Also available for Sale! Pedigree: Is a 2'3-2'6" packer for the hunter or equitation ring. An all around horse for most any level rider.
He does not always like to go first, he wants to make sure that nothing is going to get him! He has not been ridden much in the last two years. 12 year old registered QH , 15.1 hands, UTD, no vices, will need some ground work
He truly is stunning (a TOTAL head turner), with the temperament, brains, and athletic ability to match. Also- you can ride him every day, or once a month, and he is still the same horse the next time you ride him.
INQUIRE FOR CURRENT PRICING. Uno is a sweet guy who is coming along nicely! He is pretty simple to ride and has a nice walk, trot and canter! Uno is jumping small courses, he trail rides quietly with confidence and has great ground manners! He has been...
Haven is a top of the line large with gorgeous conformation! She is a very cute mover, is sweet to work with and very comfortable to ride! Haven has nice steady gates and is quite confident and dependable over fences! Haven shows promise to be a competitive...
Fancy is well schooled and knows her ques! She has been shown to 2' and has auto changes. She loves to trail ride and the beach and always rides with confidence! Fancy is a great gal for breeding, dressage, equitation and lower level fences! Video Watch...
Maestro has a sweet personality and is easy to work with! He has easy changes and is super brave over fences! Maestro is large boned with nice conformation! He is wonderful at the shows or whereever you go.
He has 3 good gaits for dressage. Very sweet and a total goofball. Would make a wonderful pleasure/trail horse. Ollie is an easy uncomplicated gelding. He's good under saddle, comfortable & responds to voice commands.
He is an awesome trail horse with excellent driving personalities. He is a great horse, a purebred Arabian horse gelding, well trained, and socialized. He is available with a 14 months health guarantee, kids and pets friendly, and he stands firm for the...
Haven is a top of the line large with gorgeous conformation! She is a very cute mover, is sweet to work with and very comfortable to ride! Haven has nice steady gates and is quite confident and dependable over fences! Haven shows promise to be a competitive...
Maestro is a cute Appendix QH who has a sweet personality and is easy to work with! He has easy changes and is super brave over fences! Maestro is large boned with nice conformation! He is wonderful at the shows or where ever you go.
Category: Horses Subcategory: Pony Ad Type: For Sale Status: Pending Name: 1 In A Million Gender: Gelding Age: 6 yrs Height: 14 hands Color: Bay Temperament: 2 (1 - calm; 10 - spirited) Country: United States of America Location: Rehoboth, MA 02769 About...
Fancy is well schooled and knows her ques! She has been shown to 2' and has auto changes. She loves to trail ride and the beach and always rides with confidence! Fancy is a great gal for breeding, dressage, equitation and lower level fences! Others available...
He has a nice way of going and is honest over fences! Rio has nice conformation and is large boned. He has great ground manners, easy to work with, is unflappable on the trails and hunter paces! For more information as well as others available visit
He LOVES to jump:). If you come see and try riding him in person, you will agree His price will go up with further training. He would excel in Dressage, Hunter/Jumper, and Eventing.
Additional pictures and videos upon request. Soldier is athletic, eager to please and has a wonderful personality. He is located in Beverly Farms, MA. Soldier loads, unloads, ties, and stands for the farrier and vet.
Freya goes back to best jumping bloodlines in the Holsteiner registry, but also moves like a dream. She is not registered because her sire, although registered, is not an approved stallion.
This promising and talented Oldenburg mare for sale is ready to go with both her USDF/USEF numbers in place! Soubriette has developed into a lovely mare, a real powerhouse with an uphill build, who is light in the bridle and has an especially lovely canter.
Our horses and ponies have a great foundation and are dependable wherever you go! Super mounts for hitting the trails, gymkhana, pony club, hunter paces, the beach, horse shows, etc..
She is a very personable pony who is a wonderful teacher for the youngest of riders! She is extremely quiet and steady undersaddle. CC is very active in local Horse Shows from Lead Line - Short Stirrup and is always a winner! She is a very cute mover...
Timmy has experience in the jumper ring up to 3'3". Timmy also has great eventing potential. Forward jumper, but does not pull; best suited for advanced/confident intermediate rider.
Though I did not event him in 2017, he has an extensive show record with his previous owner eventing up to Novice at USEF-sanctioned events. He has loads of potential to be an upper level eventer.
Both his parents are show stoppers. This guy is going to be a star. Jet black colt. More pictures and video on Facebook under Meredith Hill Farm. Even at a few days old you can see it in his confirmation and movement.
Rider on this horse is 5'10 Merlin is a 12 year old 15.3, black, thoroughbred. Merlin would do best with a intermediate rider with a soft hand and consistent riding. He is good on the trails.
Shows talent for flying changes. SAFE and NON-SPOOKY under saddle, just has a lot of energy and needs someone who can bring him along and help keep him from rushing on the forehand.
Trainer available for lessons. Zeek is willing and able to do low jumping and he loves trail riding. Zeek is a beautiful, sweet horse stabled in Essex at barn with new, attached indoor ring and a large outside riding area.