1950's massey tractor with bushhog and scrap blade; runs good, kept under shed. Tires very good coundition; $3500.00 or best offer. Call and leave mnessage. $3500.00 o.b.o please call and leave message
2007 Massey Ferguson 1372, 12', draw bar, steel conditioner, new turtles, new knives Livingston Machinery Company - Proud to do our part in helping farmers feed the world - Since 1987
New rear tires rims open for offers engine is good with roll bar in running order $2.000 obo, optional no.to call, amherst ns tire chains are available, upright stack..
There are many other miscellaneous parts on this tractor. The engine is a Perkins diesel. The running condition of those parts is unknown. Massey Ferguson 304 industrial tractor for salvage wholesale or parts.
Always shedded and in good condition. Always sheeded and in good condition. 1980 751 Massey Feguson pull type combine. Asking $4,500 OBO. Last used in 2008. Aksing $4,500 OBO.
1973 Massey Ferguson 175; 75 hp; 2WD Drive; diesel, 1hyd, 3pt, PTO, good rubber. Includes Bush Hog 2500 Loader Only 1,380 hours! No disc pulling - only flail mowing on 5 acre orchard past 18 years.
Used for golf course work. Used for light golf course work. Can deliver for fee. A/C works, starts 1st turn, good working order, 2WD. Can deliver for fee.
9790 MF Combine with a 2 Speed Chopper, 2 Speed Rotor, and a 4 Speed Transmission, Local Trade. Really Nice Combine, Field Ready MF 8000 25' Head Available for Sale to Complete the Set
1980 Massey Ferguson 780 Hydro, new concave and cylinder bars, air foil chaffer, 12 foot victory super 8 pickup, 1376 hours. Excellent condition, well maintained and always sheddedOffers
1999, 4 wheel drive, 960 hours, canopy, front loader, bucket, 2 hay spikes, great condition, & well maintained. 1999 4 wheel drive, 960 hours, canopy, front loader, bucket, two hay spikes great condition, and well maintained.
New concave & cylinder bars air foil chaffer, 12 ft victory super 8 pickup, 1376 hrs. Runs better than a DEER. Please contact Darrell at (780) 985-3594 in Calmar Alberta, and make your offer.