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Mice, Moles Rodent Control Lawn Garden Pest Weed Control For Sale In Westminster

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Prozap Zinc Phosphide Mole Plt
Prices start at : 8.30 USD / each

This product may only be used to control moles and/or pocket gophers in manual, below-ground applications. This product can not be shipped to the following US States: CA,HI,IN,MI,NC, & NH Size: 1 lb.
MESSINA Mole And Vole Stopper Smoker
Prices start at : 12.30 USD / each

MESSINA Mole And Vole Stopper Smoker MESSINA Mole And Vole Stopper Smoker is an excellent product we know our customers will love. Messinas Wildlife Mole And Vole Stopper Smoker prevents foraging, nesting, entry and tunneling damage caused by moles and...
Ramik Green Nuggets Place Pack Pouch
Prices start at : 18.90 USD / each

Ramik Green Nuggets Place Pack Pouch One of a kind, ultimate all-weather rodenticide for controlling rats and mice indoors and outdoors. Especially suited for use in wet and damp areas.
Repels All Concentrated Pest Repellent
Prices start at : 18.00 USD / each

Mix one pint with water to make one gallon of spray. It lasts for up to 2 months. Product contains: Garlic dried blood whole egg solids clove fish oil onion and wintergreen. This product can not be shipped to the following US States: IN & NM Size: Quart
Molemax Repellent Granules
Prices start at : 16.30 USD / each

For year-round control apply spring, summer and fall. Clean dustless, biodegradable granules are safe for use around children, pets and plants. This product can not be shipped to the following US States: IN Size: 10 Pound
Tomcat Mltple Catch Mouse Trp
Prices start at : 17.99 USD / each

Tomcat Mltple Catch Mouse Trp Tomcat Mltple Catch Mouse Trp. Safe around children and pets. Requires no bait/chemicals. Ideal for capturing the occasional intruder or as part of a more extensive control program.
Victor Metal Pedal Mouse Trap Bulk
Prices start at : 37.99 USD / each

Victor Metal Pedal Mouse Trap Bulk Repels skunks, groundhogs, squirrels, dogs and cats, squirrels, and raccoons. Covers approximately 90-120 square feet.Contains: Essential Oil Of Black Pepper, Piperine, Capsaicin And Related Capsaicinoids.
Tomcat Snap Rat Trap
Prices start at : 6.59 USD / each

Tomcat Snap Rat Trap Tomcat Snap Rat Trap, if you are not 100% satisfied our excellent customer service is standing by to help. Also comes with a removable bait cup. Proven effective and has patented interlocking teeth.
Sweeney\'s Deadset Mole Trap
Prices start at : 21.90 USD / each

When following their natural instinct to reopen blocked passageways, the trap is activated. Sweeneys Deadset Mole Trap is designed for easy activation and equipped with a safety pin for secure operation.
  •  Easy-to-follow illustrated operating instructions
  •  Mobile device scan for detailed step-by-step instructional video
Havoc Xt Blok Pouch
Prices start at : 49.50 USD / each

Controls norway rats, roof rats and house mice. New easy to eat shape, single feed bait is weather resistant. Maintain an uninterrupted supply of fresh bait for 10 days or until signs of rat activity cease.
Revenge Glue Board Mice
Prices start at : 6.89 USD / each

Easy and ready to use, baited, non toxix and disposable. Size: 6" X 8.75" X 1/16" Revenge Glue Board Mice For mice, also catches cockroaches, scorpions, spiders and other insects.
Havahart Critter Ridder Granular
Prices start at : 10.80 USD / each

One application lasts up to 30 days. Repels by odor and taste. Is safe to use both indoors and out doors and not a urine-based product that may attract predators. Covers approximately 90-120 square feet.
Messinas Wildlife Rodent Stopper Aerosol
Prices start at : 9.19 USD / each

Messinas Wildlife Rodent Stopper Aerosol Prevents Foraging, Bedding and Entry Caused By Mice and Rats Safe For Use Around Fruits and Vegetables Made Of Organic Ingredients Works By Smell and Taste Made In The Usa Ingredients:Geraniol, Castor Oil, Mint...
Ratx Ready Trays
Prices start at : 12.00 USD / each

Safe for use around livestock and pets when used as directed. Poison free rat and mice control. Naturally derived. Pre-measured easy to use trays. Ratx Ready Trays Ratx Ready Trays comes with our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee! Formulated for indoor and...
Havahart Trap For Squirrels/Rats/Weasels/Chipmunks
Prices start at : 28.99 USD / each

