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Build Your Own Egg Mobile
Because we installed rear roll-out nest boxes, we placed them near the back of the coop and built a hinged door that we could open to get the eggs. I added five 8-foot 2x4s every 2 feet along the top to support the metal roofing (see step 10).
Shipping Containers Recycled Into Mobile Farms
“So we've put together a system that gives even a novice the tools to produce thousands of plants and get them to market.” Click here for more about Freight Farms' Leafy Green Machine .
What Are Crane Flies: Information On Crane Flies And Lawn Damage
Crane flies need a moist environment to survive, but most grasses will do just fine with moderately dry soil as long as they receive a good drenching when they are watered.can reduce crane fly larvae by up to 50 percent when used correctly, but nothing...
Mobile Coops Vs. Stationary Coops: Which Is Best?
A stationary coop can't be moved. With a small coop and run, only temporary confinement of tolerant breeds is appropriate. Heat is often more dangerous than cold temperatures, so minimizing direct sun during the hottest days of summer is ideal.
Mobile Processing Units Help Small Farmers Find Profit in Poultry
A propane grill, thermometer and attentive eye keep the water at the right temperature. There's a small window in the horse trailer's side that allows a tub of birds to pass to the pristine interior, which is lined with stainless steel prep surfaces and...
Gardening in Straw Bales: Overcome Poor Soil, Limited Space, Weeds, Mobility Problems, Aching Backs and more
This works quite well for potatoes if you keep mounding up more old bale material around the potato plants as they grow.Another advantage happens if you use bales on top of hard, rocky soil, or heavy clay soil with poor drainage that makes normal gardening...
El Segundo
This Is Hobby Farming: The Poultry Farmers
“A healthier bird makes for a tastier bird, so while the slower growth limits the number of chickens we can raise each year, we're able to charge a premium for chickens that ‘taste like chicken used to taste,' as Graham's grandma always says.” As...
Poultry Science: Build a Better Chicken Coop
The frame can easily be scaled up or down depending on the estimated number of birds you expect to house. This will allow you to properly clean and disinfect the wood and avoid water from penetrating the wood, which can cause further microbial growth.
A Moveable Feast - Urban Farm Online
The farmer-founded, farme- run mobile market stocks fresh produce, meat, eggs , nuts, cheeses, jams, jellies and sauces — all produced by farmers in south Georgia, including LJ Woods Farm, Bethesda Gardens, Flat Creek Lodge and Walker Organic Farms.
5 Ways to Spruce Up an Aging Coop
If you have a mobile coop, maybe you have some circles worn into the […] My chicken coop is almost 5 years old. Decorate Some people like to hang chicken- or egg-themed signs, Americana decor and weathervanes in or on their coops.
U.S. \
Tags community , compost , food system , garden , gardening , Slow Food Last weekend, 180 pods of Slow Food supporters came together in a variety of projects to “break ground and break bread” as part of Slow Food USA's Dig In! campaign.
Urban Patio Gardens: Designing A Patio Garden In The City
Arrange them so that full sun plants overshadow the shade plants., take up very little square footage, create a natural wall for your garden, and add a vertical level of interest. Set out folding chairs and tables that can be moved or taken away easily...
Go Green to Get Green
In June 2009, ecoATM installed the first Automated eCycling Station at a large consumer-electronics retailer, and in September 2009, ecoATM began in-store trials with mobile carrier stores and the Nebraska Furniture Mart in Omaha.
Technology and Garden Gadgets – Tips On Using Technology In Landscape Design
What next?Garden gadgets and technology in landscape architecture are becoming more and more prevalent and useful. But using technology in landscape design is saving many people loads of time, money and hassle.For people working in the field, using technology...
Watch FFA Convention in Real Time
The televised convention will be accessible in real time via computers, iPads and all iPhone, Android and BlackBerry mobile devices. Broadcasts will be viewable live and on-demand at no cost to users.
Rotating Houseplants – How Often Should I Turn A Houseplant
Every plant contains cells called auxins, and their growth rate determines the shape of the plant.Auxins on the side of the plant that receive full sun grow shorter and sturdier, while auxins that are on the shadier side of the plant grow longer and spindlier.
Online Network Links Ag Groups
Using iHigh's unique content platform, organizations such as the National High School Rodeo Association, the U.S. Pony Club and school clubs are able to share their events in real time with a global audience who can access the streaming video on any computer...
Adaptive Gardening Tools: Tools That Make Gardening With Limitations Easy
The hobby is a, enjoy the outdoors and engage in an activity that produces pride and a sense of accomplishment. The tools available for attachment are trowels, forks and cultivators.Gardeners with mobility problems may find that a garden seat is a valuable...
The Effects of Bush Burning on Soil Conditions
However, bush burning has a negative effect on soil conditions, and soil may take much longer to recover, according to the National Resources Conservation Service.Bush burning has a negative effect on soil conditions.The impact that bush burning has on...
Santa Monica
Beyond USDA Zones
USDA says I should be able to grow. Because there is less ocean influence, the summers are warmer and the winter nights are colder than in zone 24. This area is a little too risky for commercial citrus but it once produced a variety of crops likeSunset...
El Segundo
Leatherjacket Pests: Controlling Leatherjacket Larvae In Your Lawn
However, you may find helpful products at your local garden center. The full grown larvae soon pupate in the soil, and you may see the empty cases sticking out of the soil surface.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1");...
Nana\'s Garden Inspiration
As the holiday season fast approaches, I can't help but think of my Nana. For my sister and me, it was the most wonderful place to spend a day. The only part of the yard that was “open” to a view was the width of a single section of spit-rail fence...
What Are The Different Types Of Bird Of Paradise Plants
Strelitzia grows in moist soil and requires supplemental moisture in the dry season. Within both genera, there are numerous types of bird of paradise plants suitable for warm regions in which they're hardy.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1");...
Are Turkeys Right For My Farm?
Do You Already Raise Chickens? Provide soft, dry bedding and free-choice food and water. Fencing them in or building their coops on the fly can be more stressful than you might imagine—these birds grow fast.
About Organic Chicken Farms
Organic feed only. Joel Salatin, sustainable-farming advocate and author of Pastured Poultry Profits (Polyface, 1996), among other books, designed a 12-by-12-foot pen that's 2 feet tall, which is popular design among farmers raising pastured meat birds.
Ultimate Engineering
And yet, if my muscles had been in good repair, with adequate stretching and exercise in preparation, it could have handled the chore with no problem. Time to go do some stretches … << More Shop Talk >> Tags Jim Ruen , tools
Can I Replant My Ponytail Palm – How And When To Move Ponytail Palms
The best time to repot or transplant a ponytail palm is in early spring or summer. However, ponytail palms grown in the ground, or in large pots, can reach 18 feet tall and 6 feet wide.