We sell mainly maize seeds to buyers all over the world.Our prices are negotiable. We sell mainly maize seeds to buyers all over the world.Any quantity you need can be supplied on a moderate price.Our maize seeds is of a good quality.
If a pest does damage the film then usually only a few shovels of maize silage has to be removed. For low consumption, the bales are opened up on the top and the silage removed in layers.
It is oil-insoluble. Cyanidin-3 -glucoside and other Cyanidin pigment are the main parts of the Purple Corn Color.We can see red to purple red liquid to pulverescent solid with our naked eyes.
Like most grain producing grasses, corn is an annual crop that must be replanted each year. Corn, also known as maize, is one of the most successful cereal grasses of all time. As a commercial crop, corn is everywhere.
I have now new animals and birds skins,skeletons,horns.claws,salted skins,feathers for sale now at good prices skulls I have now new animals and birds skins,skeletons,horns.claws,salted skins,feathers for sale now at good prices skulls yellow casque hornbills...
Workshop has its own electric distribution panel. Buy a hobby farm and combine it with a mechanic or woodwork home business. Home features 3 bedrooms, heated floor in the main level bathroom, extra large kitchen, an efficient wood stove and lots of natural...
Property taxes only $1,166. The steel is in excellent condition. A scenic 6-hour drive straight north of Toronto. Good fertile soil 40 acres cleared at road, gets 42 big round bales and 3,000 square bales of hay.
Quality fencing. 3 bedrooms and 1.5 baths. This is a wonderful and unique property just 25 minutes from the Halifax Airport. (There is an environmental farm plan and nutrient management plan in place.
Drill is in excellent shape/shedded comes with 1570 caddie and has markers used on 1500 acres since purchased new/one owner drill $14,995 1999 drill purchased new from John Deere dealer-comes with markers and 1570 John Deere caddie-drill has been over...
Hitch, hard surfaced boots Needs blades and a few bearings. Agigator shaft, John Blue piston pump, heavy duty Progressive markers, 3 pt. 2003 1560 John Deere No till drill 20' 7.5\" spacing, markers, liquid fertilizer.
Interested to know how much it may be worth. Looking for the price of a grain drill made by john deere, van buren model with iron wheels Old wood box grain drill with iron wheels. Age is probably 50-60-years old.
Drills have 7.5 in. Drills are in good working condition, used to plant feed this past spring. One of the drills needs to opened up more than the others to get the desired amount of seed on.
International Harvestor 10 foot grain drill, double disk openers, 7 inch spacing. Has grass seed attachment, useable for various grains, tires are in fair condition, good paint, always shedded.
Great Plains 1006 NT No-till drill - 10' Width with 7.5\" spacings - small seed attachment - 588 acres on meter Great Plains 1006 NT No-till drill - 10' Width with 7.5\" spacings - small seed attachment - 588 acres on meter.
A direct vertical structure is adopted in the model of FW-1, FW-2, FW-3 drills. This type of machine is in the wider use of green tree planting at home and abroad, fertilization of fruit trees, the courtyard legislature tree, fence fence, fruit trees...
The screw point tip pulls the bit through wood. The Klein Flex Bit Auger is used to drill holes through wood within a wall. A hole in the tip allows for use with wire or cable pulling grips.
I am looking for a good used John Deere no-till drill with marker arms and dolly wheel. I am looking for a 15 or 20 foot JD 1590 no-till drill with marker arms and dolly wheel. I am located in Michigan
Vangaurd population monitor. Bought new in 2004. 4500 acres on cart and toolbar. Flexi-Coil air drill 1740 cart with 8100 toolbar. Acraplant row units. Almost new acra plant row units on 10\" spacing.
Heavy duty built will drill 10 1/2 ft at a time. Lilliston bush hog grain drill model 9690 no till has grain boxes also grass box. Ph # 606-845-3055 no text just drilled 25 acres pasture today worked great