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How to Control Flies on the Farm
Fly Paper The most time-honored product is fly paper hung in strategic spots; however, several drawbacks might steer you toward other fly-control options. The problem with residual sprays is they're actually more toxic to fly predators than they are to...
Commodity market analyst \
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\"UkrAgroConsult\" is the organizer of two annual international conferences: \"Black Sea Grain\", \"Agricultural Investment - Inputs\" UkrAgroConsult analysts continuously monitor the following markets: grains and derived products, oilseeds and derived...
Kiev City
Needs For A Farm In The Wilderness
A No-Till Strategy Soil is teeming with biological activity and life on the microscopic level. Crops choices on wild farms are determined based upon what the site can sustain instead of utilizing it until depleted.
About Christmas Tree Farms
It doesn't have a strong pine scent and holds onto its needles pretty well, but it isn't recommended for heavy ornaments. History Of The Christmas Tree Tradition While putting evergreen trees in a home during the winter season is considered a Christian...
About Farm Cooperatives
Basically, this is a member-owned store, where the collective buying power of the members gets lower prices on ag-related items commonly purchased by its members. It can also make sense for things that are used more often but too expensive for a small...
How No-Till Farming Will Help You Save Water
They also advocate the role of earthworms in helping improve soil as well: The worms “pull” no-till residue down into the soil; plus, their tunneling works as a natural drainage system.
How To Store Hay To Make It Last
Make your hay harvest last with these tips for efficient hay storage. Keep in mind, a certain amount of every large bale stored outside invariably spoils, depending on whether it's twine or net wrapped, how much rain and snow falls during the storage...
Farm-to-Forest Connections
Ask lots of questions! As you learn, record the important biological and landscape features of your forest in your farm journal to help you organize and plan for woodland uses. Is the soil sandy or clay?
Rehab Your Land ... Starting With A Soil Test
Typically, tests require a composite sample, combining soils from several different locations in the area you want to analyze. That said, remember that soil can slowly be improved over time on most properties.
Aquaculture Farming Basics
Portrait of an Aquaculture Farmer One farmer talks about farming shrimp and one crisis moment Nat Henton has been a freshwater shrimp farmer for over 12 years. Get an intro to aquaculture farming and see if raising fish is the farming venture for you.
Eco friendly land clearing
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Please call A.G. Barwick for more info and pricing. Prices by the job or by the hour . Horse riding trails , pastures , field mowing , property lines , fence rows , right of way clearing , land clearing , underbrush , briers , sewer lines , power lines...
Infographic: Aquaculture Pond Construction
To wrap your head around the construction of an aquaculture pond, use the diagram below to jog the pond-construction thought process. Use this visual diagram of an aquaculture pond to consider the best way to build your operation.
3 Forest Forages For Silvopasturing Pigs
Acorn finishing is an ancient technique for producing superior-flavored pork—perhaps you've heard Iberian acorn-finished ham is the most expensive, and purportedly tastiest, pork available.
Experienced trainer/ instructor
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Please feel free to email, text, or call 484-681-0606 I am also experienced in both animal and human emergency medicine. I am seeking a farm to board 4 horses preferably with the option to live on the property with dogs and a cat.
4 Great Vegetables For Intercropping
Seed your corn as soon as the soil is warm enough. I have personally had mixed results with this practice. Usually, this is well-thought-out and in our garden plan, but sometimes these intercrops are admittedly a bit of an on-the-fly decision when the...
4 Manure Management Options For Your Farm
Compost is less likely to cause nutrient imbalances. The stockpiling area needs to have a slope of 1 to 3 percent so runoff from the roof and any leaching can be directed through a grass buffer, according to Kelly.
How To Re-Mediate Pig-Damaged Pastures
Rotate out your pig herd and replant the pasture with cover crops that will fix the trampled soil and provide a new dose of healthy forage. Do Your Research Of course, the plants listed above are neither exclusive nor exhaustive.
The Hands-Off Gardening Approach To Fall
Either they self-seeded or maybe some of the seeds that didn't germinate came up later. Sherry Maddock runs 4th Street Farm, a rich and diverse urban farm in Lexington, Ky. She has mulched, planted, weeded and cared for her farm for the better part of...
3 Ways To Protect Grassland Birds On Your Farm
According to the Michigan State University Extension, keep sections of uncultivated land next to pastures and fields instead of row crops, woodlots and residential areas to maximize the number of bird species that can nest in an area.
The Best Way To Clean Water Troughs
Buy New Troughs I love buying farm equipment used, but water buckets and troughs are something I always buy new. Be sure to remove all of the dirt and algae—any that is left will just continue to grow and spread once you fill up the bucket or trough...
How To Farm With Horses
If you can do a year apprenticeship first, even better. It's very stout, strong and focused. Your best bet is to get some training, and then when you're ready, find a local breeder or horseman and let them get you set up.
6 Simple Steps to Crop Rotation
Likewise, you can intercrop, planting more than one crop in that plot per season, such as both broccoli and cabbage in plot 1 in the fall. Different cover crop varieties serve different purposes.
Biodynamic Farming: Interdependence at its Best
This family of farmers awakens each morning looking to connect with the land and the universe in hopes of creating a vital, thriving ecosystem right in their own backyard. When approached by a group of farmers who saw a decline in soil health and farm...
How To Build A Sacrifice Area
Horses for Clean Water , a nonprofit for environmentally sensitive horse keeping, recommends a 25-foot-wide vegetative buffer surrounding a sacrifice area. There's a happy medium here, and it's found in sacrifice areas.
The Secrets of Silvopasturing
“Well-managed forage helps control or keep out invasive plant species,” says Richard Straight, technology transfer leader at the USDA National Agroforestry Center's Forestry Service in Lincoln, Neb.
Organic Farming
“Cascadia Farms said they could use our berries for their organic jam if they were certified organic,” says Carkner. He thinks certification is worth it, however: It shows you've made the commitment and provides security as part of your marketing.
Why Keep Crop and Livestock Records?
“On the dashboard, reminders are generated when it is time to conduct such tasks as deworming, what is overdue, what is due and what needs to be done in the future.” Go Digital Making use of modern technology can help.