Unedged Oak ABC grade, min 10% A - KD 10% +/-2% - Ukraine origin 26 x 300mm wdr x 2.1m longer, heavy 3m Price: Eur 495 /m3 CIF Volume: 1x40' per month Offer subject to final confirmation
Names and distribution: Botanically the species Cedro (Cedrela odorata and Cedrea lilloi) belongs to the family of Meliaceae. The heavier Cedrela lilloi occurs in Southern America; densitywise it reminds of Swietenia varieties.
Drying: Kiln dry (KD)
Incoterm: EXW - ex-works (seller's), goods are at seller's place Country Germany Region Hessen
Dear sirs, we can offer you white ash lumber unedged 26 - 50 mm KD; we can also offer fresh cut in custom thickness. Please contact f.brotto@latifoglia.it - Translated with google We have also brown ash.
Names and distribution: The name "Maple" generally refers to the species 'Sycamore' (Acer pseudoplatanus). Both species differ in stem form and color from sycamore. Maple is good to process with all the tools, smooth surfaces are generated.