FG Collection Aluminum Mullen Show Bit FG aluminum mullen show bit, 8 " balanced aluminum engraved cheeks with conchos 5 -1/8" sweet iron mullen mouthpiece, comfortable bit, for a sensitive mouth .
Low leverage cheek and a very mild mouthpiece allowing the rider to pull young colts around while adding a small amount of curb pressure. One of the best choices for colts when leaving a ring snaffle.
Weaver Sweet Iron Mullen Copper Inlay Short Shank Bit Weaver Sweet Iron Mullen Copper Inlay Short Shank Bit is an excellent product we know our customers will love. Color: Stainless Steel Size: 5 Mouth 6 Cheeks
Weaver Leather All Purpose Copper Sweetwater Mouth Bit Weaver Leather All Purpose Copper Sweetwater Mouth Bit, if you are not 100% satisfied our excellent customer service is standing by to help.
Bit Level B View bit level information . 5” mouth has stainless steel and copper rollers to pacify the horse. A nice stainless steel training bit with 6” cheeks.
Bit Level B View bit level information . Stainless steel. Cheeks are 6" with a 7/16" sweet iron snaffle mouth. This bit provides low leverage but adds some curb pressure for more control.
This is a bit with a longer shank, so it will give you more leverage to maintain rate and body position in turns with speed. Bit Level B View bit level information . Stainless steel mouthpiece.
Designed for better turning and stopping, and works well for all types of horses. This bit is very popular with futurity riders. The triple jointed mouthpiece is comfortable and will not pinch.
Black steel 7" seven shank with sweet iron ported barrel, copper inlay 5" mouth. Bit Level C View bit level information . This mouthpiece is made of polished sweet iron which naturally oxidizes or rusts.
Harmless to horse, it has a sweet taste and promotes salivation. Stainless Steel Western Dee with Sweet Iron Mullen Triple Barrel (MB 32-, Level 2) Copper Inlay Mouth 5" This mouthpiece is made of polished Sweet Iron which naturally oxidizes or rusts.
5" mouth with 2" port. It is best suited for a more mature, broke horse. Lifetime guarantee. Bit Level B View bit level information . This solid correction has a little less give than a traditional correction does because it is solid in the center.
Bit Level ALL View bit level information . Also a good choice for a novice rider. The flat leather nose is excellent for horses that have natural Gait and need only to be “keyed” to stay in tune with the rider.
Comes with black bit guards installed. Perfect for horses that stiffen or resist bit pressure alone. The pressure is dispersed over the horse's nose and head as well at the mouth. Happy Mouth Hackamore Allmetal Hollow Mouth Bit The Hackamore Bit combines...
Flexible rubber mouthpiece cushions the bars and the mullen shaping gives space for the tongue. Close attention is paid to detail to make sure that all items will pass the criteria for breed and disciple regulations where appropriate.
All our bits are high quality German or Stainless Steel. Close attention is paid to detail to make sure that all items will pass the criteria for breed and disciple regulations where appropriate.
Nunn Finer Modified Waterford Cartwheel Bit The Modified Waterford Cartwheel Bit adds an inch of gag action to a waterford mouthpiece. A useful cross country bit. The rein attaches to the bottom slot for slight gag action.
The double bar offset swept back stainless steel cheek has great balance, smooth leverage application, and quick release. 5" sweet iron spoon mouthpiece. Bit Level B View bit level information .
Shop our on-line catalog with over 120,000 products for you and your horse. In addition, it is environmentally friendly engineered with materials that pass REACH's Strict Standards.
Stainless steel western dee with sweet iron comfort snaffle wide barrel, copper inlay 5" mouth. Bit Level A View bit level information . This mouthpiece is made of polished sweet iron which naturally oxidizes or rusts.
Stops abnormal respiratory noise. Designed to help horses overcome a variety of breathing issues. Stops soft palate displacement. Prevents horse grom getting tongue over the bit. Shown to reduce exercise induced hemorrhage through better air intake and...
Ideal for finished, well-broke horses. It also encourages the horse to break at the poll. Bit Level C View bit level information . Stainless steel 7 1/2" cheek with a copper inlaid ported chain mouthpiece.