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Livestock Supplies Cattle For Sale In Columbus

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Safe-T-Katch Calf Catcher
Prices start at : 48.95 USD / each

Hook shape lessens kickout escapes. 6' 4" with forearm cradle. Safe-T-Katch is strong and durable. Easy to use, one size fits all. Fully cushioned, plastic covered steel tool avoids bruises.
Orphan-No-More Calf Claimer Powder
Prices start at : 13.99 USD / each

Confine calf and cow in a small area. Sprinkle a liberal amount of Orphan-No-More down the backline of calf to be adopted. Orphan-No-More Calf Claimer Powder helps assure calf fostering by natural or foster mothers.
Numbered Medium Cattle ID Ear Tags
Prices start at : 25.49 USD / each

Also add $10.00 minimum order charge for drop ship tag orders less than $100.00. Please include imprint instructions when finalizing your order in the "special instructions" field.
Calf EZE Dual Action Calf Puller
Prices start at : 229.95 USD / each

Two-piece cam jack has special easy release feature. Order OB chains separately. Two-piece smooth shaft and wide cast aluminum breechen. Lightweight special strength aluminum construction makes it easy to handle.
Flex Stop Calf Splint
Prices start at : 21.95 USD / each

Eliminates taping or casting. Molded shape to conform to calf's leg and padded to reduce skin irritation. Fastens securely with three straps. Corrects knuckling of the pastern in newborn calves.
Colostrum Supplement
Prices start at : 14.29 USD / each

Mix 1 bag with 2 quarts warm water. Bottle feed 2 quarts solution as soon as possible following birth. Feed an additional 2 quarts 1-2 times in the first 24 hours of life. Provides a supplemental source of colostrum and other essential nutrients for calves...
Preg-Alert Pro for Livestock
Prices start at : 1520.00 USD / each

Once a reading is obtained, the reading can be held on the screen until reset. Includes standard probe which may be used to detect pregnancy after 90 days gestation in cows and mares.
Uni4M Fat & Energy Supplement for Show Animals
Prices start at : 43.69 USD / each

Essential Uni4M is a highly palatable fat and energy supplement for cattle, horses, swine, sheep, and goats. Cattle and horses 3 oz. Puts a more uniform cover on show animals. Feed orally or top dress on feed.
Piliguard Pinkeye + 7 Cattle Vaccine
Prices start at : 83.49 USD / each

7-way blackleg and pinkeye protection for cattle. Animals vaccinated before 3 months of age should be revaccinated at weaning or 4-6 months of age. Annual booster is recommended. Repeat in 3 to 4 weeks.
Sullivan\'s Show Cattle Calm
Prices start at : 14.50 USD / each

No withdrawal requirements. Use as a dietary supplement of trytophan and natural herbs as an aid in training and showing calves.
Tri-Zap Insecticide Cattle Ear Tags
Prices start at : 54.99 USD / each

Tri-Zap is a sustained-release ear tag containing a synergized formulation of Zetacypermethrin, a potent, enriched pyrethroid compound and Abamectin, a highly active macrocyclic lactone that has never before been used in combination on cattle, plus the...
Long Neck Numbered Calf ID Ear Tags
Prices start at : 31.49 USD / each

Unique Z Tag ear tag applicator with pivoting applicator pin makes loading easy and eliminates ripped ears. Z Tag ear tags are the worldwide leader in retention and ease of application.
XP-820 Insecticide Cattle Ear Tags
Prices start at : 48.99 USD / each

Approved for use on beef cattle, non-lactating dairy cattle and calves. Slow release formula contains synergist piperonyl butoxide to increase potency. New chemical class makes it ideal for rotation with any other insecticide tag.
Essential Winning Fill Cattle Feed Bale
Prices start at : 31.95 USD / each

