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Massey Ferguson Tractor Reviews

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Getting Attached To Your Equipment: A Primer On Tractor Attachments
So before you make that big tractor-attachment purchase, make sure you're getting what you need by familiarizing yourself with the available implements on the market and what they can accomplish.
My Riding Mower Demonstrates The Value Of A Differential Lock
The mower was stuck in the first place because it has a differential, in essence a gear train that lets the two rear driving wheels spin at different speeds. An attempt to push the mower forward did nothing, as it's quite heavy and wasn't interested in...
8 Things To Consider When Buying A Tractor
Headlights Complicated farming projects often run into the evening hours, and a tractor with headlights will help shine a path through the fading daylight. Of course, this also means that tractors are complex machines with a lot of parts.
4 Tractor Types To Consider For Your Farm
Garden Tractor Generally tougher, larger and more powerful than lawn tractors, garden tractors have significantly more options for installing attachments. Subcompact Tractor While the smallest of subcompact tractors are similar in appearance to garden...
15 Reasons You Need A Tractor
Those big tractor wheels can plow through mud and climb over debris that would block a 4WD pickup, making it the ultimate “get there” vehicle. A good winch lets you pull the load to you for easier removal.
Is A Walk-Behind Tractor Right For My Farm?
Walk-behind tractors range in price from $1,600 to $5,500 with a horsepower range of 6 to 16. The American manufacturers also never innovated much in this equipment sector—even in the last days of their production, Gravely still didn't have reversible...
A Look in the Rearview Mirror ...
So here I found myself among machines that were, in some ways, superior or at least equal to the behemoths that crawl across fields today. If you are heading west out of Spokane, Wash., on Highway 2 the last weekend in August, watch for old combines working...
Run Your Tractor at Full Throttle? Ask the Tortoise
Like the tortoise, it just plugged along steadily without fanfare, completing its chores efficiently and effectively. On many occasions, you need to run your tractor at full throttle—you certainly wouldn't want to go mow thick grass on the turtle setting.
3 Things You Didn\'t Know Your Tractor Can Do
This article originally appeared in the May/June 2013 issue of Hobby Farms . A grapple for the front-end loader makes the job of removing limbs and small, fallen trees from the property a snap.
Should You Mow Your Lawn Clockwise or Counterclockwise?
Even the time of day that you mow can make a difference. It could, depending on the length of the grass that you have to mow. At best, you'll be left with a ragged looking lawn, and if the grass is particularly thick, you risk choking the lawn mower on...
Lamborghini Tractors
The most notable new tractor business after the war was started by Ferruccio Lamborghini in a barn by using parts from salvaged military vehicles. Lamborghini offers an impressive range of styles, from 35-horsepower models to 270-horsepower models.
Why I\'m Thankful For The Three-Point Hitch
At times like these I suggest thinking back to the days before the three-point hitch was a standard for farm equipment. Thanksgiving Day might be behind us, but the feelings that the day promotes can (and should) linger year round.
Change Your Tractor\'s Oil Yourself
As spring and summer gain momentum, it's important to give a little love back to the tools and machines used so heavily when things are green and growing. What size and type of oil filter fits the machine?
Use Your Tractor For Grading Your Driveway
Some people keep things simple and use the front-end loader on their tractor to scrape at the surface of the driveway. We look at three tractor attachments that can help you get the job done.
Buying New Tires For Old Tractors
This should be printed on the tire's sidewall, somewhere above the rim—you might have to scrape away some dirt to find it. If there are three numbers—such as 23×8.5-12—the first number is the width (23 inches), the second is the height (8.5 inches),...
4 Tips for Safe & Efficient Hay Baling
So while you shouldn't try to start baling hay before the hay is fully dried, there's no reason to dawdle around either. But it is difficult, especially if you produce the small square bales that are so convenient for many hobby farmers.
Use A Tractor To Remove Stubborn Fence Posts
Unfortunately, not all projects go so easily. It couldn't have been any easier! Thanks to Little Mo, a hard and time-consuming task became as simple as could be in a matter of moments.
Turn A Piece Of Wood Into The World\'s Simplest Wagon
(Although, having the leading edge of the board hover ever so slightly above the ground will help it slide smoothly and not get caught on bumpy ground.) While I wouldn't recommend this approach for huge projects, like clearing a field—you'll obviously...
Big Advice for Your Small Farm Machines
Check Brakes: ATV and UTV users should be sure to check brake pads for wear and replace if they're wearing thin. Check yours at the beginning of the season and periodically throughout the year; change when needed.
Gear Up For Winter With A To-Do List For Farm Tools
The same goes for snow blowers, snow plows and other winter-related machinery—before winter sets in, make sure the machines are easily accessible and in working order. Gather Winter Clothes So … just where are those warm winter gloves that you put...
5 Seasonal Tractor Maintenance Tasks
“On our newer tractors, we can go up to 500 hours before oil needs changing, and coolant can go up to five years,” Tammel says. Change and evaluate tractor oil. Fully effective coolant should indicate a boiling point above 265 degrees F.
Infographic: Equipment Selections for Spring Farm Maintenance
Tags farm equipment , tractor , UTV Farmstead cleanup is a multifaceted chore, and the right tools make all the difference. Think about the task ahead and the tools you need to get the job done.
Farm Storehouse: A Roundup of Products to Help You & Your Operation
Noise-Safe Earphones Etymotic HD Safety Earplugs and Earphones block external sound to reduce external noise; high-def sound reproduction means there is no need for high playback levels to hear the music.
Methods & Tools To Remove Tree Stumps
Of course, there are many other techniques for removing stumps, some of them employing chemicals and others involving patience (a thoroughly rotted stump is no problem at all to remove).
Effectively Remove Rocks From Your Fields With These 4 Tools
One such specimen is the giant rock on the edge of one of my fields—it's about five feet across in every direction. Such a piece of wood can be easily turned into a simple wagon , perfect for transporting the heavy debris to better locations.
Use Your Owner\'s Manual for Tractor Maintenance
Properly carried out, regular maintenance, both daily and longer term, is multipurpose: Engine components are protected, and operating efficiency is maintained. If you don't have your owner's manual, visit a dealer that sells your tractor's brand.
7 Daily Tractor Maintenance Tasks
Unlike coolant, internal oil leaks will usually show up first as blue smoke in the exhaust or as reduced power. Tammel suggests adding a fuel conditioner to keep components in both gas and diesel fuels stable and in solution.