Enjoy Big Excitement From a Little Plant! It's time to add some energy and excitement to your tired garden and we have just the thing for you! EverColor Everlite Variegated Sedge Grass (Carex oshimensis ‘Everlite') is the newest introduction in the...
In late fall or early spring cut the foliage back almost to the ground before growth starts in spring. The bushy plumes are great as cut flowers if they are cut soon after they emerge.
It will bring light and texture to any garden combo. Lime-striped foliage all year! Do you want to add year-round motion and energy to your garden this year? Order yours today! * Cold-hardy to zone 5 * Distinctive lime-striped foliage * Super-easy care...
Botanical Name: Carex oshimensis 'Everlime'
Foliage Color: Green with lime colored margins
Moisture: Water carefully to establish, and weekly as needed for best results.
Mature Spread: 1 - 4 feet
Soil Type: Rich, evenly moist, well drained soils best
Tons of showy flower plumes emerge above the foliage in rustic bronze shades that fade to pink then white as autumn comes on. Sunlit drama for your garden! You probably don't realize that your garden is incomplete.
Fast-Growing Durable Turf Grass Legacy Buffalo Grass is a variety of Buffalo grass developed by the University of Nebraska. It has a dark blue-green color and only grows 3 to 5 inches high.
A Thick, Soft Lawn That Tolerates Intense Heat The University of California released this remarkable grass in 2003. UC Verde buffalo grass is the most heat tolerant. Planting is quick and easy.
Ornamental Grass Great for Boarders and Groundcover Dwarf Mondo Grass is an ornamental grass with a summer bloom. It would make a wonderful groundcover or a border in your perennial bed.
12 flakes average per bale. Price break possible for large purchases. $7.50 per bale pick up. Delivery charge may increase over 20 miles away from Farm. $9.00 per bale delivered. No kicker bales!
They simply take up too much space. Wait until you see it backlit by the sun. It will make you stop in your tracks! Plant a small drift of Little Miss to imitate the color and movement of the prairie, or just plant one individually to animate your border.
Order Gold Dew Tufted Hair grass from Nature Hills today. These naturally short plants – the tufts only get about 24” tall – are perfect for covering the ‘feet' of bare-bottomed plants like tall Phlox or Bee Balm for a prairie garden effect.
Panicles are composed of 60-480 pale yellow or silvery whiskered spikelets. Foliage can be semi-evergreen or deciduous depending on the climate. No other grass exhibits quite the refinement of texture as this species.
A good plant for the water garden or low spot. Foliage promptly turns yellow after frost. Carex Bowles Golden has shimmering yellow leaves with dark green margins. It is also interesting as a specimen or accent plant, brightening shady areas.
Prefers moist soils. Tiny buffy colored flowers with red tinges emerge in fluffy panicles above the foliage in August-September. Miscanthus Yaku Jima' is a clump-forming grass that is native to certain areas of Japan including the Island of Yaku Jima.
Morning Light Maiden Grass forms a graceful, upright mound of narrow green foliage, each leaf neatly edged in creamy-white. Prefers moist soils. Miscanthus Morning Light is a grass cultivar that is noted for its very narrow green leaves with white variegation...
Miscanthus Adagio is a dwarf grass cultivar which is one of the shortest of the many Miscanthus cultivars available in commerce today. Tolerant of summer heat and humidity. Fast-growing, graceful, foliage.
This sedge features narrow leaves (typically to 16” long by 5/16” wide). Plants generally dislike hot and humid summer climates. Plants spread slowly by short rhizomes. Plants are similar in appearance to Genus name from Latin means cutter in reference...
Best in full sun. It is noted for its compact size, upright form, horizontally-banded foliage and wine-purple flower plumes. Bright green foliage with yellow banding throughout summer.
This elegantly shaped grass has narrow leaves with white mid-ribs and a vase-like form. Flower plumes persist well into winter providing good winter interest. Foliage should be left standing throughout the winter for visual interest and to provide protection...
Leaves have a papery texture resembling the leaves of some types of bamboo. Plant foliage will burn in full sun locations. The yellow leaves have narrow green stripes. Golden Japanese Forest Grass is Best grown in humusy, consistently moist, well-drained...
Panicles turn beige as the seeds mature in fall with the seed plumes persisting well into winter. In winter, the leaf color fades to beige; the blades persist and offer cover to birds.
Cut back clumps to the ground in late winter to early spring. Tends to flop in rich soils. The metallic-blue leaves of Panicum Heavy Metal turn yellow in autumn, fading to tan-beige in winter.
We highly recommend that you mulch your Pennisetum Hameln with either a ground hardwood mulch or a ground cypress mulch depending on your local availability. An example would be 10-10-10 or 12-4-8.
Add texture, movement and mass to your landscape with Pink Muhly Grass, an easy to grow, native ornamental grass. Glossy, wiry, thread-like, dark green leaves and stems form an attractive basal clump to 2' tall.
It was first introduced into the U. Female plants produce prodigious amounts of seed and can self-seed freely, often resulting in naturalization that displaces valuable native plants.