The size is the equivalent of a three-inch plastic potted plant and is offered on about 60 of their varieties.Grasman is always looking to add the newest and hottest plants. Non-plant, ‘' were also added in 2006.
Similarly, if you ordered a new, unusual double daylily in a spectacular dark red, and it bloomed single and an unexceptional faded pink, you have grounds for contacting the company and requesting a replacement or refund!The other important thing to consider...
About the only thing missing is a truckload of compost.In 2013, over 42 million U.S. households had a home garden or participated in a community garden. During the summer, it is not uncommon to have several frosts, so anything grown outside of a greenhouse...
An old towel kept nearby will be handy to wipe it off when you need it again. That was fun to do, but very soon I found myself looking for something a little different.One evening I was roaming around Dave's Garden when I spied a project that was being...
The Garden Watchdog is a wonderful way to let others know who your favorites are. They treat each customer like a friend and each purchase is personal. Sometimes the differencebetween #5 and #6 is only one comment.
My first attempt at planting a Japanese maple ended in failure, most likely due to the exposed location. ‘You didn't get more plants, did you?' ‘No, no, I swear!', you respond.
We all know people who made a killing on eBay. After that, the shops pot what's left of it up into various hanging arrangements. He was sorry for my inconvenience and disappointment and would send another flat to me by next day express mail.
You could just see a clump of these sitting beside a cast iron bench in a quiet nook in the garden!August Flame – Need a very, very late blooming, dormant, Diploid to perk up that blah summer garden?When everything else is playing out and the real heat...
Let's go back in time together. Ferry in 1856, and in 1930 merged with C.was founded in 1868 (and is still owned by the Park family), andSeed catalogs and mail order marketing of seeds played an important role in American and world history.
Our 2013 list is being finalized and we'll announce this year's recipient's shortly. Ranking is determined by an automatic calculator that updates anytime a review is posted for the entire Garden Watchdog consisting of over 7,500 companies.There is no...
I have ordered hundreds of succulents and cacti over the years from dozens of vendors. A common problem when ordering mail orderBefore you start to acquire succulents or cacti by mail order, you should probably try your local garden outlet stores first.I...
Where can I find one? ROSES !!Here are the links to the other articles in my 'Roses of Color' seriesOrange You Lovely? Orange You Beautiful? Black clothing, black nail polish, black lipstick and hair.
All thought and no action? Be sure also to purchase ring protectors that glue onto each little hole of your loose-leaf paper so you don't have ripped holes and papers coming loose.Plan on a thousand boxes of them; each hole at 3 holes per page will have...
And in many cases, the tried and true older cultivars are the ones that will shine in your garden, outperforming all others year after year. Then, DG's avmoran gives me a hot tip.My spree targets the wonderful selection of bearded iris -- over 100 varieties!...
It is very cold-hardy and can overwinter in many zones.[Rumex sanguineus] is a new variety bred particularly for salads with deep red veins contrasting with the bright green leaves to make an attractive plant.Common sorrel, often considered an herb, grew...
Also resistance to downy mildew races 1-18.Johnny's Selected Seeds offers this one in a pelleted version as well as plain seeds.A very dark, totally wine-red leaf lettuce with moderately ruffled leaves.Also available from Johnny's Selected Seeds in an...
At the end of Carrie's article you will also find a listing of other articles featured during this theme week.Ashcroft, Suzanne and Whealy, Kent, Seed to Seed, Decorah, IA: Seed Savers Exchange, 2002.
Daylilies are sold as potted plants at many garden centers, and many more come mailorder direct from growers as dormant roots. A picot is a tiny loop on the edge of lace, ribbon, or a knitted garment.
I was generally over-enthusiastic when it came to the size of the tree. The Garden Watchdog is a helpful tool and we encourage you to rate your favorite companies so others can learn from your experience., Almonte, Ontario, Canada.
I resolve to consider bloom times of every bulb I purchase.Much as they look adorable on the cover of bulb-sellers catalogs, it's not realistic for me to make the commitment to. However, on the west coast and south, I understand that freesia, one of my...
Some may be slow growers, but I wanted true dwarfs that would never exceed four to six feet in height. I planned an area of about five hundred square feet. I need more!Following is a list of some of my favorite specialty growers.
I hope I have inspired you to seek out and plan some plant shopping trips to get you through the winter humdrums and be well prepared for spring.Since none of us is made of money, it will behoove us to plan ahead, budget, and equalize our eyes with our...
I'd probably gather my bunch of catalogs, grab a pad and pen, and with winter roaring outside, I'd be planning for spring planting.In addition to being one of many, this annual ritual of receiving gardening catalogs has gone on for over 150 years in the...
The cold stimulates the clove to grow some roots. If the bulbs you're planting happen to be garlic, then it means you'll have three options for harvesting this crop: early season green garlic, mid- to late-season flower scapes from hardneck garlic, and...
As the plant grows, you can bury the vining stems at 6-inch intervals to increase tuber production. Because oca plants are not winter hardy in the north, they'll need to be protected from early frosts to allow the plants to form larger tubers.
Slips are simply rooted stem cuttings of sweet potato vines, usually about 4 or 5 inches in length. In warm climates, the vines will begin to yellow and die back, but in the north, this may not happen in time for the arrival of fall's cold weather.
Oops! I guess I never got that gardening memo. Instead, grab the radish where it meets the soil, and twist the root gently as if unscrewing it from the ground. While the cool, wet weather this spring delayed many local farmers from planting and slowed...