Product dimensions: 18in X 5in X 5in. In winter, spray inside of trap with apple cider. Havahart Trap For Squirrels/Rats/Weasels/Chipmunks The Havahart Squirrel Trap is great for rats, weasels, chipmunks, and more.
Mouse Cage Trap
Prices start at : 16.99 USD

  •  High tensile wire mesh
  •  Galvanized steel reinforced for long life and maximum resistance to animal damage
  •  Model # 1020
  •  Item assembled measures 10 in L x 3 in W x 3 in H
  •  This product cannot be shipped to: CA
  •  2 gravity action doors
Tomcat Rat Killer II Refillable Bait Station
Prices start at : 20.60 USD / each

Rat killer with bromethalin Bait station is resistant to weather and to tampering by children and dogs Includes 1 refillable bait station and 15 bait refills Can be used indoors or out Made in the usa Size: 1 lbs.
Tomcat With Bromethalin Place Pacs Pail
Prices start at : 30.99 USD / each

Bromethalin can kill rats and mice in as little as 2 days after consuming a lethal dose For use in and around agricultural buildings and homes. Place pacs protect bait & fit in tight areas.
Ratx Rat Bait
Prices start at : 19.79 USD / each

Ratx Rat Bait Ratx Rat Bait comes with our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee! Perfect for both professional and do-it-yourself use..Formulated for indoor and outdoor use..Non-toxic rat and mice control..100% naturally derived..Safe for use around livestock...
Refillable Corner Fit Bait Station with 6 Refills
Prices start at : 5.99 USD

  •  Shipping Dimensions: Approximately 7.91 x 7.33 x 3.5 inches.
  •  This product cannot be shipped to: CA
  •  Child and dog resistant
  •  Designed for mice to enter the station, eat the bait and leave before dying
  •  Weight: Approximately: .46 pounds
  •  Dispose of station when bait has all been consumed
Scent-Away Natural Rodent Repeller Drops - 3 Pk
Prices start at : 9.99 USD

  •  Ideal for enclosed spaces
  •  This product cannot be shipped to: SD CA NM ME
  •  Mint scent repels mice
  •  Replace in about 60 days
  •  Hang, stick, or place anywhere
  •  Model # M803
Mouse Magic Mouse Repellent
Prices start at : 7.40 USD / each

Product contains Peppermint oil and spearmint oil. Locate place packs anywhere mice enter, feed, or nest. This product can not be shipped to the following US States: DC,IN, & NM Size: 4 Pack
2 Pk. Quick-Set Mouse Trap
Prices start at : 2.89 USD

  •  Can be reused many times or disposed of depending on your personal preference
  •  When a mouse takes the bait, the Quick-Set snaps shut for a quick kill
  •  A simple squeeze & release mechanism opens the mouse trap to dispose of rodent cleanly without ever having to touch the dead rodent
  •  Easy to set and use - Simply bait, set & place
  •  Contains no poisons or chemicals
  •  Weight: Approximately: .173 pounds
Indoor Mouse Magic
Prices start at : 10.95 USD

Mice detest the minty aroma of these all-natural Mouse Magic repellent sachets. Place them wherever rodents are a problem — kitchen, pantry, cellar or shed — and pests will be repelled for up to 30 days.
  •  Active ingredients are peppermint and spearmint oils
  •  Set of 4 sachets
  •  Each .5-oz. sachet is 3-1/2" square
  •  4 sachets
  •  All-natural mouse repellent
Tomcat 5 Lb Pelleted Rat & Mouse Bait with Bromethalin
Prices start at : 25.98 USD

Rodents stop feeding after eating a toxic dose of Tomcat with Bromethalin, so more rodents are controlled with less bait. There is also less risk of secondary poisoning so pets are less likely to be harmed if they accidentally eat a poisoned rodent.
  •  Ideal combination of palatability, effectiveness and speed of kill
  •  Convenient storage pail
  •  Can kill in a single feeding
  •  For use in and around agricultural buildings
  •  Kills Norway rats, roof rats and house mice
  •  Ideal for burrow baiting
Plunger Style Mole Trap
Prices start at : 10.99 USD

  •  Weight: Approximately: 1.92 pounds
  •  Can be used during any season and in all soil types
  •  Best for use in areas with soft, rich soil
  •  Plunger Style Mole Trap kills moles in their burrows
  •  Metal spears provide superior strength and durability
  •  Weather-resistant
Molemax Ready To Use Pest Repellent
Prices start at : 13.99 USD / each

This product can not be shipped to the following US States: AK,DC,IN, & NM Size: Quart Product contains Castor oil. It can be applied in spring, summer, and fall. Attach to hose and spray automatically.