7) trck has 3 keys not 2 due to replacement of doo 6)Pass window goes down with ps switch,but only up on ds-BUT have th enew motor to fix that problem for the pass side door also. 87 full size chevy blazer..decent shape-excellent truck..asking 5500 or...
Will travel throughout the northeast to look at the vehicle. Preferrably less than 10 years old. Looking for a reliable truck and plow for use in removal business. Must b a package.
This is a clean, great running truck. Just Replaced: Exhaust, Tires, Manifold, Calipers, Brake & Transmission Lines, Starter, Battery, Gas Tank. Asking $3800 - Great condition, runs great.
Majestic old growth white pine and red pine make this land very picturesque. Living/dining room has cathedral ceiling. Asking price $2,000,000 reduced See it at http://ongeorgianbay.ca/listings/028 or http://www.real-estate-ontario.ca/Listing/ViewListingDetails.aspx?ListingID=37670744...
Throughly field cultivate or plow old pastures under in Summer the previous year continue through Fall to kill quackgrass and bromegrass. Trefoil produces seed which spreads and produces more foliage.
Throughly field cultivate or plow old pastures under in Summer the previous year continue through Fall to kill quackgrass and bromegrass. Trefoil produces seed which spreads and produces more foliage.
They can eat pretty much any type of grass. Just like any other farm animal, if you are loving and kind to them they'll be kind and loving to you, so on and so forth. We can not guaranty the character of the animal, since they look up to you.
Will pick up with-in 150 miles of Rockville, Md. Will pay up to 7500 Will travel up to 150 miles. Need ford 250 with plow or comprable. F-250 1991-1998 7500K need plow with truck. Need ASAP Does not have to be a ford but do prefer
Prefer less than 150,000 and little rust. Any make or model, preferably Dodge or Ford 3/4 ton, 1990 or later. Looking for reliable pickup truck with plow for use in Northern Vermont to plow two driveways.
I have a Western Snow Plow with a Dodge 94-99 Mount looking for $1,200 for it Located in New Lenox, IL I can be reached at any time, if you want to see it or are interested give me a call.
Less than 20,000 miles and 2,000 hours total on the truck. This is a turnkey diesel unit ready to help you take advantage of this crazy weather and make a killing this winter. This truck has airbrakes so a cdl license is required to operate.
Disk plough with horizontal pendulum structure, applicable for the dry and prepared land Our company manufacture and supply plough(plow),disc plough disk plough with horizontal pendulum structure, applicable for the dry and prepared land, particularly...
I need plow for a 350 ford 2001 heavy duty and may be used ...7 feet long and 30 \\" high with light I sow a plow in the ford dealers at $ 3,500 but i dont want expend to much so i need may be used or some especial from domebodyi live in ny and...
Want to buy used snow plow to fit 1989 ford f150 location is sussex county nj will pick up Looking for a used snow plow to fit 1989 ford f150. Will [pick up if in close range of that location prefer myer or western
Wanted to buy plow with truck for know more than $1000 cash or used plow to fit ford f150 4x4 new body Wanted to buy plow with truck for know more than $1000 cash or used plow to fit ford f150 4x4 new body.
Brand new 7 foot blade floe lights all riggins on my f 150 need to sell plow red blade barley any scratches sport duty New plow lights all rigs on my 2005 f150 need to sell im in nj bought truck no need for plow called company said the cost it was to...