Recent reviews are more heavily weighted than older reviews, making sure that up-and-coming companies have a fair shot at breaking into this elite group. In the world of mail order gardening, there have always been thorns among the roses.
We learned to count our pennies and dimes as we totaled our share of the cost. My boots were usually hand-me-downs that had been outgrown by my sisters and by the people who wore them before us.
Mail order companies are well aware of these numbers, as well as the increase in young people (ages 18-34) involved in growing vegetables. But I keep after them, sometimes sending back their catalogs in an envelope COD.
A few categories didn't have enough recent reviews to create a list of Top 5 companies. Click on the category link to see the rank-ordered list of every company in the category. Your opinion is important, so be sure to pat the good vendors on the back...
Gulp.That lapse of reasoning does not end with plants. How many times have you planted the same plant in the same area, stubbornly deluding yourself that the next time will be the charm?
I asked her what influences her work and she told me that about seventy five percent of her work is influenced by her garden or by gardening books and magazines. If you want your walls to look like newly mown grass, or old leather, or ancient wood in...
With the arrival of the New Year, gardeners' thoughts are turning to new plants and seeds. These awards are based on reviews for the previous year. Not only do we have the Top 30 list, but each January, we announce the Top 5 vendors in each category and...
And my favorite feature of eBay is Buy It Now. It did in fact arrive two days later, and this time the lobelia had already started to flower. We know people who are nearly addicted to the bidding process, for whom the chase is more important than the...
I don't only buy those forms, but they are what seem to catch my eye.”It was those words that started me thinking about why we love daylilies. This plant was just introduced in 1991 but is already a garden standby.
Seed catalog companies catered to these pioneer farmers' needs and in many cases, created the need. Let's go back in time together. (I did.) The D. Seedsmen, as they are still sometimes known, imported seeds from Europe and sold them to settlers, as well...
Even the actual number of individuals remaining, so if you order something, they will have it.I have never once been told they ran out of something that they said they had.Once they do run out, the plant immediately disappears from their site.They have...
There are lots of songs and even band names with 'black rose' in them. My question is, why would you want a black rose? There seems to be some controversy or sour grapes; you can sort it out if you wish.
Flood tables with stands and reservoirs, pumps, analog timers, digital timers, two 20lb co2 tanks, co2 controller, high density 8 foot fluorescent banks, 2 foot fluorescent bank, ...
All thought and no action? "Be the first on your block to grow this amazing 12-variety prune tree, " or "Those loud neighbors won't bother you anymore with our amazing, super-thick guaranteed to grow 19 feet high, lush to the ground, never needs pruning,...
Until my dream of building a pond comes true, I just don't have the moist conditions that Siberians need. She does have a pond, so she fills her bag with the Siberian irises. Stop by theForum, and be certain to look for great deals in the newEven if you...
It is very cold-hardy and can overwinter in many zones.[Rumex sanguineus] is a new variety bred particularly for salads with deep red veins contrasting with the bright green leaves to make an attractive plant.Common sorrel, often considered an herb, grew...
Bolting and tipburn resistant with superior flavor, not bitter.Fedco and Johnny's Selected Seeds both offer organic seeds.Another heat-tolerant full-sized Romaine with dark green leaves.This one is available from Johnny's Selected Seeds only in a pelleted...
However, on the west coast and south, I understand that freesia, one of my favorite hothouse flowers, can grow year-round in the ground. Companies that specialize in drought-tolerant plants or water garden plants are selling bulbs.
Plant breeders maximize this potential by manipulating growing conditions, and selecting the best plants for further cultivation. This is cosmos 'Picotee' grown and photographed by greenthumb99.There you have five options for adding a new beautiful picotee...
Magnolia denudata, known as the Yulan magnolia (Chinese: p ), is native to central and eastern China. This plant is used as an ornamental tree in gardens. Newly harvested, high germination rate.
The seeds are large, 10 16 mm long and have only a vestigial wing; they are dispersed by Spotted Nutcrackers. The cones mature in their second year, this is a juvenile female cone: Uses Chinese White Pine seeds are harvested and sold as pine nuts.
The fire hazard is strapped to the top of the caror SUV and driven home, trailing a snowstorm of dead needles behind it.There are wonderful alternatives to this not-so heartwarming image and Go Gardening is just the place to start.are busy this time of...
For any questions please mail 2007 John Deere 3320 4WD 32hp - $2,900 Hours are approx 95! If you are using it for farm, yard, greenhouse or business this is a fantastic tractor. The tractor is in excellent condition, no mechanical or electrical problems.
Also Offering specialty meat rubs, cures and casings along with vacuum sealers, smokers, sausage stuffers and electric meat... The only STOP you need to get quality beef jerky and sausage making supplies.