NEW KUHN FC3560TCR MOWER CONDITIONER,11' 6'' CUT,RUBBER ROLLS,DRAW BAR SWIVEL,93 H.P. MIN,CALL NOW!!,AdditionalCategory: Hay and Forage Equipment - Mower Conditioners/Windrowers
Tires in good condition. International Harvestor model 990 10 foot haybine. This haybine still has a lot of life left for a hobby farmer, or can be used for parts. Has new sickle that was just rebuilt.
Other than sharpeing blades, and paint this is an excellant mower. Some minor welding needed to repair guards on back of mower deck. Minor surface rust due to paint scratches, scrapes.
Practically brand new. Less than 200 hours of cutting time. Kuhn GC 353 Hydro Swing Disc Mower With finger conditioners, one owner, in excellent condition and very well maintained.
Practically brand new. Less than 200 hours of cutting time. Kuhn GC 353 Hydro Swing Disc Mower With finger conditioners, one owner, in excellent condition and very well maintained.