Also a shore container with hydraulic conveyor for transporting weeds. See attached picture..not the same but looks similar. All moving parts run by hydraulic motors. Cutting width variable from 6-10 feet Very similar to those manufactured by Aquatic...
To remove earth from basement max 1.5 feet large and 20 feet long ontario or quebec To remove earth from basement max 1.5 feet large and 20 feet long ontario or quebec
I would perfer an eight inch wide belt that runs flat. I have tried using the conveyor that rolls up inside a six inch tube but have found that the belt cuts thru the tube after about a year and a half.
Control of Acari, Aleyrodidae, Aphididae, Cicadellidae and Thysanoptera on field crops, fruit trees, ornamentals and vegetables, at 5-20 g/hl or 100-300 kg/ha. Uses: Non-systemic insecticide and acaricide.
Led Grow Lights,Newest Led Grow lights 1.Revolutionary heat dissipation design, availably alleviate the internal thermal cycle, 10-15 C lower than its precursor in performance 2.Use advanced isolated power driver,UL standard output voltage which is lower...
Common name: Fenbutatin Oxide Chemical name: bis[tris(2-methyl-2-phenylpropyl)tin] oxide Molecular formula C60H78OSn2 Modular weight:1052.67 CAS No.:13356-08-6 Einecs No.: 236-407-7 Apperance: White or light yellow crystal powder Purity:95% Effect: Fenbutatin...
Dryer systems are based on the use of belt dryer, single pass dryer or three pass dryer with an internal flighting system connected to a heat source at one end and a material separation / exhaust system at the other end.
Vertical and horizantal box spreaders are available to spread all types of solid materials homogeneusly. Tosun Tarim is the leader in innovative box spreaders, with almost 34 years of experience.