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Miscellaneous Flowering Shrubs Flowering Shrubs For Sale In Tulsa

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Pieris Mountain Fire (Japanese Andromeda)
Prices start at : 27.95 USD / 1 GAL

Also, plants with insufficient amounts of Phosphorus may have poorer root systems. Sometimes, the growth is taller and longer with less than desirable branching when Nitrogen is deficient.
Coppertina Physocarpus
Prices start at : 47.95 USD / 3 GAL

Commercial manure or compost can be applied yearly around the base of the Coppertina Physocarpus. Try to cure the problem before adding fertilizer. If a Physocarpus is being trained as a hedge, it would need to be pruned differently than if it were being...
Lemon Candy Physocarpus
Prices start at : 39.95 USD / 3 GAL

When looking at most fertilizers, they are described by three numbers on the bag. It is also important to understand the specific growing characteristic of a certain Physocarpus when pruning that particular plant.
Magnolia Virginiana Sweetbay Magnolia
Prices start at : 69.95 USD / 3 GAL (3-4 ft tall)

Bio-tone is a gardeners best friend and can help guarantee your success. If over-fertilization is severe, the plant may just wilt and die. Always, read the label on your fertilizer bag, and follow the instructions.
Amethyst Falls Wisteria (Wisteria frutescens)
Prices start at : 26.95 USD / 1 Gal 2 to 3 FEET

A general rule of thumb is to count to 5 for every one gallon of pot size. More northern areas may wish to fertilize only once in June or July. Its general purpose is to maintain or restore vigor to the plant.
Purple Leaf Sand Cherry
Prices start at : 47.95 USD / 3 GAL

Apply the fertilizer according to the label directions immediately on top of the soil, and be sure to water the plant thoroughly after the application. Although it is tempting to spend less time by not raking the mulch back during fertilization, the results...
Camellia Yuletide
Prices start at : 29.95 USD / 1 GAL

Any type of mulch will do but cypress or hardwood mulch will be of a higher quality and provide better nutrition overall as they breakdown. It is important to always use sharp tools when pruning camellias.
Nandina Lemon Lime
Prices start at : 47.95 USD / 3 GAL

Plant a few of these for a reliable border of year-round color around your mailbox, or even just one as a focal point in your perennial bed. Can be used to help aid in this process and also provide plants with a good soaking due to the slow release of...
Camellia Kramers Supreme
Prices start at : 29.95 USD / 1 GAL

Generally, an application sometime during the first part of March, followed by a second application during the first part of May, and a final third application during the first part of July should be sufficient for you camellia fertilization needs.
Brilliant Red Chokeberry
Prices start at : 21.95 USD / 1 GAL

Our ideal fertilizer schedule for you to use is as follows. The most common cause of plant death after transplanting is planting the new plant to deep. It does well in full sun to part shade and is tolerant of most soil types.
Camellia Kanjiro
Prices start at : 27.95 USD / 1 GAL

Proper fertilization of your Camellia Kanjiro will lead to healthier and more disease resistant plants, as well as provide you with many more enjoyable blooms. Any type of mulch will do but cypress or hardwood mulch will be of a higher quality and provide...
Hearts A Bustin Euonymus americanus
Prices start at : 47.95 USD / 3 GAL

Fertilizing at this time may stimulate new growth that will be too tender to withstand the winter. Always be sure to look on the fertilizer label on the back of the bag to see exactly what is included in the fertilizer.
Camellia White by the Gate
Prices start at : 29.95 USD / 1 GAL

Plants that are deficient in Potassium, are usually growing more slowly than normal, have fewer flowers and seed, and are more susceptible to disease than plants with adequate levels of Potassium.
Hamamelis Vernalis
Prices start at : 59.95 USD / 3 GAL

Since an organic method of applying manure and/or compost around the roots, produces excellent results and also improves the condition of the soil, this would be an excellent first line of attack.
Red-Tipped Photinia
Prices start at : 18.95 USD / 1 GAL 18 inches tall

