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Christmas-wish Catalogs
My wife likes them, too. She gets an easy-to-work-with list that won't be misunderstood (e.g. “Did he want a 12-ounce hammer?”) I know it violates my “ buy local when possible ” rule, but most of these items simply aren't available at the hardware...
Getting a Fast Shave
<< More Shop Talk >> Tags drawknife , Jim Ruen , shave , tool It's great finding that tool you've been wanting. It is even greater when you get to put it to use and it does what you expected and more.
3 Reasons To Shop Local Nurseries
Leave me a comment and tell me about your favorite neighborhood garden center! Read more of Garden In Front » Tags garden center , Lists Savvy home gardeners purchase their plants and gardening supplies from local retailers, and here's why.
How To Seal Sliding Barn Doors
Some of my best memories are of being in barns : the smell of hay while playing in the loft as a youngster and stacking 70-pound wire-tied bales as high as possible when I got a little older.
Weeks and Weeks and Weeks of Tulips!
"Tulips only bloom for a week," was the constant comment, followed by the logical question, "What will you do when the tulips are gone?" Each contradictory response strengthened my resolve.
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6 Options For Farm Fences
High-tensile polymer rail fences are flexible systems where rails slide through post-mounted brackets. Without dedicated maintenance, a wooden fence will suffer. Permanent electric can provide an adequate perimeter, though if you live in an area where...
Pole Barn Construction Techniques
Attaching Metal “Stringers” are 2×4 boards that span across the trusses and posts to provide a framework for attaching the metal. The door should be no more than half the length of the span because the track needs to be supported for twice the width...
Get Started In Vertical Gardening
Your site should also have good drainage and provide at least six hours of direct sunlight, especially for sun-loving plants, such as tomatoes and pole beans. For an easy DIY project, create a trellis out of builder's wire, which is a heavy-gauge mesh...
Okay, so you have raspberries, blackberries or other brambles... How do you control them? With a Bramble Trellis!
Brambles (caning fruits) can pose some basic problems. I am leaving the 3 black currant bushes already planted at one end of this trellis for the time being, as I hope next year to build a net cover over the whole shebang to keep the birds out.
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Keep Your Chickens Safe & Healthy This Winter
While they may not be as active as they are during the summer, your chickens will be consuming more—about 1 1/2 times as much as they do in the warmer months—because they are -burning up calories trying to keep themselves warm.