“In addition, tall-fescue forage accumulates a high concentration of soluble carbohydrates in the fall and maintains its quality through the winter.” Ball says that producers should closely examine the relationship between stockpiled fescue and other...
This is certainly more involved—for example, you might have to dig a trench big enough for a downhill pipe, and then bury the pipe while keeping the ends free of obstructions and debris—but this can be a more long-term solution for eliminating troublesome...
If you raise farm animals on your property and consider flies a pesky nuisance in the natural order of things, prepare yourself for the onslaught. Natural Predators Releasing flying insects on your farm to get rid of flies might seem counterintuitive,...
Traditional deep-tilling of the soil disturbs these underground ecological communities and reduces the health of the soil, and thereby its ability to sustain the plant life within it.
This is the most popular Christmas tree in the Southeast U.S., according to the National Christmas Tree Association. Look for organic Christmas trees (these are very hard to find), or ask the Christmas tree farmer about the chemicals used in the tree's...
The bottom line for every variety of farm co-op is that it should exist and operate solely for the benefit of its members. But even those of us embrace the solitariness of farming and who maintain successful, profitable farms often find ourselves asking...
Heavy surface residue can be lightly incorporated into the soil in the fall by drilling cover crops to aid drying in the spring.” They go on to state that medium- to well-drained soils can generally tolerate heavy residue without hindering soil drying,...
Plastic twine resists weathering, insects and rodents better than natural-fiber twines. Do's and Don'ts of Hay Storage Indoor Storage Protect valuable hay from the elements by storing it under cover in a building that doesn't leak and has good ventilation.
With knowledge and creativity, even if you don't have a large forest, you can make your woodland an even more active part of the life on your farm. Does your woodlot have a lot of paper birch trees?
“Find out as much as you can through existing information about the soil in your area first,” advises Jean Eells, Hamilton Soil and Water District Commissioner in Webster City, Iowa.
Fish and shrimp are cold-blooded animals; consequentially they are complete captives of their environment. In contrast to more common agricultural ventures, many see the rise of aquaculture as a contemporary phenomenon.
Prices by the job or by the hour . Horse riding trails , pastures , field mowing , property lines , fence rows , right of way clearing , land clearing , underbrush , briers , sewer lines , power lines ,
Use this visual diagram of an aquaculture pond to consider the best way to build your operation. To wrap your head around the construction of an aquaculture pond, use the diagram below to jog the pond-construction thought process.
And then there's silvopasturing , where pigs are let loose in forests and woodlots to forage for tasty treats, a callback to farmers of yesteryear who turned to the woods in autumn to fatten hogs on fallen goodies.
I am seeking a farm to board 4 horses preferably with the option to live on the property with dogs and a cat. All dogs are certified pet therapy animals and protective of property and other animals, ensuring security when nobody not associated with the...
You can sow radishes with nearly any long-season crop as long as it doesn't impact your crop rotation too much. One great way to make the most out of these crops is to plant a second, faster crop alongside them in their beds.
For that reason, and because nutrients take time to degrade, too, we recommend fall manure applications so you have the whole winter and growing season to degrade the manure, absorb the nutrients and let nature take care of pathogens.
Do Your Research Of course, the plants listed above are neither exclusive nor exhaustive. With its long, incredibly strong taproots (it's said an alfalfa taproot can break rocks), alfalfa will easily bust through trodden soil, opening the ground back...
With the use of cover crops, this hands-off approach allows autumn-sown seeds to help you prepare beds for the spring by revitalizing the soil. Provide nesting areas for mason bees and carpenter bees in hollow stems or logs, and they may leave your garden...
According to the Michigan State University Extension, keep sections of uncultivated land next to pastures and fields instead of row crops, woodlots and residential areas to maximize the number of bird species that can nest in an area.
Of course, I don't mean that your animals shouldn't drink secondary water sources or from streams. To be safe, just clean it all up. Often, contaminants can't simply be removed by rinsing.
It's very stout, strong and focused. Draft horses can also be spooked by loud equipment, noises or stings, sending them momentarily running off with you or the equipment. Horses have higher labor costs.
Crop rotation—seeding in groups according to plant families and rotating these groups around your growing area with each season's planting—has many benefits. Likewise, you can intercrop, planting more than one crop in that plot per season, such as...
Biodynamic techniques were brought to the United States in the 1930s by Steiner's associate Dr. Ehrenfried Pfeiffer. Differing from traditional organic techniques, though, the Biodynamic farmer improves and sustains soil health through the use of manures...
Divert Water Wherever Possible. This is, of course, is much more expensive than just letting your animals hang out in a small section of pasture all winter. Here are six steps to building a sacrifice area for your farm.
Why Silvopasture? “Statistically, there are more acres of wooded grazing land in the U.S. than in open pasture lands,” said Brett Chedzoy, forestry specialist at the Cornell Cooperative Extension.
By Cherie Langlois At Terry's Berries organic community-supported agriculture (CSA) farm in Tacoma, Wash., diversity rules. Learn what's involved on a yearly basis. “Organic farming cannot be done on a large scale,” says Andersen, who feels optimistic...