Exfoliates without scratching the skin. For dogs, cats, ferrets & rabbits Moisturizes the skin, removes dirty crusty scales and dead skin. Provides a soothing effect to irritation caused by flea bites and gross allergies.
ATTENTION: Due to extreme heat, during the summer months, all canned diets will be shipped only at the beginning of the week to ensure that they do not sit over the weekend in a hot warehouse or truck.
✓ Most marmosets will eat 1-2 ounces of food daily.
✓ It is necessary to include a supplemental source of vitamin c.
✓ This should not be fed to other primates due to its higher vitamin d3 content.
Can be used alone or blended with other components in the Matrix family to formulate a milk replacer with nutrient levels that closely match a species' natural milk. An integrated system of milk replacer designed to let you virtually match any mammal's...
This diet may be fed as the sole diet except for polar bears which should also receive 2-3 lb of fish per animal per day. For bears the suggested food dosage is 1 lb of ZuPreem Omnivore Diet per 60 lb.
Nutritionally balanced and fortified with essential vitamins and minerals. View manufacturer and/or label information No artificial preservatives. Enriched to support the reproduction stages of psittacines (hookbills), and contains five different colored,...
18 teeth versus the standard 35, makes it perfect for clipping very thick, dense areas of horse hair as well as llamas, alpacas and goats. Cold steel blade suitable for cleaning dirty animals.
Discontinue treatment if no improvement is noted within 5 days. Penicillin exerts a bactericidal action on gram-positive and some gram-negative bacteria. Each tablet contains: Penicillin 250mg active.
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The pleasantly scented formula has baking soda to eliminate offensive odors and d-limonene to help get rid of extra grease leaving your pet squeaky clean. For use in dogs ONLY. Pink Pup Pet Shampoo deodorizes and degreases as it cleans.