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Miscellaneous Flowering Shrubs Flowering Shrubs For Sale In Newport News

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Aronia Autumn Magic Black Chokeberry
Prices start at : 21.95 USD / 1 GAL

This is useful if you want a uniform border and height control, but it can result in bunchy growth and knobby stems that may be more susceptible to aphids and disease. Aronia Autumn Magic is self pollinating, so you only need one plant for fruit.
Newport News
Sarcococca hookeriana (Sweet Box)
Prices start at : 27.95 USD / 1 GAL

Despite their fast growth patterns, Sacococca are considered to be light feeders. Be sure that these fertilizers have minor elements as well. It is slow to become established, often taking a couple of years to settle in.
Newport News
Golden Spirit Smoke Tree
Prices start at : 59.95 USD / 3 gal. 3-4' tall

Always, read the label on your fertilizer bag, and follow the instructions. If over-fertilization is severe, the plant may just wilt and die. A good rule is that you should still be able to see the soil the plant was grown in after back-filling the hole.
Newport News
Nandina domestica
Prices start at : 18.95 USD / 1 GAL

The most common cause of plant death after transplanting is planting the new plant to deep. Pruning should always be associated with re-invigorating a plant by allowing it to focus its energies on producing more vigorous branches, foliage, and flowers.
Newport News
Pieris Mountain Fire (Japanese Andromeda)
Prices start at : 27.95 USD / 1 GAL

The second number in the fertilizer equation is representative of Phosphorus. Minor elements that are not included in the three numbers listing on the front of fertilizer bags are very important considerations when choosing your perfect fertilizer.
Newport News
Firepower Nandina
Prices start at : 19.95 USD / 1 GAL

The most common cause of plant death after transplanting is planting the new plant to deep. Many times, a plant may outgrow its intended size in the landscape, and must be pruned to re-define its purpose.
Newport News
Hamamelis virginiana
Prices start at : 59.95 USD / 3 GAL

In general gardening terms, pruning is probably the most misunderstood gardening chore, and certainly, the chore that is most likely neglected. When looking at most fertilizers, they are described by three numbers on the bag.
Newport News
Lemon Candy Physocarpus
Prices start at : 39.95 USD / 3 GAL

Large Physocarpus that have been severely pruned have the advantage of a large root system that has excessive capacity, and its roots are capable of supplying all of its energies to a smaller number of branches and foliage.
Newport News
Vanilla Strawberry Hydrangea
Prices start at : 46.95 USD / 3 GAL

It creates a barrier between the roots of the plant and fungus and pathogens that can cause root rot. A very large shrub in the ground will take 2 – 3 cups spread around the drip line of the branches (not next to the trunk).
Newport News
Admiration Barberry
Prices start at : 19.95 USD / 1 GAL

This is a very loose estimate, so please read the directions on the fertilizer before applying it. Many times, less expensive fertilizers are sold that contain only the major elements needed, but not the minor elements.
Newport News
Kalmia latifolia Olympic Fire
Prices start at : 29.95 USD / 1 GAL

Azalea's such as Kalmia latifolia Olympic Fire grow best if they are fertilized lightly in the spring once frost has passed with a well-balanced, extended-release, fertilizer such as Espoma .
Newport News
Bright Edge Yucca
Prices start at : 29.95 USD / 1 GAL

Apply the fertilizer according to the label directions immediately on top of the soil, and be sure to water the plant thoroughly after the application. We suggest when planting your newly purchased Bright Edge Yucca plants that you dig a hole twice as...
Newport News
Little Richard Abelia
Prices start at : 19.95 USD / 1 GAL

When we specifically look at pruning with regards to abelia, this misunderstanding and negligence can be magnified. The first of these three numbers refers to Nitrogen, which is the primary element necessary for good, balanced growth within the plant.
Newport News
Deutzia Chardonnay Pearls
Prices start at : 42.95 USD / 3 GAL

A very large shrub in the ground will take 2 – 3 cups spread around the drip line of the branches (not next to the trunk). Apply the fertilizer according to the label directions immediately on top of the soil, and be sure to water the plant thoroughly...
Newport News
Camellia Ack-Scent
Prices start at : 27.95 USD / 1 GAL

