ripens in late fall before plants go dormant for the season. The chill requirements can easily be reached by leaving the potted plant outside until late fall. The fruit has a leathery, deep-red outer rind with juicy red pomegranate seeds inside.
  • Sun Requirement: Full Sun
  • Bloom Season: Spring, Summer
  • Minimum Temperature Indoors: 30
Passion Flower \'Monika Fischer\' (Passiflora hybrid)
Prices start at : 12.95 USD / 2.5" Pot Size

Also a great candidate for summer plantings as it blooms easily as a young specimen. The deep color patterning in the banded corolla amplifies the 3” bloom. With a free blooming nature and a vigorous growth habit, it brings exotic floral form from spring...
  • Sun Requirement: Full Sun
  • Hardiness Zone: 9, 10
  • Grows to: 2-3'
  • Plant Type: Good for a Hanging Basket
Plant Pronunciation, Part 1: People Plants
I was chatting with the knowledgeable owner of a local nursery. "I can't resist these hew-KER-uhs," I told her as she rang up my purchase of three heuchera plants. "YOO-ker-uh!" I thought.
El Segundo
Plant Pronunciation, Part 2: Botanical Tongue Twisters and Other Pronunciation Struggles
In Part 2, we'll tackle a few tongue twisters and address some other common plant name slip-ups. In Plant Pronunciation, Part 1, we examined some of the vagaries in the pronunciation of "people plants," or those whose Latin names honor a particular scientist...
El Segundo
What\'s in a Name? The Importance of Knowing and Using Latin Names for Plants
I began realizing that learning the Latin names myself would let me avoid a lot of confusion.I decided the only way to learn these names was to make myself use them. Latin names make it easier to communicate and exchange information, and using them can...
El Segundo
Bird\'s Nest Sansevieria ‘Gold Hahnii\' (Sansevieria hybrid)
Prices start at : 16.95 USD / 4" Pot Size

This member of the Agave family is a low maintenance succulent that only needs watering once or twice a month and performs well in full sun-topartial shade. Sansevierias act as indoor air purifiers removing toxins from indoor environments.
  • Bloom Season: Summer
  • Sun Requirement: Full Sun, Partial Sun
  • Plant Type: Easy Grower
  • Grows to: 6"
Plant Pronunciation, Part 3: Garden Beasts and Dread Diseases
In this third and last article about plant pronunciation, I'd like to examine more tough-to-say plant names, this time focusing on those that sound just a little scary. I hope this series of articles about plant names and their pronunciation has piqued...
El Segundo
Genus, Species, and Cultivars, Oh My?
I've talked with many gardeners, green and seasoned, who have a hard time remembering what is what within a botanical name as well as how to use it. Nicholaus wrote a great article onif you need some convincing.
El Segundo
Crown Of Thorns Euphorbia: Tips On Growing Crown Of Thorns Outdoors
You can plant crown of thorns in the garden in warm climates. Heat tolerant and drought resistant, the crown of thorns plant is a real gem. You can add this flowering succulent to your garden without worrying much about maintenance.
Coir- Sun Cocopeat
Price : CALL

Ecofriendly, biodegradable, earthsafe, multipurpose growing medium. The new coconut husk is pre washed (with fresh water), machine dried, sieved and free from sand and other contaminations such as animal and plant residue.
Euphorbia Crown Of Thorns Growing: Learn About Crown Of Thorns Houseplant Care
(32 C.) in summer.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });From spring through late fall, water the crown of thorns plant when the soil is dry at a depth of about an inch, which is about the length of your finger...
Bells Of Ireland, Moluccella Laevis
Prices start at : 3.99 USD / 1 Pkt. (100 seeds)

Grows best in full sun to partial shade in well-drained soil. Stems are arrayed with spectacular green bell-shaped bracts that are straw- colored when dried. An attention-getter in the border.
  • Spread: 10-12 inches
  • Flower color: Green
  • Bloom Duration: 10 weeks
  • Sun: Full Sun
  • Life Cycle: Annual
For the thousandth time, it\'s NOT a palm
But they are never asking about any of them- they are asking about a Pachypodium, a spiny succulent from Madagascar that is not even closely related to a true palm).I get inquiries about cabbage palms (of which there are dozens of true palms with this...
El Segundo
Daylily Fans for sale
Price : CALL

They are very healthy plants. Selling them in 6,12,18 and 24 fan sets. I am selling Daylily Fans. Plant now for large flowers early next summer! Gorgeous flowers! large, healthy plants! ship to all lower 48 states via priority mail.
Cutting Back Crown Of Thorns: How To Prune A Crown Of Thorns Plant
One would have to ingest a lot of the plant to have serious ill effects, but a small amount can irritate the mouth and may cause stomach upset.Additionally, the sap will definitely stain your clothing and gum up your tools.
Why is this the \
Could it be so happy because it offers hope for cancer treatments? Acuminata that would explain why it is the "Happy Tree." The response I got from Jianhua in Shangshui, Henan, China, was poetic:"The tree is tall (20 -- 30 meters) and straight upwards,...
El Segundo
Crown Of Thorns Plant Propagation – How To Propagate Crown Of Thorns
Do crown of thorns have seeds? Their stems and leaves contain a latex sap that some growers might be sensitive to, so it is a good idea to wear gloves when taking crown of thorn cuttings.
Bells of Ireland - Seed
Prices start at : 4.10 USD / Packet

Use as a spike or filler flower. Long stems covered with bright apple-green, bell-shaped, 2" calyxes centered with tiny, white blooms. Also known as bells-of-Ireland and shellflower.
  •  Use for Cut Flowers and Bouquets
  •  Fragrant
  • Days To Maturity: 90 - 110 Days
  • Latin Name: Moluccella laevis
Bamboo Plants
Price : CALL

We are located in the heart of the Los Angeles commerce area. 11am - 4pm PST Address: 339 Wall Street # B Los Angeles, CA 90013 Please visit website Contact us: Telephone No. (leave a voice mail) Mon.
Los Angeles
Canna lilys
Price : CALL

4-8 inches tall, I will keep most of the soil intact so there will not be much trama, when you receive your plant be sure to keep it moist for a week, the leave will droop, this is normal, once the plant takes hold it will start getting taller really...
Bedding plants
Price : CALL

I am from Malta (europe) and I would like to buy plugs of petunia and vinca roseus. I would like to buy bedding plants plugs wholesale from Holland or other european country. Thankyou for your reply Jason Sammut
Pacific Northwest Natives
Price : CALL

Many varieties of native shrubs, wildflowers, trees for suburban and urban landscaping to meet the growing needs that are currently only met by higher priced limited selection at local nurseries.
Blue Periwinkle And Spider Wort
Price : CALL

HAVE BOTH OF THESE PLANTS FOR SALE..periwinkle plants are 3.00 each,nice size plants,some have runners allready...purple spider wort are also good plants and hardy..2.50 each,, Buyer pays postage ,they will ship bare root,wrapped in damped paper,priority...
Frankincense, Gold and Myrrh ... what are they?
Early Jews wrapped their dead in linen soaked in "spices and oils;" well, the spice being referred to is myrrh. In many cultures, it is the Three Kings who give out gifts to children on January 6, and children leave grass in their shoes or in boxes for...
El Segundo
A Hardy Garden Perennial that Flowers Like an Orchid
An old English herbal text instructs: "The juice of Balm [Mellitis] glueth together greene wounds and, being applied, does close up woundes without any perill of inflammation." Even Pliny the Elder (23-79 AD), a Roman author and naturalist, recommends...
El Segundo