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A Quick & Easy Harvest Apron
Here is my quick fix so you can make one for yourself! I wanted a multi-purpose apron to protect my clothes while working in the yard and garden that I could also pull up to use as a harvest apron with little effort.
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Miniature Container Gardens Provide Indoor-Outdoor Fun
It will need good drainage (drill holes if needed) and a saucer or tray underneath to collect excess water, protect furniture surfaces, and help support the container.These containers made perfect miniature gardens: small roasting pan, propane tank lid,...
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For the Love of Luffa, or is it Loufah? 5 Dec 2008ACH-31: Cross Pollination In Cucurbits. Gourds have been utilized by man for more than 10,000 years, making them one of the earliest domesticated plants.Luffa gourds are...
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A Day at Dave\'s Garden
Must be a problem with the; a tile is always coming un-glued. Gave it a whack and it started brewing. The words highlighted lead to their matching forum, just click on them to be taken there.
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V for Victory - Victory Garden That Is!
The story I am told is that this photo was taken on the day they planted their first WWII victory garden. I had seen the photos in the albums and heard the stories of bravery and loss, but there was at least one more story these albums had to share.
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Community Gardens Different in their own Unique Ways, Part I
Located in a large city park, this garden has evolved into a huge success in just a few short years. The Goodwill Garden in Taylor, Michigan has to be one of my all time favorite community gardens.
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The Frugal Gardener: Money Saving Projects and Tips; How to Create a Small Water Garden
By placing my kettle where I did, it is shaded after 2PM. Never leave standing water without some form of treatment. We hope our projects will inspire you to become a Frugal Gardener too!
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Community Gardens Different in their own Unique Ways, Part IV
They have the seeds, plants and most importantly the knowledge they have brought from their native land. The reason being no one in this garden speaks English. It is part of a Korean Senior Citizen apartment complex.
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Community Gardens Different in their own Unique Ways, Part III
Community organizating and how to go about obtaining vacant parcels of land. Some of them have branched and are providing nutritional programs for children.The kids are taught how to grow fruits and vegetables and about the vitamins and minerals they...
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Making a zen garden: Your garden is your spa
That is an example of Koko.There is one last thing you can add to your zen garden if you find a bit more green pleasing and calming. That's where the three rocks come in. That is unless they make you more, you can plan the layout of the...
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Community Gardens Different in their own Unique Ways, Part II
His mansion Fairlane is ¼ mile east of the garden. Henry Ford's family donated the 1300 acre site to the University of Michigan shortly after Mr. Ford's death in 1947.The university built the sprawling U-M Dearborn campus in 1958.The campus has a huge...
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Container Gardening to The max
I have to mention that the beautiful photo on the right is not my hollow log, it belongs to DG member pirl and is a beautiful example of what can be accomplished.I've had an antique bathtub hanging around for years.
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Promises, Promises: My Gardening Resolutions
Now I have maybe five.My problem is that I simply ignore them. (Also, I worry that the seeds aren't staying as fresh as they could by this storage method, although I do tend to use all seed within two years of purchase.
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The Frugal Gardener: Money Saving Projects and Tips; How to Make a Planter From an Old Chair
The air grinder with a cut-off wheel was available, but as rusty as this chair was, it wasn't entirely necessary. Measure your container before you get started, to make sure it works!Coffee filters make a good cover for the drainage hole.
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Unorthodox Gardening Methods
A soaker or misting hose is ideal for new seedlings.You may also place your pallet into a vertical position to save space and grow your plants vertically.Those of us who have limited growing space need to take advantage of the space we do have.
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Missouri Botanical Garden: Garden Structure
The stone draws your eye down the slope, tempting you to wander to the next path.It makes me happy to see that I'm not the only one.As you can see from this small tour, there is more to a garden than the plants.
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Use cattle panels to build an arched trellis & hoop house
I was hoping for a similar experience with my tomatoes and beans.The dimensions of the sections of re-mesh we used were very close to the dimensions of cattle panels, rigid fencing-type sections, sold at farm supply and feed stores.
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Sun Clocks: Interesting TIME In Your Garden!
This special monthly positioning causes the human shadow to fall more closely on the appropriate hour mark in "solar time."But, what about Daylight Savings Time (DST)? There are noted historical and modern architectural landmarks, and some that blend...
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Garden Resolutions: Next Year I Shall...
I dislike watering. No more planting until spring. That ought to do it! Next year's garden will be scrumptious, undoubtedly worthy of a magazine cover.Looking again at #4, I am reminded that watering is my least favorite gardening duty.
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Garden Bling Bling - Garden Art
The more of these in your art collection the more dire the situation. No one but you can know for sure. But how do we know when the art stops and the shock-your-family-get-you-in-a-nut-house art starts?
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Cantigny Gardens
Its beds hold over a thousandbushes of 55 varieties, grouped according to their flowering habit — Floribunda, Hybrid Tea, etc. Most of the displays are changed frequently, and the garden is always a scene of novelty and fun.This is the newest of Cantigny's...
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Wit and Wisdom: Gardening Commentary Through the Ages
They are also often used to support, oppose or present an entirely different view of a situation in a humorous light or pridefully used in an attempt to bolster one's credentials as to being knowledgeable."--Yahoo AnswersI'd like to share with you some...
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A No-Wa-Wa Fountain for Your Garden
The term "no-wa-wa", perhaps a tad cutesy, originated several decades ago in a contest by Steve Gander, a local Iowa boy, who grew up to become one of the top rodeo event promoters in the U.S.
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Spring Poems
Spring can start slow here, snow lingers and the wind blows chill sometimes well into May. That doesn't stop the birds from singing and the grass from greening, or me from putting it all into words.
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St. Fiacre, Patron Saint of Gardeners
His shrine at Breuil is still a destination for pilgrims seeking relief from ailments. During the Dark Ages, monasteries were repositories of learning, and it is here that Fiacre became a skillful user of healing herbs.
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Spring Cleaning in the Garden
Take your time, stop occasionally and breathe in the fresh clean air, enjoy the feeling of the sun's warmth on your face. When they reach the top of their support and start hanging back down over themselves, I'll go and cut them back after they have flowered.
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Onions and Potatoes Grown in a Small Garden
Weeding must be done regularly. That motivated me to want to grow more, ina bigger area. Using a shovel, I dug the onions out, very carefully, so none would get harmed.No need to say how proud I was of my onion harvest! I haven't tried yet planting onion...
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