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Marigold Annual

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Calendula Calling
The name pot marigold comes not from its tolerance of growing in pots but because the outer petals of the flowers can be used in cooking. Once I see those leaves popping up I know it won't be long before I have flowers, roughly 7 weeks until they bloom.
El Segundo
A Marigold \'Snowdrift\' Flower Bed from Indoor Seed
When spring arrives, annual flower beds soon follow. Nicolaus (critterologist), "Seed Starting 101: Hardening off Seedlings Before Planting Out in Your Garden" and "Seed Starting 101: Planting Out - Tips for Transplanting Seedlings into Your Garden"
El Segundo
Wanted Marigold Seed
Price : CALL

I am interested in sourcing/purchasing/licensing seed of African Marigold (Tagetes erecta) F1 hybrids and parental lines. I would be interested in evaluating these hybrids and lines for possible purchase or licensing.
Marigold Seeds Required
Price : CALL

Hey I'm writing to see if you have any seeds for sale of Marigold yellow and orange for immediate purchse if so please let me know suren
Flower marigold seed
Price : CALL

JYK Seed has been breeding hybrid African marigold for the past 15 years. The variety is also outstanding because the plants continue to produce large flowers until the end of the season.
Nei Mongol Zizhiqu
Marigold seeds for sale
Price : CALL

These seeds are from our current crop. Will sell to highest bidder. Two pounds of dwarf marigold seed, mixed colors, free of chaff. They have been hulled so are ready for packaging.
F1 Hybrid Marigold Seeds
Price : CALL

We are exporters of F1 Hybrid quality MARIGOLD SEEDS. We provide hybrid quality marigold seeds with high 90 germination. For any further inquiries email us We are situated in Canada with our corporate offices in India.
Hybrid Marigold
Price : CALL

Hello: I wish to import hybrid marigold seeds in bulk quantitiy in India. Interested parties please kindly get back to me on my email.
United States
Marigold pigment seeds
Price : CALL

Which has strong tolerant to diseases, strong stems and great flower structure. Super strong plants, great branching habit, fully doubled flowers. The variety is also outstanding because the plants continue to produce large flowers until the end of the...
Nei Mongol Zizhiqu
Giant Marigold seed for sale
Price : CALL

These marigolds grow three feet tall and three feet wide with 20 to 30 flowers at one time. Great blast of color when in bloom. If you save seeds they give 70 to 100 seeds per bloom.
Grand Junction
Giant Marigold seed for sale
Price : CALL

These marigolds grow THREE feet tall with multiple blooms. Very reasonal and will trade for interesting seeda you may have! Large orange flowers with strong marigold smell. If you save seeds you will get 75 to 100 seeds per flower.
Grand Junction
Dried marigold flower
Price : CALL

Dried marigold flower. Production field is in Romania southern part. Samples and pictures can be send. I have 200kg of dried marigold flower production 2010.samples and pictures can be send.
Yellow Inca II, Marigold Seeds
Prices start at : 80.00 USD / 1,000 Seeds

Inca II Hybrids have early, fully double blooms from reliable seed. Blooms early with 3.5″ flowers and strong stems. Great performance and strength in the garden or container. This Marigold will grow up to 12″ tall and 10″ wide.
  • Zones: 1
  • Packet: 20 Seeds
  • Seeds Per Ounce: 6188
  • Growing Conditions: Containers
  • Form: Seed
  • Botanical Name: Tagetes erecta
Marigold, Climax Mixed Colors
Prices start at : 4.99 USD / 1 Pkt. (75 seeds)

The double, ball-shaped, ruffled blossoms appear midsummer and continue until frost. This Burpee bred marigold is a guaranteed show-stopper in any garden. Flowers are long-lasting, up to 4-5" across and great in a vase.
  • Height: 30-36 inches
  • Life Cycle: Annual
  • Sun: Full Sun
  • Bloom Duration: 12 weeks
  • Sow Method: Direct Sow/Indoor Sow
Marigold, Boy O\' Boy Mix
Prices start at : 4.99 USD / 1 Pkt. (75 seeds)

Our superb crested types are a well-balanced mix of early, continuously blooming yellow, gold, red and orange 2" blossoms.
  • Bloom Duration: 14 weeks
  • Life Cycle: Annual
  • Ornamental Use: Beds, Borders, Container
  • Flower color: Gold, Orange, Red, Yellow
  • Height: 8 inches
Tangerine Gem - Marigold Seed
Prices start at : 4.10 USD / Packet

