We are usually open from 8 to 5 Monday through Friday, and Saturdays by chance. You can also email us at wisebrothersequipment@gmail. All forms of payment other than cash must clear our bank before the item is considered paid for.
The pro series allows you to go anywhere you want in a fast and proficient ride. Exceptional storage space, rod lockers, and two roomy livewells let you haul all you could need and more in an excessively impressive boat.
*60' front fold with live hydraulic control console *Triplicate nozzel bodies on 20" spacing *1000 gallon tank with 50 gallon tank & boom rinse system *Hypro hydraulic pump, Raven 440 controlles *320-85R38 tires
*90' Front fold with live hydraulic boom console *1200 gallon tank with 100 Tank & Boom rinse system *Triplicate nozzle bodies on 20" spacing *Hypro hydraulic pump, Raven 450 controller *380-90R46 radial tires *Chem.