For example, certain camellia varieties such as ‘Seafoam' are extremely vigorous growers, and should not be pruned to maintain the plant as small shrub. The first of these three numbers refers to Nitrogen, which is the primary element necessary for...
Newport News
Mt. Airy Fothergilla
Prices start at : 11.99 USD / each

In the summer it has handsome jade green foliage that turns fiery orange red in the fall. This native shrub produces lots of fragrant white flowers in mid to late spring that last for weeks.
  • Colors: Orange, Red, White
  • Season Color: Spring, Fall
  • Spread: 3-5'
  • Plant Lighting: Full Sun, Partial Sun/Shade
Newport News
Physocarpus Diablo
Prices start at : 47.95 USD / 3 GAL

Many times, a plant may outgrow its intended size in the landscape, and must be pruned to re-define its purpose. Slow-release fertilizer can help prevent rapid sucker growth that is vulnerable to diseases and insects.
Newport News
Rhododendron Fantastica
Prices start at : 32.95 USD / 2 GAL

As with chemical fertilizers, do not apply it right next to the trunk or stems emerging from the ground. Its better to leave a one inch gap of space between the mulch and the stem or trunk of the plant.
Newport News
Delavay Osmanthus
Prices start at : 35.95 USD / #1 Container range: 2.3 - 3.7 quarts (2.5 - 4 liters)

The branches are also highly prized in upscale florists displays for their beauty and fragrance. It has as outstanding jasmine-like scent that needs to be near windows and walkways for enjoyment.
  • Foliage Color: Grayish green
  • Soil Type: Well drained
  • Mature Spread: 8 - 12 feet
  • Mature Height: 8 - 10 feet
  • Moisture: Moderate
  • Brand: Nature Hills Nursery
Newport News
Otto Luyken Cherry Laurel
Prices start at : 24.95 USD / 1 GAL

Mulching helps to keep weeds away which will compete with your new investment for water and nutrients. If you are looking for a fertilizing routine tailored to your specific conditions, a soil sample should be taken and the fertilizer and trace elements...
Newport News
Blush Pink Nandina
Prices start at : 39.95 USD / 3 GAL

If your plants are well established, and you are not concerned about more growth, choose a fertilizer that has a smaller first number, and a larger second and third number. Fertilizing at this time may stimulate new growth that will be too tender to withstand...
Newport News
Azalea Tri-Lights
Prices start at : 27.95 USD / 1 GAL

In general gardening terms, pruning is probably the most misunderstood gardening chore, and certainly, the chore that is most likely neglected. Sometimes, the growth is taller and longer with less than desirable branching when Nitrogen is deficient.
Newport News
Hearts A Bustin Euonymus americanus
Prices start at : 47.95 USD / 3 GAL

Pruning a specific plant to look a specific way, involves art in creating a unique definition for a specific plant, and it involves science in understanding the physical growing habits of the plant to be pruned.
Newport News
Lo and Behold Blue Chip Jr Buddleia
Prices start at : 47.95 USD / 3 GAL

It is also important to understand the specific growing characteristic of a certain Buddleias when pruning that particular plant. Try to cure the problem before adding fertilizer. Many times, less expensive fertilizers are sold that contain only the major...
Newport News
Fragrant Persian Lilac Garden
Prices start at : 34.99 USD / each

Make your garden come alive with fragrance in spring by planting our Fragrant Persian Lilac Garden. Persian Lilacs are highly valued for their pale lavender flowers and delightful scent.
  • Max Height (feet): 8
  • Zones: 3-7
  • Genus: Syringa x persica
  • Plant Lighting: Full Sun, Partial Sun/Shade
Newport News
Viburnum Popcorn
Prices start at : 21.95 USD / 1 GAL

We recommend feeding your Viburnum Popcorn in the very early spring and again in mid fall after all new growth has hardened off. Viburnum Popcorn is very easy to grow however it may be helpful to know that a very small plant which is planted in the ground...
Newport News
Amethyst Falls Wisteria (Wisteria frutescens)
Prices start at : 26.95 USD / 1 Gal 2 to 3 FEET

If a plant is struggling due to a disease or root problems, the fertilizer will only add stress to it's life. Minor elements that are not included in the three numbers listing on the front of fertilizer bags are very important considerations when choosing...
Newport News