Every piece is polished and inspected before leaving the factory. A good transitional bit for young horses. What a great bit! Soft and flexible mouthpiecewith ashort shank. Close attention is paid to detail to make sure that all items will pass the criteria...
FG Collection Aluminum Mullen Show Bit FG aluminum mullen show bit, 8 " balanced aluminum engraved cheeks with conchos 5 -1/8" sweet iron mullen mouthpiece, comfortable bit, for a sensitive mouth .
Every piece is polished and inspected before leaving the factory. Coronet Sweet Water Bumper Bit Coronet products are made of the finest metals and materials and are held to the highest standards of quality control.
Weaver Leather All Purpose Copper Sweetwater Mouth Bit Weaver Leather All Purpose Copper Sweetwater Mouth Bit, if you are not 100% satisfied our excellent customer service is standing by to help.
Color: Black Steel Size: 5 Abetta Arc Port Bit This Bit Feature A 5" Black Steel Arc Port, 9" Fixed Black Steel Cheeks With Curb Loops And A Hand Engraved Silver Overlay Trim.
This bit is a level 2 and features a black aluminum engraved finish and a 5-1/8" sweet iron mullen mouth. Metalab Midnight Silver Light Weight Mullen Mouth Bit The Metalab Midnight Silver Light Weight Mullen Mouth Bit is part of the gorgeous Midnight...
Myler Curb Strap Hooks for cheekpieces with hooks and curb loops.1 pair. Toklat Curb Hooks For Cheeks With Hooks - Pair Toklat Curb Hooks For Cheeks With Hooks - Pair.
Allow additional time for delivery. Darnall Connie Combs Bike Chain Draw Bit Darnall Connie Combs Bike Chain Draw Bit in stock and ready to ship. This draw bit features Stainless Steel Gag shanks and a 5" copper bike chain mouthpiece with a braided nylon...
Allow additional time for delivery. Darnall Loomis Dr. Bristol Bit with Frothers Darnall Loomis Dr. Bristol Bit with Frothers in stock and ready to ship. This bit features 8" black steel Loomis shanks with a 5, Dr. Bristol snaffle mouthpiece with Frothers...
Darnall Don Dodge Hinged Snaffle Bit Darnall Don Dodge Hinged Snaffle Bit is an excellent product we know our customers will love. Don Dodge snaffle bit with 2 3/4" cold steel butted rings with 5" Hinged snaffle mouth and inlaid copper bars.
Abetta Medium Port Cricket Roller Bit Abetta Medium Port Cricket Roller Bit. Color: Chromed Steel Size: 5 7 Chromed steel medium roller bit cheeks with a 5 Chromed steel medium port mouth with copper roller.
Turn-Two Equine Stainless Steel Snaffle Bit Lite Lifter Bit Turn-Two Equine Stainless Steel Snaffle Bit Lite Lifter Bit comes with our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee! Mouth Type: Sweet Iron Snaffle, Cheek Length: 152mm Size: 5
Classic loose ring snaffle that is gentle and comfortable for most horse. Abetta Ring Snaffle Bit Abetta Ring Snaffle Bit, if you are not 100% satisfied our excellent customer service is standing by to help.
Darnall Antique California Shank Short Correction Mouth Bit with Silver This bit features 7" Antiqued California shanks with hand engraved Silver overlay with stones, a 5" short sweet iron" correction mouth with copper inlaid bars.
Darnall Argentine Snaffle with 7/16" Mouthpiece with Silver Trim This bit features 6" Argentine cheeks with Sterling Silver trim and a 5" x 7/16" snaffle mouth with inlaid copper bars.
Mouth Type: Sweet Iron Snaffle, Cheek Length:205mm Color: Stainless Steel Size: 5 Turn-Two Equine Sweet Iron Snaffle L DoubleTrain Bit Turn-Two Equine Sweet Iron Snaffle L DoubleTrain Bit.
Allow additional time for delivery. Abetta Hinged Show Snaffle Abetta Hinged Show Snaffle in stock and ready to ship. Color: Blue Steel Size: 5 Has 8 Loose black steel center mount show bit cheeks with a 5 Sweet iron hinged snaffle mouth with inlaid copper...
Mouth Type: Sweet Iron Chain, Cheek Length: 165mm Color: Stainless Steel Size: 5 Turn-Two Equine Sweet Iron Chain H-Gag Bit Turn-Two Equine Sweet Iron Chain H-Gag Bit, if you are not 100% satisfied our excellent customer service is standing by to help.
The rope nosepiece gives a soft feel. Excellent for training young horses. 7" stainless steel shanks. 5" sweet iron mouth piece. Kelly Silver Star Rope Nose Combination Kelly Silver Star Rope Nose Combination, if you are not 100% satisfied our excellent...
Great bit for speed events! The gag action allows the bit to slide freely on the rope headstall without putting pressure on the bars of the mouth. Fully adjustable using a rope halter-style knot.
Every piece is polished and inspected before leaving the factory. Size: 5 Many of our products ship out the same business day! Check out our Deals and Sales - Unbeatable prices everyday.
Weaver Leather Prof Argentine Snaffle Shank Bit Weaver Leather Prof Argentine Snaffle Shank Bit is an excellent product we know our customers will love. This stainless steel bit features a 5" copper snaffle mouth and 6-1/2" Argentine cheeks.
This snaffle bit features 7" California shanks with a complete engraved silver overlay, colored stone trim, a Dr. Bristol three piece snaffle mouth with copper wire wrapped bars joined with a small center ring.
This 5" thin twisted wire mouth bit is designed to apply more pressure to the lips and give increased control. Colorado Saddlery Thin Twisted Sweet Iron Snaffle Bit Colorado Saddlery Thin Twisted Sweet Iron Snaffle Bit comes with our 100% Satisfaction...