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Miscellaneous Flowering Shrubs Flowering Shrubs For Sale In United States

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Golden Spirit Smoke Tree
Prices start at : 59.95 USD / 3 gal. 3-4' tall

Adding compost or topsoil will help the young feeder roots of Golden Spirit Smoke Tree to spread through the loose, nutrient rich soil, much easier than if you used solely the existing soil which more times than not will be hard and compacted.
United States
Nandina domestica
Prices start at : 18.95 USD / 1 GAL

The amount of chemical fertilizer used per plant will vary with the size of the plant and it's root system. Creamy flowers are followed by clusters of red berries. A general rule of thumb is to count to 5 for every one gallon of pot size.
United States
Gulfstream Nandina
Prices start at : 42.95 USD / 3 GAL

We like to tell folks that when watering Nandina's or any plant for that matter its best not to water the foliage of the plant. A deficiency of Phosphorus may affect the energy transfer in the plant, and result in stunted growth as well.
United States
Obsession Nandina
Prices start at : 22.95 USD / 1 GAL

Obsession Nandina benefits from an fertilizer which can help raise the nutrient level of the soil such as by Espoma. Removing the dead and dying limbs will minimize the possibility of diseases such as “die back” and will also allow the plant to re-concentrate...
United States
Firepower Nandina
Prices start at : 19.95 USD / 1 GAL

The amount of chemical fertilizer used per plant will vary with the size of the plant and it's root system. Firepower Nandina is much smaller than most nandinas and much brighter.Firepower Nandina is the perfect plant to be used in Asian-inspired gardens...
United States
Callicarpa Early Amethyst
Prices start at : 39.95 USD / 3 GAL

Don't fertilize Callicarpa Early Amethyst after August. Although it is tempting to spend less time by not raking the mulch back during fertilization, the results will be less than desirable, if the fertilizer is applied on top of the mulch.
United States
Purple Leaf Sand Cherry
Prices start at : 47.95 USD / 3 GAL

It is much, much better to err on the side of too little fertilizer than too much. Commercial manure or compost can be applied yearly around the base of the Purple Leaf Sand Cherry.
United States
Harbour Dwarf Nandina
Prices start at : 47.95 USD / 3 GAL

When selecting a fertilizer for your Harbour Dwarf Nandina, if soil Ph is not an issue a simple balanced fertilizer can be used such as Either chemical fertilizers or organic matter can be used successfully.
United States
Blush Pink Nandina
Prices start at : 39.95 USD / 3 GAL

You'll want to water the bushes regularly after planting until they've been well established. Mulching helps to keep weeds away which will compete with your new investment for water and nutrients.
United States
Nandina Lemon Lime
Prices start at : 47.95 USD / 3 GAL

Fertilizing at this time may stimulate new growth that will be too tender to withstand the winter. It is generally recommended to not use power equipment such as gas hedgers to prune nandina or any plant in my opinion.
United States
Nandina Flirt
Prices start at : 49.95 USD / 3 GAL

The first of these three numbers refers to Nitrogen, which is the primary element necessary for good, balanced growth within the Plant. Nandina Flirt, is a dwarf cultivar with red foliage for most of the year.
United States
Pieris Katsura (Japanese Andromeda)
Prices start at : 24.95 USD / 1 GAL

Any type of mulch will do but cypress or hardwood mulch will be of a higher quality and provide better nutrition overall as they breakdown. If you are looking for a fertilizing routine tailored to your specific conditions, a soil sample should be taken...
United States
Distylium Blue Cascade
Prices start at : 48.95 USD / 3 GAL

Check the plant daily for the first week or so and then every other day there after. Mulching helps to keep weeds away which will compete with your new investment for water and nutrients.
United States
Pieris Flaming Silver
Prices start at : 29.95 USD / 1 GAL

Proper fertilization of your Pieris Flaming Silver will lead to healthier and more disease resistant plants, as well as provide you with many more enjoyable blooms. Since an organic method of applying manure and/or compost around the roots, produces excellent...
United States
Sarcococca hookeriana (Sweet Box)
Prices start at : 27.95 USD / 1 GAL

During the second season following the severe pruning, the mahonia should resume normal bud setting, and the plant should have healthier blooms because of the increased vigor in the plant.
United States
Calycanthus Aphrodite
Prices start at : 39.95 USD / 3 GAL

Native shrubs such as Calycanthus Aphrodite grow best if they are fertilized once in the spring and once in the summer. Check the plant daily for the first week or so and then every other day there after.
United States
Aronia Autumn Magic Black Chokeberry
Prices start at : 21.95 USD / 1 GAL

The most common cause of plant death after transplanting is planting the new plant to deep. That is why we do not recommend planting in a hole any deeper than the soil line of the plant in the pot.
United States
Tri-colored Dappled Willow
Prices start at : 47.95 USD / 3 Gal.

Removing the dead and dying limbs will minimize the possibility of diseases such as “die-back” and will also allow the plant to re-concentrate its energies and produce flowers.
United States
Osmanthus Goshiki (False Holly)
Prices start at : 47.95 USD / 3 GAL

You can then rake the mulch back around the base of the Osmanthus Goshiki. We love this product and use it on all plants we install in our own gardens. In choosing the basic type of fertilizer for your Osmanthus Goshiki, it is important to determine what...
United States
Rhus Tiger Eyes
Prices start at : 59.95 USD / 3 Gal

Try to avoid pruning in late fall as this will cause a flush of new growth that is not hardened off and could cause death of the plant. Fortunately, Rhus Tiger Eyes will rarely need to be pruned.
United States
Autumn Brilliance Serviceberry
Prices start at : 49.95 USD / 3 gallon multi

Removing the dead and dying limbs will minimize the possibility of diseases such as “dieback” and will also allow the plant to re-concentrate its energies and produce flowers. Don't fertilize Autumn Brilliance Serviceberry after August.
United States
Hamamelis Vernalis
Prices start at : 59.95 USD / 3 GAL

When selecting a fertilizer for your Hamamelis Vernalis, use a balanced fertilizer blended specifically for shrubs such as Espoma Tree Tone for example.. Also, plants with insufficient amounts of Phosphorus may have poorer root systems.
United States
Lemon Candy Physocarpus
Prices start at : 39.95 USD / 3 GAL

A less expensive fast release fertilizer such as a 10-10-10 will work just as well if applied twice during the summer. Removing the dead and dying limbs will minimize the possibility of diseases such as “dieback” and will also allow the plant to re-concentrate...
United States
Leucothoe Scarletta
Prices start at : 46.95 USD / 3 GAL

Although it is tempting to spend less time by not raking the mulch back during fertilization, the results will be less than desirable, if the fertilizer is applied on top of the mulch.
United States
Admiration Barberry
Prices start at : 19.95 USD / 1 GAL

Espoma products are easy to use, just sprinkle around the base of the plant and water it in. Plants that are deficient in Potassium, are usually growing more slowly than normal, have fewer flowers and seed, and are more susceptible to disease than plants...
United States
Caryopteris Dark Knight
Prices start at : 34.95 USD / 3 Gal

We recommend feeding your Caryopteris Dark Knight in the very early spring and again in mid summer after all new growth has hardened off and it begins to set flower buds. Its better to leave a one inch gap of space between the mulch and the stem or base...
United States
Standing Ovation Serviceberry
Prices start at : 47.95 USD / 3 GAL

The second number in the fertilizer equation is representative of Phosphorus. Although the three elements just mentioned are the major elements necessary for good plant performance, there some minor elements that are just as important in consideration...
United States