Remove the petals from the flower base before consuming as the base can be quite bitter.Transplant: Sow 4 weeks before last frost, or 8 weeks before for flowering packs. Transplant to cell packs or larger containers when true leaves appear.
  •  Attracts Beneficial Insects
  •  Grows Well in Containers
  •  Edible Flowers
  • Life Cycle: Annual
Durango Outback Mix - Marigold Seed
Prices start at : 4.10 USD / Packet

Bloom size is 2-2 1/2". Transplant to cell packs or larger containers when true leaves appear. Cut flower ('Giant' series). Keep soil surface moist until emergence. Remove the petals from the flower base before consuming as the base can be quite bitter.Transplant:...
  • Grows Well in Containers: Yes
  • Days To Maturity: 50 Days
  • Life Cycle: Annual
Sweet Alyssum -- A Tiny Plant with Big Impact
Because energy is not used producing seeds, these plants are vigorous and bloom over a long season.Sweet alyssum is readily available in flats at most garden centers in the spring and fall.
El Segundo
Marigold Leaf Problems: Treating Marigolds With Yellow Leaves
Aster yellows is caused by a very small organism known as a. You cannot cure marigolds with aster yellows. Although marigolds are not bothered by too many insects, and may even deter most of them, the plants can, on occasion, find themselves victim to...
Caring For Marigolds In Pots – Tips On Growing Marigolds In Containers
For example,are small, bushy plants that reach heights of only 6 to 18 inches, depending on the variety. They are available in orange, yellow, mahogany or bicolor, and in double or single blooms.are another good choice for potted marigold plants.
Marigold And Tomato Companion Planting: Do Marigolds And Tomatoes Grow Well Together
Water the tomato and marigold deeply. At the end of the growing season, chop the marigolds with a shovel and work the chopped plants into the soil. What are the benefits of growing tomatoes and marigolds together?
Using Marigolds Around Plants – Do Marigolds Keep Bugs Away
The best way to find out is to experiment in your own garden, and you really can't go wrong.are beautiful, and there's no doubt that they attract a variety of beneficial insects that prey on bad bugs, which is a very positive attribute indeed! Read on...
Red Gem Marigold Seeds
Prices start at : 6.95 USD / 1-8-oz

It has lovely lacy leaves and dainty single flowers. All varieties sold by seed count are raw detailed seed. (12”) Red Gem marigold is a unique heirloom quite unlike common marigolds.
  • weight: .0625 lbs
East Hartford
Orange Gem Marigold Seeds
Prices start at : 6.95 USD / 1-8-oz

It has lovely lacy leaves and dainty single flowers. All varieties sold by seed count are raw detailed seed. (12”) Orange Gem marigold is a unique heirloom quite unlike common marigolds.
  • weight: .0625 lbs
East Hartford
Petite Mix Marigold Seeds
Prices start at : 1.79 USD / retail-seed-packet

All varieties sold by seed count are raw detailed seed. Petite Mix is a blend of orange and yellow blooms. (Tagetes erecta) Annual. 12,000-13,000 seeds/oz.; 7 day 72-75°F. (6-12”) Petite Mix marigold is an early, dwarf strain with 1 to 1-1/4” fully...
  • weight: .0625 lbs
East Hartford
Marigold, Key Lime
Prices start at : 4.99 USD / 1 Pkt. (50 Seeds)

Hardy plants flower freely all summer long. The parade of plump, lime-green blooms creates a cool, luminous glow in the border. The 3' tall, long-stemmed plants produce a steady succession of gorgeous, scentless blooms in a vibrant, one-of-a-kind hue.
  • Sow Method: Direct Sow/Indoor Sow
  • Spread: 8-10 inches
  • Flower color: Green, Yellow
  • Height: 36 inches
  • Ornamental Use: Beds, Borders, Cut Flowers
Marigold, Mission Giant Yellow
Prices start at : 4.99 USD / 1 Pkt. (50 Seeds)

This reselected heirloom from the Burpee seed vault brings a bounty of brightness to the back of a perennial garden or indoors as a cut flower. Lively, lemon yellow chrysanthemum-like flowers sing your garden into summer with stunning large 3" double...
  • Height: 24-34 inches
  • Sow Method: Direct Sow/Indoor Sow
  • Spread: 24-30 inches
  • Sun: Full Sun
  • Life Cycle: Annual