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Chicken Mating: The Farm\'s 50 Shades Of \
The Two-Step In conjunction with The Matador, a rooster may walk around the hen in a circle, positioning himself behind her to assume the mating position, which closely resembles a piggyback ride.
3 Amazing Facts About The Queen Bee & Her Mating Flight
Once the virgin queen arrives at the DCA, she mates with as many as 15 drones, if she's very lucky. Otherwise, they each spearhead their own colony with a quiet, peaceful grace, leaving the protection and darkness of the hive just a handful of times.
Is It OK To Mate A Chicken With Its Offspring?
In livestock husbandry, what we'd usually call inbreeding is termed linebreeding . Breeding two chickens with the most desirable traits but with the least genetic similarity will create offspring with the strongest potential for survival.
Chicken Mating: 4 Steps To Safeguard Your Flock\'s Favorite Hens
The two varieties were together from Day 2 but, as they grew older, which pullets were the ones singled out for “favors?” The Mottled Orpington girls, Butters and Brioche. An attempt to establish a Mottled Orpington flock yielded only two chicks,...
Bee Spotlight: The Drone
The female honeybees recognize that winter is a precarious time for survival, and they need all helpful hands on deck to come out of the end. Drones hatched during a mating period in the year will fly out and create drone congregation areas (or DCAs)...
That Smell Can Mean Only One Thing
While skunks typically don't emit their spray unless threatened—and especially not on other skunks—the males make an exception this time of year and will target romantic competitors with their musk.
Home Grown Teas
You can add more hot water to taste or add ice for a crisp, cooling summer beverage. If you have the right conditions, which need to mimic its native Asian highlands with cool, moist air, you can successfully grow your own Tea Plant.
El Segundo
(TheOn the other hand, in Santa Fe and northern New Mexico, they are calledomesick Spanish church-goers in the Philippines marvelled at the festive paper lanterns they saw in nearby China.
El Segundo
Promiscuity Could Save Hives from Collapse
The researchers then dissected the queen bees, removing two glands that are known to produce pheromones—the mandibular gland and the Dufour's gland. 13, 2013, issue of PLOS ONE. We have found that the information queens are conveying constitutes an...
Soft and Snug Baby Mittens
Sew a hem around this elastic pocket, leaving a small section open to place the elastic in. A few months into the winter, I start to pick up an extra set of mittens each time I make a trip to the store just so we have one for each hand.
The Redemption Of Thomas: The Story Of A Bad-Boy Rooster
Ana Hotaling Over the next year, the dynamic of our Orpington flocks changed. The new chickens were a curiosity for them and, instead of roaming our acreage, the hens wandered back and forth along the new Orpingtons' run fenceline.
Myths & Facts About the Praying Mantis: 7 Questions Answered
However, the true answer is that it varies based on species. Yes! But the bite from a praying mantis is rare, and it usually occurs only when the insect is provoked. Knowing what I now know about mantids, I think we'll keep a nice big patch of wild flowers...
Geriatric gardening
A Dave's Garden member, Peg (known to her Dave's Garden friends as DATURA12) advocates gardening for geriatrics. Volunteers, patients' families or a resident could approach the staff with one or more of these ideas, especially if you can offer to assist.Establish...
El Segundo
Flowers and the Emotional Health of Seniors
If they are still able to get out into the yard, have the senior get involved with the gardening, from choosing the colors they like best to deadheading the faded blooms.Set an area aside in the garden so that they may sit among the flowers.
El Segundo
You Can Make A Difference In Someone\'s Life
I asked if she was okay and this is what she said: "I'm sorry. Weeds were pulled, roses were fertilized and plants were fed and watered. The photo is of a very special rose that she and I planted together.
El Segundo
Purple Coneflowers? or Red, Yellow, -- or Tangerine?
The common purple coneflowers are easily started from seed, but the newer cultivars most likely will not come true. Echinacea's long, thick tap root sometimes makes division tricky, but it grows deeply, and the plants are quite drought tolerant once established.
El Segundo
The History and Health of Holly
This was done because it was believed that the bees hummed for the Christ child at the first Christmas. There are 400 to 600 species in the Ilex (holly) genus. Perhaps it is this “separate house” feature of the plant that lends to some of its folklore...
Granny\'s Hat, Flip Flops and Spade (A Memory)
I knew her as Granny Mae. She was full of stories from her childhood. She loved to work in her gardens. They were bulldozed to make room for a growing city to expand. She would be heartbroken if she were around to see it.
El Segundo
Herbal Folklore: 6 Herb Stories About Luck, Life and Love
The pretty purple flower is said to reduce anger and anxiety in all those who come in contact with it. Filling an empty eggshell with the herb would protect the home from negative influences.
Collectible or Useable
I want to be able to use it. For example, most edging planes were built by the woodworker who used them. I love looking at the samples of fine craftsmanship—the “useables.” They are the tools and objects that people once depended on for their daily...
Raising Chickens: A Diary Of 4 Hatchlings
Here is the story in words and pictures of 4 chicks growing up, and our observations of raising chickens from egg to successfully mating in 23 weeks. Day 2 At 4 a.m., worried that no more of the eggs would hatch , I awoke and was delighted to find that...
Sue Weaver Tells of Spring on the Farm
In the end, the nights of magic invariably cancel out the tears and disappointments. Sometimes the magic works, sometimes it doesn't. Sue Weaver, a Hobby Farms contributing editor, recounts lessons learned during the mostly magical spring births on her...
The Birds and Bees—Camelid Edition
The male cavorts around and sniffs the female to court her, and he begins making a distinctive mating sound called orgling. That means unless they're pregnant, they can be bred at any time.
Funnel shaped flowers are borne in pairs from the leaf axils. Pictures are somewhat deceiving, though, because turmeric may grow as high as 5 feet. I never used to nap during the afternoon.
El Segundo
Inhabitants of the garden
Reunion is a marvellous island for plants of all kinds, from tree ferns to tropical fruits, blooming trees and shrubs, amazing vines and stunning palms but when it comes to animals it is on the poor side.
El Segundo
Do You Know Your State Insect?
One unsettling aspect of this creature's appetite is its non-selectivity--it will eat anything that moves, including its mate or hatchlings. Michigan has unofficially adopted the Green Darner Dragonfly.Intentionally introduced into North America in 1895...
El Segundo
That Darned Kerla!
Kerla didn't know what it was, so he deliberately touched it with his nose. But that Bon Bon … when I breed her she always races around and bashes me with her head (she thinks that's how does show affection) and she was doing it to Kerla, too.