We like to tell folks that when watering Red-Tipped Photinia or any plant for that matter its best not to water the foliage of the plant. When looking at most fertilizers, they are described by three numbers on the bag.
Blue Puffballtm Chaste Shrub
Prices start at : 39.95 USD / #1 Container range: 2.3 - 3.7 quarts (2.5 - 4 liters)

Unfortunately, you might not always have room for another tree in your garden. Blue Puffball only grows 3'-4' tall and wide. The flowers form on new growth, so even when in dies back in the winter in colder climates, you can expect a great summer show...
  • Botanical Name: Vitex agnus-castus 'PIIVAC-Il' PP26,775
  • Growth Rate: Medium
  • Sun Exposure: Full Sun
  • Flower Color: Blue/Purple
  • Moisture: Moderate
Wedding Gown Hydrangea
Prices start at : 46.95 USD / 3 GAL

The first of these three numbers refers to Nitrogen, which is the primary element necessary for good, balanced growth within the hydrangea. Commercial manure or compost can be applied yearly around the base of the hydrangea.
Rugosa Rose
Prices start at : 47.95 USD / 1 GAL

Shrub roses such as Rugosa Rose grow best if they are fertilized once or twice in the summer. Espoma products are easy to use, just sprinkle around the base of the plant and water it in.
Incrediball Hydrangea
Prices start at : 27.95 USD / 1 GAL

Can be used to help aid in this process and also provide plants with a good soaking due to the slow release of the water into the root-zone of the plant. Follow this up with a early summer application of Espoma , this will provide the necessary nutrients...
Color Guard Yucca
Prices start at : 21.95 USD / 1 GAL

This is not to be rushed. Color Guard Yucca has slightly arching, sword-shaped, striped leaves of creamy-white against dark green provides great architectural interest. Although some authorities recommend special fertilizer mixes to get the maximum results,...
Variegated Yellow Twig Dogwood
Prices start at : 44.95 USD / 3 GAL

We do not recommend using straight topsoil or compost as a back-fill soil because more times than not these products will retain entirely to much moisture and will cause the root system to rot.
Cherry Dazzle Crape Myrtle
Prices start at : 47.95 USD / 3 GAL

This moderate grower reaches 3 to 4 feet tall and 3 feet wide. Feeding your plants is probably the single most forgotten part of growing healthy long lasting plants. Most of the water you put on the plant at first will run away from the plant until the...
Callicarpa Early Amethyst
Prices start at : 39.95 USD / 3 GAL

Fertilizing at this time may stimulate new growth that will be too tender to withstand the winter. Although it is tempting to spend less time by not raking the mulch back during fertilization, the results will be less than desirable, if the fertilizer...
Lilac Agincourt Beauty
Prices start at : 27.95 USD / 1 GAL

The most important reason for Lilac Agincourt Beauty is to improve the overall health of the plant which in turn will reward you with a plethora of blooms. Since an organic method of applying manure and/or compost around the roots, produces excellent...
Schip Cherry Laurel
Prices start at : 22.95 USD / 1 GAL 12 to 18" tall

When we specifically look at pruning with regards to laurels, this misunderstanding and negligence can be magnified. Can be used to help aid in this process and also provide plants with a good soaking due to the slow release of the water into the root-zone...
Admiration Barberry
Prices start at : 19.95 USD / 1 GAL

This is not to be rushed. Fall is the time for shrubs to begin preparing for dormancy. Its general purpose is to maintain or restore vigor to the plant. In choosing the basic type of fertilizer for your Admiration Barberry, it is important to determine...
Camellia Sadaharu Oh
Prices start at : 29.95 USD / 1 GAL

A general rule of thumb is to count to 5 for every one gallon of pot size. No matter what fertilizer you choose, “Always Read the Label”. Its general purpose is to maintain or restore vigor to the plant.