Little Manure Spreader, Single Beater, Ground Driven, 5.30-12 Tires, 2' Wide, 4' Long, 14" High Sides, Very Good Condition, Not Sure On The Correct Make And Model
Completely Rebuilt and Reworked! New style flighting, new style hammers, new metal. New Paint! Field ready, Less than half the price of new! Side discharge.
Excellent condition, We checked the oil in the gearbox, ran is and greased Packed the wheel bearings, Tightened the chains Ran the spreader and it works fine We ship anywhere We can finance Call or email us for a freight rate and financing options You...
New Holland 308 tandem axle spreader We ran greased, packed wheel bearings Works good, has 3- 16.5 x 16.1 tires and one 1000 x 20 tire Serial # 703524 We ship anywhere We can finance Call or email us for a freight rate and financing options You can see...
Good condition, New Idea Spreader Model 214 with 217 Beater Good apron chain All 12 paddles on the beater in excellent condition We packed wheel bearings, oiled and ran Works like it should Stock # 1604052900P We ship any where We can finance Call or...