OB lube, and 16 oz. Calf Birthing Kit includes: 13 quart stainless steel pail, 16 oz. Chlorhexidine disinfectant solution, two 30" OB chains, 10 count OB sleeves, 8 oz. Triodine-7 for umbilical cord care.
Fees will be applied during processing. Standard numbered ear tags are printed with Dark and Durable laser ink. 3 3/4” high x 2 1/2” wide. Add $40.00 for one-time custom die charge (per side) when adding a brand or custom logo.
With Amaferm to significantly increase the digestibility of fiber, releasing greater amounts of energy and microbial protein to drive animal growth and health. Per head daily top dressed over ration or mixed in complete ration.
✓ Enhanced breeding performance of show-conditioned females and enhanced scrotal development and semen quality in bulls.
✓ Better overall health - able to combat the stresses of hauling and weather/environmental changes.
Order OB chains separately. Includes two-section tubular steel shaft, wide cast aluminum breechen, and special cable hook for OB use on the patented Power Pull. Capacity plus 50% overload factor.
Of Golden Flo is equal to the energy of 2.5 lbs. Per day for lambs and pigs. Top dress 6-8 oz. Per day for cattle and 3-4 oz. Has a fruity flavor that animals like. A 90% fat liquid supplement that improves energy levels and feed consumption making for...
Colostrx CS is a bovine origin formula sourced from first day colostrum. One packet or one measure from bulk pail mixes easily with 1-1/2 quarts warm water. Colostrx CS Colostrum Supplement is formulated from bovine colostrum to provide 50 grams of bovine...
Made from machine washable nylon in the U.S.A. 1" strap with 1 1/2" leg cuffs. Protect your livestock from injury and provide stability for cows after difficult calving with these completely adjustable, 6,000 lb.
Apply with Y-Tex UltraTagger Plus or Y-Tex UltraTagger Compact. 3-7/8” high x 2-1/2” wide. Also add $10.00 minimum order charge for drop ship tag orders less than $100.00. Y-Tex 840 USDA tags are used for visual animal identification.
One gallon will treat 25 head of 1,000 lb. Kills keds and lice on sheep. Martin's Permethrin 1% Synergized Pour-On is ready to use as a pour on or mist spray. Martin's Permethrin 1% Synergized Pour-On kills lice, horn flies, and face flies on beef cattle...
Per 100 lb body weight I.M. For prevention and treatment of Vitamin B deficiencies in cattle, swine and sheep. Dosage: 1-5 ml. Contains 1000 mcg vitamin B12.
$1025 each 8 heifers that are 12 -14 months old and are ready for a bull $1450 each Delivery Available Please call (903)335-9481 10 heifers that have been weaned for 30 days and will weigh around 500 pounds.
Easy to work, very gentle. Visitors welcome! Call for more info. Great genetics! Get hybrid vigor with a beefmaster bull in your herd! Member of Beefmaster Breeders United. Pure bred and registered.
Weight: 500 lbs. Broke to tie, lead, wash, and blow. Daily Gain: 3 lbs. Worked with daily and use to being around small children. (taped on 10-2-17) Avg. His sire needs no introduction and his dam traces make to Dunlouise Jipsey Earl and Three Trees Prime...
He was born on April 19,2015. I'm selling this mini Holstein longhorn bull for a friend, way too aggressive for living condition now, needs open pasture or stronger living area for bull.
Approved for dairy cattle with no milk withdrawal and no pre-slaughter withdrawal. SHEEP: 1 1/2 ml per 50 lbs. 1 quart will treat 64-500 lb. Up to a maximum of 30 ml per animal. Contains permethrin.
$2250/hd for entire group. Will start calving first week of February. Currently located in North Texas. Split prices determined upon selection. Will be ready to go end of September.
Bring the bag out to the field and they come running. Call Mandie at 352-789-1909 or Mark at 352-426-2843 Located in Citra florida. We also deliver for a fee. Prices from $375-$500 Can do a group price for all..
The Angus are full bred mom and baby 8 months and they can go together or separate asking price for both 1800. Moma is very big around 900 lbs or more. Very well cared for. They are grass feed in the field and also eat grain.
500+ Head of 500 lbs Holstein steers for Mid-End November delivery all DE-horned an castrated 500+ Head of 500 lbs Holstein steers for Mid January delivery all DE-horned an Castrated Located Sherwood Ohio ST, Joe Indiana For the vaccine protocol contact...
He really is a Great Bull, he eats out of your hand and allows you to touch him. Only reason for selling is that we have too many of his heifers in the herd. He is too good of a bull to just weigh out.