Deadwood blue stained pine, no bark, no wane, no dead knots, not undersized. Also we can do another sizes you are interested. (-0/+2) Can deliever worldwide. Please send me offer with price you are interested to work with.
Western Red cedar KD, Select Tight Knotty (premium) PEFC 70% 23 x 255 mm rough edges straight sawn timber 83 pieces / 245 cm 48 pieces / 275 cm 107 pieces / 305 cm 105 pieces / 335 cm 175 pieces / 400 cm 134 pieces / 430 cm 312 pieces / 460 cm 436 pieces...
Dear sirs, we have a good stock of oak fix width 1 side clear for solid floor production, grade one face is clean and price IS VERY INTERESTING please contact us to regards fabio brotto - Translated with google
European dry oak table, MIX quality and one face classification. EXW prices, Villarcayo Price for at least two packs per measure. The offer is valid for existing stock.
Type of species: European Hardwood
Volume: 86 - - m3 Spot - 1 time
Thickness: 27 mm
Grading system: French grading rules
Length: 2500 - 4900 mm
Incoterm: EXW - ex-works (seller's), goods are at seller's place Country Spain Region 09550
Dear sirs, we are producing a good montlhy quantity of square edged oak in long size and we have also a good stock of short material, please contact us if you have interest to: regards - Translated with google
We sell a board from a warehouse in St. Petersburg. Board dry, planed S4S Terms of shipment: EXW Available capacity: from one car to 300 m3 per month Price 185 Euro per m3 Located next to the seaport.