This highly palatable mix can be fed daily for incomparable bloom or just prior to showing for a fuller, bigger body look. Recommended daily feeding rates of Winning Fill vs other grain mix (i.e. Beef Show, Grower, Finisher):
  •  At Show: ad lib Winning Fill; 5-15 lbs. grain mix daily.
  •  Holding: ad lib Winning Fill; 5-15 lbs. grain mix daily.
  •  Growing: 3-6 lbs. Winning Fill daily; 5-15 lbs. grain mix daily.
Femininity HP for Heifers
Prices start at : 250.00 USD / each

Femininity HP also improves breeding and calving performance. Femininity HP is fortified with a hair promoter to give her extra eye appeal in the show ring. It was developed to give heifers a more feminine appearance and to overcome the feeding programs...
Brute Pour-On
Prices start at : 21.95 USD / each

Cattle or 32 head of 1000 lb. When applied to horses as a whole body wipe, Y-Tex Brute Pour-On controls black flies, face flies, horn flies, lice and ticks, and aids in control of stable flies, horse flies, deer flies, house flies, bot flies and eye gnats.
Walkease Hoof Treatment Kit
Prices start at : 70.00 USD / each

Kit includes the materials needed to block 10 hooves. Walkease Hoof Treatment Kit contains materials for 10 treatments: 10 EVA foam blocks, glue, hoof rasp, 10 pair of latex gloves, and carry case.
GardStar Plus Insecticide Tags
Prices start at : 23.49 USD / each

Tags remain effective for up to 5 months. Use GardStar Plus ear tags to control susceptible horn flies, face flies, Gulf Coast ticks, spinose ear ticks and as an aid in the control of lice, stable flies and houseflies.
For Sale: 1 Beefmaster Bulls
Price : CALL

1 Registered Beefmaster Bull, 14 months. He is calm and easy to work and have been raised on pasture. Calls from 9 am to 7 pm. Perfect to start your own herd or improve. Also text messages.
  • Number of Head: 1
Cable Calf Puller
Prices start at : 317.95 USD / each

Order OB chains separately. Has 9' of aircraft cable with 1500 lb. Includes two-section tubular steel shaft, wide cast aluminum breechen, and special cable hook for OB use on the patented Power Pull.
For Sale: 60 Holstein Bulls
Price : CALL

We have a large group of top genetic Holstein bulls, breeding age on down. Prices on the breeding age bulls range from $1400 to $1600. If interested please call 937-459-9327 and ask for Andy.
  • Number of Head: 60
For Sale: 3 Hereford Bulls
Price : CALL

$3550-including semen test. Will do great on heifers, mature cows,crossbred, or pure! Birthweights are medium on this set. 3 nice mature bulls ready to be on your herd! All bulls were born in October 2015.
  • Number of Head: 3
For Sale: 20 Angus Bred Heifers
Price : CALL

20 head of 3rd period heifers 10 with calves at side good gentle heifers that are raising good calves 900 lbs all dewormed , vaccinated and ready to go shipping available if needed priced at 1550 each take all for more information call 660-619-5190
  • Number of Head: 20
For Sale: 8 Hereford Cow/Calf Pairs
Price : CALL

Calm dispositions. Expected date between 8/30 and 9/30. Pure-pred, registered Hereford females. Bred with Hereford bull on site. Looking for good, fair offers. Need to downsize immediately.
  • Number of Head: 8
For Sale: 6 Limousin Bulls
Price : CALL

We have a lot of bulls for sale give us a call
  • Number of Head: 6
For Sale: 4 Angus Open Heifers
Price : CALL

Thanks for taking a look. 3 black open heifers 1 red bull calf From Lazy G Lowline Stock Call for details, 801-388-7733. Lowline Angus Cow/Calf Pairs Registered full blood black and red polled Angus Lowline.
  • Number of Head: 4
Chill Factor 2 Cattle Supplement
Prices start at : 43.95 USD / each

Chill Factor 2 Cattle Supplement creates an internal cooling and sense of calm in show cattle. Top dress on feed at the rate of 20 grams (2 scoops) per head daily. Chill Factor 2 should be fed for a minimum of 7 days prior to exhibition, with optimal...