Other websites show the location as Assumption, IL or Monroe, WI, while it may be at any of Sloan's 20 stores. Call, email, or visit sloans.com for the current location of this item.
For sale is a 2000 John Deere 1518 BatWing Chopper. For a great deal and special pricing, please stop in or call Jeff at 419-264-2031 today! The blades are in very good shape, and the chopper was recently repainted.
Finish mower, 4 ft, manufacturer Woods, 3 pt, low useage, new belt, no longer needed and need to move Finish mower, 4 ft, manufacturer Woods, 3pt, low useage, new belt, no longer needed and need to move from premisis
So, they split the tractor, replaced the rear main seal along with a new drive gear, and also put on a new vibration dampner on the engine for about $2500.00. Up for auction is my John Deere 4555 MFWD tractor with a powershift trans.