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Overwintering Mums – How To Winterize Mums
The mulch for winterizing mums can be straw or leaves. Leaving a little bit of the stems will ensure that next year you have a full plant, as the new stems will grow from these trimmed stems.
Mum\'s the Word
Incorporated into paintings since the time of the Song Dynasty (960 – 1279 A.D.), the chrysanthemum is used to symbolize autumn. They are susceptible to mildew, so keeping them on the drier side is highly recommended.
El Segundo
Fertilizing Mums: Tips For Feed Mum Plants
These may be formulated with a 6-2-4 or 4-2-3 analysis. They are mixed to the manufacturer's instructions with water and applied to the root zone of the plant. The rate should be 1 pound per 100 square feet of garden bed.Soluble fertilizers are also useful.
Propagating Mums: Growing Mums From Cuttings And Seeds
Growing from mum seeds is easy and can prove quite an adventure due to the uncertainty of the type of bloom.Because of the long growing season required for mum seeds, it is best to start them indoors six to eight weeks before the date ofor sow the seed...
How to Prune Mums
In the coldest parts of their growing range, sometimes they are grown as annuals. Each side shoot yields clusters of flower buds. If you want your mums to have large blossoms, then pinch off all flower buds except the top flower bud of each side shoot.
Santa Monica
How to Deadhead Mums
Leaving these spent blooms of the mums on the plant will inhibit further flowering, although mums generally give abundant spray of blooms. Mums love to stay lightly moist but require excellent drainage.
Santa Monica
Growing Mums In Containers: How To Grow Mums In Pots
Make sure to take it out of the dish after a few hours, though, or the plant could drown. Gently remove it from its store pot and break the roots up as best as you can – odds are they're in a very tight ball.Whether you repot it or not, your chrysanthemum...
Tips For Overwintering Potted Mums
Don't expect every single plant to make it through the winter. Besides pinching, mums also require regular watering and fertilizing. By the time I've uncovered and/or replanted several winter survivors in the spring, I don't remember what color flowers...
El Segundo
How to Care for Mums
Sprinkle the fertilizer lightly around each plant and work it into the soil slightly, and then water the plant well to help the fertilizer reach the mum's roots.Mums produce bigger flowers and more sturdy stalks if you pinch the tips of each stem back...
Santa Monica
Little Black Bugs on Mums
Black larvae waste is visible in the tunnels. The pests suck sap and produce sticky honeydew during feeding. Aphids infest foliage undersides, new stems and flowers in dense groups.
Santa Monica
Mums Aren\'t Just For Fall
Imagine how cheery it would be to receive some homemade chicken soup for your fall cold and find the small white mum flowers among your noodles. In China, this medicinal easily graces not only a good cup of tea but is also welcome in a delicious chicken...
How to Care for Water Mums
A healthy balance of either bright, indirect light or sun and partial shade should treat most mums well.Like most flowering varieties, mums need well-draining soil to succeed, so always make sure to keep mums in yards that dry quickly after rainfall or...
Santa Monica
How to Care for Pot Mums
Give the flowers proper care to enjoy a long blooming period. Admire them in the late summer, right into and through fall. Then, keep the soil moist. This ensures all the nutrients and moisture goes to the new buds and blooms, helping with a longer bloom...
Santa Monica
Indoor Mum Care: Growing Chrysanthemums Indoors
If you wish to keep the plant around, do fertilize it in the growing season once per month with a soluble plant food and suspend feeding in the winter season.Obviously growing chrysanthemums indoors is possible, but the real question is will it flourish...
How to Overwinter Mums in Pots
Divide the roots of the separate plants. Pinching causes lateral branching and further flower bud formation. A different mum variety, called hardy mum, is typically grown as a bedding plant.
Santa Monica
Chrysanthemum Lifespan: How Long Do Mums Live
Some gardeners even recommend cutting the plant down to the ground. Prune your plant throughout the season, as this will make for more compact, fuller blossoming, as well as allow the plant to divert more energy to root growth.Water steadily until the...
Chrysanthemum Bloom Season: Encouraging Flowers On Mums
This attractive trait, along with the myriad of colors and forms of chrysanthemum flowers, enhances the popularity of this readily available plant. Just make sure not to pinch plants two months before their expected bloom or you will remove all the buds...
Growing Chrysanthemum Flowers: How To Care For Mums
Where you live, however, will somewhat determine how to grow chrysanthemums.Growing mums successfully in the garden first depends on choosing the right chrysanthemum flowers. Growing mums is not complicated once you learn the basics of chrysanthemum care.
Mum Plant Repotting: Can You Repot A Chrysanthemum
However, repotting chrysanthemums is timed differently because their blooming period is different than most plants. Place 2 or 3 inches of a good quality potting mixture in the pot.Turn the mum upside down and guide the plant carefully from the pot.
Chrysanthemum Varieties – What Are Some Different Types Of Mums
Examples include Moonbeam and Pixie. Examples include Anastasia and Cremon.– As the name suggests, spoon mums are easy to spot by the long, spoon-like petals that radiate from the center.
How to Care for a Dying Mum House Plant
Removing dead blossoms allows the mum to bloom again.Ensure that the planting pot is the proper size and has drainage holes in the bottom, as the roots of mums are susceptible to rot if left in standing water.
Santa Monica
Pinching Mums: Tips For Pruning This Fall-Flowering Plant
You can either dispose of the removed stem tips in the compost pile, or root them according to these directions to grow more plants for subsequent seasons and to share with friends.
Issues Affecting Chrysanthemums – Treating Mum Plant Disease And Pests
Of these, insects on mums are primarily mites aphids and leaf miners. Most of these pests can be handled with an insecticidal soap spray or blasts of water to remove the insects. The following diseases all leave the evidentiary signs on foliage, stems...
How Long Do Mums Last When They Are in Bloom?
Its flowers come in all colors except blue. The buds begin to form on the plant in mid- to late July. Early-blooming mums usually flower during the month of September. Plant in spring and divide every two years.
Santa Monica
Chrysanthemum Companion Planting
The plant's flowers, along with those of C. Bracteantha, or straw flowers, look very similar to mums and have the same, moist but well-draining soil preferences.Pair daisylike chrysanthemums such as Chrysanthemum x superbums with similar-looking coneflowers.
Santa Monica
A Short History of the Chrysanthemum
Gardeners can choose from numerous mum colors beyond the traditional yellow. Although a chrysanthemum appears to be one large bloom, its head is actually composed of numerous small florets.The mum's combination of disk and ray flowers has allowed plant...
El Segundo
How to Dye Chrysanthemums
Use approximately 25 drops of food coloring per 1/2 cup of water to get a rich, vibrant shade. Swirl the cup or vase gently to incorporate the dye into the water.Cut fresh, white mum stems at 45-degree angles, 1 to 2 inches up from the bottoms, to encourage...
Santa Monica