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Gardening for Livestock
Mom picks special heirloom seeds to grow a goat garden to share with us! Take sweet corn. So as your spring gardening catalogs come in, think of us animals. They weigh from 10 to 20 pounds each and are up to 2 feet long! Mangels look like humongous carrots...
Traveling with Livestock
A crate can also be loaded in the bed of the truck, but it should be pulled up close behind the cab and secured with tie-downs. You don't need a livestock trailer to transport small animals like sheep , goats , pigs and calves , but it's trickier to haul...
Livestock Sickness Warning Signs
In a sick chicken , feathers may be missing, dirty or pasted around the eyes, nostrils or vent area. Sounds Are you hearing less (or more) mooing, baaing or crowing than usual? Tune in to when your farm animals aren't feeling their best by being on the...
Online Livestock-handling Course
According to Parman, the two organizations will continue to collaborate and create online training modules to address key issues facing the livestock industry. The training packages on the website include topics such as low-stress animal handling, handling...
Livestock First-aid Kit
A livestock first-aid kid is an essential addition to every barn. Items for the kit can be found at the local drugstore, feed shop or through your veterinarian. Your kit should include the following supplies.
2011 Livestock Population Trends
The global human population reached 7 billion this month, but world food organizations wonder if livestock production can keep up. If it seems staggering to imagine that the human population has more than doubled in the past 50 years, consider this: In...
Drought Management of Livestock
Those animals losing 30 percent or more of their body weight are likely to die. If it's necessary to reduce livestock rations over time, do it gradually, says the UC-ANR, and keep tabs on animal weight.
Keep Show Livestock Healthy
“I advise against adding electrolytes unless your vet recommends it, and be careful with adding molasses [to encourage drinking], because too much of it can cause digestive problems.” 8.
Raising Rare Livestock Breeds
Individuals in some critically rare breed populations may be related. A certain amount of line- and in-breeding must sometimes be done to preserve a breed. Imagine if someone buys the last of a line or an entire generation of a critically endangered population,”...
Poultry Profile: Get to Know the Lamona
Facebook/Lamona Chickens In honor of Lamon's noteworthy dedication to creating these outstanding birds, U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Henry Wallace granted the breed the right to be named after its originator.
Learn the 3 A\'s of the Easter Egger Chicken
While the Ameraucana and the Araucana always lay sky-blue eggs, however, the Easter Egger lays eggs in an array of pastels, including green, pink and yellow (hence the name “Easter Egger”) thanks to its mixed heritage.
Poultry Breed Profiles: Meet the Welsummer
The American Poultry Association recognizes one color, although breeders are working to produce more varieties. The Welsummer, a breed that originated in the Netherlands, has been a breakfast-cereal mascot and is known for its earth-tone eggs.
Poultry Profile: Get to Know the Brabanter
A very old and attractive breed, the Brabanter displays a full beard in addition to a small, upright crest and muffs. This story originally appeared in the November/December 2017 issue of Chickens magazine.
They come in both standard and bantam sizes. Because of their large size, Orpingtons need a spacious coop. Weight: 7 to 8 pounds Urban Uses: Orpingtons are calm birds that tolerate confinement.
How to Process Livestock
Be aware that many of these units are relatively inexpensive to use because they expect the farmer to actually process the livestock or poultry themselves. Larger livestock can bruise or become injured if the trailer they're hauled in isn't right for...
Hay Substitutes for Livestock
Hay availability differs according to region of the country. Low on hay this year? Timothy hay is popular in the east and a grass hay is good for small ruminants. If there is a way to grind the bales and add some energy ( corn ), protein (soybean or cottonseed...
Livestock Pregnancy & Its Problems: Horses
Here are some vital veterinary facts about foaling. Sometimes large volumes of fluid are flushed into the uterus to help lift the membranes out and, depending on the condition of the mare, she might also be put on pain medication.
Go Small With Miniature Livestock
She was surprised that miniature breeds don't need a lot of specialized care. There are loads of miniature cattle breeds to choose from. They're easier to handle and less intimidating than bigger animals, especially for beginners, children, old folks...
Ask Martok: Rabies in Livestock
Rabies symptoms look different in different animals, so it can be difficult to know if your animal pals are sick. Sheep show similar symptoms to cattle and sometimes yank out their own wool.
5 Predators After Your Livestock
Coyotes Habitat: Nationwide in a variety of habitats, including urban/suburban areas; they seek areas of good cover, such as woodlands or shrublands, for denning and protection. These predators usually kill their prey around dawn or dusk, which is when...
Will Your Dog Attack Livestock?
One ewe was killed, the other was so horribly mutilated that Becca's husband had to put her down. A strong woven-wire fence and Feyza keep our neighbors' dogs off of our farm. Dogs chase prey for fun.
Grow Your Own Livestock Feed
Washington State University research published in 2003 indicates that carrots increase the vitamin A and fatty acids in cows' milk. Cattle can be fed 40 to 60 pounds of carrots per day.
Livestock Pregnancy & Its Problems: Cattle
The calving process may take a few hours—in this species, you shouldn't expect things to happen quickly, which is much different from horses, as we'll learn next month. Calcium, of course.
Protect Your Livestock from Ticks
Use tick collars and shampoos formulated for dogs and cats, but seek your veterinarian's advice before you use one. Mom took me and Uzzi for a walk the day before yesterday, and we all got ticks.
Time Change Affects Livestock Routines
Over the weekend, most of the U.S. “fell back” for daylight saving time. Tags animals , circadian rhythm , Daylight Saving Time They don't care if your alarm clock, your microwave, the DVR, your cell phone, your wristwatch, the laptop, the iPad, and...
4 Uses For A Hay Wagon (Besides Moving Hay)
After that, moving them across the farm was simple. A hay wagon can be used for so much for than just carrying hay. Of course, with any large and heavy load like this, be safe and ensure that everything is tied down appropriately.
A Stock Trailer Buyer\'s Guide
Out West, you'll find bow-top trailers: those with tarps or with a frame overhead but no roof. If you're hauling horses to shows, you might want a fully enclosed horse trailer with living quarters, but if you're taking sheep to the market, you might only...