Metal wants to lay parallel to magnet. Powerful, high density, high energy cattle magnet with a high power-to-weight ratio. Weight: 2 oz Dimensions: 2-9/16" x 5/8" x ½"
They feature a reinforced tip & easy-to-read graduations. Jeffers Luer Slip Syringes are specifically designed for the veterinary market. Luer slip slips on & luer lock twists on.
✓ 1 ml
✓ Fda approved & autoclavable
✓ 12 ml
✓ Rubber plunger w/ double contact for a tighter seal
Case of 6 - Red-Kote is fast healing help for lacerations, cuts, burns, chafes, teat sores and other superficial animal wounds. Adheres, protects, soothes and softens--and stimulates new skin growth.
Each vial of VETBONDtm contains 0.1 fl. Note: For Professional Use ONLY! View manufacturer and/or label information. Forms a thin, flexible bandage in seconds to stop minor bleeding and bind wound edges.
Luer Lock twists on and Luer Slip slides on. Monoject Luer Slip Syringes are disposable with easy-to-read graduations. All needles will work with either type of syringe.
Case of 6 -This product is a fast drying antiseptic and fungicidal liquid forsurface wounds, abrasions and ringworm.Whether you spray or paint it on, Blue-Kote is effective in treatment of Cowpox, ringworm, and skin abrasions.
Self-contained, one-handed unit allows for full mobility and automatic refilling of syringes without returning to the bottle or use of a hose. Fast fit bottle attachments protect the bottle.
As always, consult with your veterinarian for unusual conditions. This product is environmentally compatible and contains all "food grade" ingredients making it non-toxic and environmentally compatible.
Multi-size hose barb for either vaccine or drenching draw off tubes. Features a 15 mL Dial-a-Dose system for dose settings of 1 mL up to 15 mL in ½ mL increments. Small Farmers Kit includes: 1 - 5" metal drench nozzle 1 - 3" plastic drench nozzle 1 -...
Now with steel ends. Round cylindrical shape, with maximum magnetic strength and magnet surface for the collection of hardware. Weight: 4.4 oz Dimensions: 3/4"D x 3-1/8"L
Click to See Recommended Needle Sizes for Most Animals Needles ONLY, syringes not included. Monoject Aluminum Hub Needles are ultra sharp for consistent, trauma-free injections. Stainless steel needle with aluminum hubs.